Quantitative Characterization and Controlling Factors of the Interlayer Oxidation Zone of Qianjiadian Uranium Deposit, Songliao Basin
摘要: 层间氧化带精细结构的量化表征对揭示砂岩型铀成矿规律至关重要.利用系列沉积学和地球化学编图对松辽盆地钱家店铀矿床层间氧化带结构进行了量化表征,发现该矿床层间氧化带主要由红色砂岩、浅黄色砂岩、灰白色砂岩、灰色含矿砂岩和原生灰色砂岩构成,分别对应于强氧化亚带、弱氧化亚带、微弱氧化亚带、过渡带和还原带.铀矿化与层间氧化带内部结构关系密切:工业铀矿体主要发育在过渡带,微弱氧化亚带矿体连续性相对较差,弱氧化亚带发育零星铀矿化,还原带靠近过渡带一侧发育低品位的零星铀矿化.铀储层内部结构和沉积相对层间氧化带发育具有重要制约作用:辫状河砂体及辫状分流河道砂体是氧化带发育区域;辫状分流河道边部及分流间湾中决口扇砂体是过渡带发育区域.Abstract: Quantitative characterization of architecture of the interlayer oxidation zone is very important to reveal the regularity of uranium mineralization. In this study, the interlayer oxidation zone of the Qianjiadian uranium deposits in the Songliao basin was quantitatively characterized by sedimentological and geochemistry mappings. It is found that the interlayer oxidation zone of the deposit is mainly composed of red sandstone, light yellow sandstone, gray white sandstone, gray mineralized sandstone and primary gray sandstone, respectively corresponding to strong oxidised subzone, weak oxidised subzone, faint oxidised subzone, transitional zone and reduction zone. The uranium mineralization is closely related to the internal architecture of interlayer oxidation zone. The main industrial uranium ore bodies are strictly developed in the transitional zone. A few ore bodies whose continuity is poor occur in the faint oxidised subzone. The ore bodies are sporadically distributed in the weak oxidation subzone. The low-grade uranium ore bodies are found in the side of reduction zone close to transitional zone. Formation of the interlayer oxidation zone is restricted by the heterogeneity of uranium reservoir sandstones and depositional systems. The oxidised zone is mainly developed in sand bodies of the braided river and braided distributary channel, and the transition zone primarily distributed at the edge of the braided distributary channel or in the crevasse fan.
图 1 区域地质背景
图a中,Ⅰ.西部斜坡区;Ⅰ1.西部断陷带;Ⅰ2.兴隆山隆起带;Ⅰ3.中部缓坡带;Ⅰ4.中部陡坡带;Ⅱ.中央坳陷区;Ⅱ1.长岭坳陷;Ⅱ2.扶余隆起带;Ⅱ3.双坨子阶地;Ⅲ.东南隆起区;Ⅲ3.登娄库背斜带;Ⅲ4.钓鱼台隆起区;Ⅳ.西南隆起区;Ⅳ1.白音花凹陷; Ⅳ2.三棵树鼻状凸起; Ⅳ3.瞻榆凹陷; Ⅳ4.驾马吐凸起; Ⅳ5.大树凹陷; Ⅳ6.巴彦塔拉凸起; Ⅳ7.金宝屯凹陷; Ⅳ8.呼勒斯诺尔凹陷; Ⅳ9.张强凹陷; Ⅴ.开鲁坳陷;Ⅴ1.陆家堡凹陷;Ⅴ2.乌兰花凸起;Ⅴ3.钱家店凹陷(注:图c位置); Ⅴ4.亚缘斜坡; Ⅴ5.舍伯吐凸起; Ⅴ6.哲东南凸起; Ⅴ7.哲中凹陷;a.钱家店铀矿床区域构造位置(赵忠华等, 2012, 有修改);b.钱家店地区地层综合柱状图;c.钱家店铀矿床主要矿化富集区块分布
Fig. 1. Regional geological background
图 2 钱家店地区层间氧化带岩石学特征
a. 浅红色砂岩中红色氧化作用切穿层理,钱IV-01-21,365.5 m;b. 褐红色细砂岩,QC43,482.6 m;c. 浅黄色含泥砾砂岩,见植物炭屑,钱IV-01-21,389.5 m;d. 浅黄色砂岩与灰色含炭屑砂岩接触,钱IV-12-40,401.3 m;e. 浅黄色夹灰白色细砂岩,QC62,367.4 m;f. 灰白色细砂岩,钱IV-49-11,300.0 m;g. 灰色中砂岩,含泥砾和植物炭屑,钱Ⅳ-12-40,340.0 m;h. 灰色细砂岩,含植物炭屑,钱Ⅳ-05-25,382.8 m;i. 灰黑色细砂岩,钱Ⅳ-03-06,374.0 m
Fig. 2. Petrological characteristics of interlayer oxidation zone of the Qianjiadian uranium deposit
图 3 钱家店铀矿床层间氧化带砂岩矿物学特征
a. 长石蚀变为粘土矿物,QC43-6,正交偏光;b. 黑云母发生水解且边缘被溶蚀,钱IV-09-05-8,正交偏光;c. 浸染状分布褐铁矿,QC14-30,单偏光;d. 胶状赤铁矿分布于碎屑颗粒之间,QC90-10;e. 长石蚀变为高岭石,高岭石周围吸附铀,09-05-19,背散射图像;f. 菱铁矿以胶结物形式产于碎屑颗粒之间,IV29-01,背散射图像;g. 铁白云石包裹自形黄铁矿晶体,09-05-15,背散射图像;h. 斜长石未发生蚀变,钱Ⅳ-41-09-4,正交偏光;i. 白云母颗粒,QC14-42,正交偏光;j. 黑云母颗粒,钱Ⅳ-09-05-4,正交偏光;k. 植物炭屑中的丝质体,QC17-68,反射光;l. 黄铁矿,钱Ⅳ-24-01-5,反射光
Fig. 3. Mineralogical characteristics of interlayer oxidation zone of the Qianjiadian uranium deposit
图 5 钱家店铀矿床层间氧化带精细结构模型(据荣辉等, 2016, 修改)
Fig. 5. Model of architecture of the interlayer oxidation zone of the Qianjiadian uranium deposit
图 9 钱家店铀矿床姚家组下段沉积相与铀矿化的空间配置关系(沉积相展布据焦养泉等(2018)修改)
Fig. 9. Spatial relationship between the sedimentary system, interlayer oxidation zone and uranium mineralization in the lower part of the Yaojia Formation in the Qianjiadian uranium deposit
表 1 钱家店铀矿床层间氧化带地球化学分带指标
Table 1. Geochemical characteristics of interlayer oxidation zone of the Qianjiadian uranium deposit
地球化学指标 U (10-6) TOC(%) (S全) (%) Fe2O3/ FeO 红色砂岩 平均值 1.67 0.14 0.02 5.7 样品个数 6 6 6 6 黄色砂岩 平均值 2.34 0.19 0.02 5.1 样品个数 5 5 5 5 灰白色砂岩 平均值 47.64 0.20 0.11 3.6 样品个数 14 14 14 14 灰色矿化砂岩 平均值 411.87 0.25 0.34 1.4 样品个数 46 46 46 20 原生灰色砂岩 平均值 3.61 0.33 0.03 1.7 样品个数 19 19 19 18 注:分析测试数据由核工业208大队分析测试中心完成,测试方法见吴伯林等(2005). -
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