Development Characteristics of Nido Carbonate Platform and Its Tectonic Controls in the Southeast of South China Sea Margin
摘要: 南海东南部陆缘发育一套晚渐新世-早中新世碳酸盐岩(Nido灰岩)与南海海底扩张历史吻合.为系统了解Nido灰岩构造控制因素,基于大量钻井、拖网和地震资料,刻画碳酸盐岩沉积相特征和时空分布规律,分析构造变形对其控制作用.结果显示:Nido灰岩呈大规模连片分布在研究区东北至西南部.以乌鲁根断裂为界,东北部灰岩呈北西倾向,与早渐新世岩石圈破裂形成的断块高点和扩张阶段较弱的构造活动有关;西南部灰岩呈东南倾向,受晚渐新世伸展断陷形成的构造高点和早中中新世南沙地块板片挠曲形成的构造前隆迁移作用控制.碳酸盐岩台地主要发育期与海底扩张时间吻合,具有区带性,反映南海穿时破裂过程和南部陆缘俯冲-碰撞过程的横向差异和不均一性.Abstract: The development characteristics of the carbonate platform and its tectonic controls in the southeast of South China Sea margin are still in debate. Based on wells, dragnets, and large number of 2D seismic data, we interpreted structural and stratigraphic data of the seismic profiles and described the development characteristics and temporal and spatial distribution of carbonate platform. Then the tectonic deformation, subsidence history, and fault activity with the developments of different carbonate platforms were analyzed. The results show that the large-scale contiguous Nido carbonate platform is mainly developed on the tectonic high points of the tilting fault block and the tectonic front uplift, distributed in the northeast to southwest of the study area. Bounded by the Ulugan fault, the Nido platform in the northeast is northwest trending, which is mainly controlled by factors such as the height of the tilting fault block formed by the extensional fault depression, the weak tectonic activity in the expansion stage, and the lack of sediments supply. The Nido platform in the southwest of the Ulugan fault trends to southeast, and it is mainly the structural high point formed by the extensional fault depression in the Late Oligocene, and the relative uplift caused by the flexural forebulge in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene is related to the migration of the pre-tectonic uplift and sea level changes. The main development period of the carbonate platform coincides with the expansion time of the seafloor and has obvious banding. This feature is related to the pre-existing tectonic background and evolution process at different tectonic locations, reflecting the diachronous breakup of the South China Sea and discordant subduction-collision process.
图 1 南海东南部海域构造单元、地震测线、钻井和拖网分布(a)及地层系统柱状图(b)
图a中海底地形地貌图据杨胜雄等(2015),钻井位置据Schlüter et al.(1996),拖网资料据Kudrass et al.(1986);灰色测线为本文进行地层界面解释和识别碳酸盐岩所使用的地震测网;图b中NWPB为西北巴拉望盆地,SWPB为西南巴拉望盆地,RB为礼乐滩,LYB为礼乐盆地,JZB为九章盆地,ADBB为安渡北盆地
Fig. 1. Regional tectonic framework, locations of seismic lines, wells, and dragnets (a) and stratigraphic column (b) in the southeast of South China Sea margin.
图 2 Nido灰岩发育构造背景及其地震相特征
Cadlao-1和Malapaya-1钻井地层及岩性信息引自Steuer et al. (2014)和Fournier et al. (2004),Reed Bank B-1来源于东盟地质协会收集;图a、b、e和f地震剖面分别根据Fournier et al. (2004)、Aurelio et al. (2014a)、王利杰等(2019b)和丁巍伟等(2011)修改;剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 2. Seismic characters of the Nido carbonate platforms and their growth tectonic settings
图 3 穿越南海东南部主要盆地NW-SE向地质结构剖面
剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 3. Three NW-SE trending geological structure transections across the main basins in eastern Nansha block
图 4 南沙海域裂陷结束不整合面深度构造图(a)和碳酸盐岩时空分布(b)
碳酸盐岩分布主要参考了Steuer et al. (2014)、Williams (1997)和Rehm (2003),并根据Nido灰岩反射特征结合研究区多道地震资料,对礼乐东北部半地堑、礼乐盆地南部凹陷、安渡北盆地和南沙海槽盆地Nido灰岩范围进行了修改,红色实线为与Steuer et al. (2014)识别的灰岩范围不一致的区域
Fig. 4. Depth geometry of the base Nido platform and corresponding surface and distribution of Oligocene-Miocene carbonate platform and the position of reefs in the southeast of South China Sea margin.
图 5 过南沙海槽盆地ns95-8测线构造‒地层解释剖面及局部构造与不同时期碳酸盐岩发育特征
剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 5. Interpreted seismic profile ns95-8 across the Nansha trough basin and carbonate ending their development at different times at different local tectonic settings
图 6 礼乐盆地东北半地堑ly306测线局部构造和断裂活动特征
剖面位置见图 3a
Fig. 6. Typical tectonic feature of the half-graben in the northeast Liyue basin and its fault activities
图 7 礼乐盆地南部凹陷ly178测线局部构造特征和断裂活动性分析
测线位置见图 3b
Fig. 7. Typical tectonic feature of the southern graben of the Liyue basin and its fault activities
图 8 安渡北盆地和南沙海槽盆地构造特征和断层活动性分析
剖面位置见图 3c
Fig. 8. Typical tectonic features of the Andubei and Nansha trough basins and their fault activities
图 11 研究区东北部Nido灰岩演化过程
该图对应于过礼乐盆地东北半地堑和西北巴拉望盆地图 3a演化示意图
Fig. 11. Schematic development of the Nido platform in the northeastof the study area.
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