Geochemistry, Geochronology and Petrogenesis of Granite Porphyry in Langcun W-Mo Deposit, Zhejiang Province
摘要: 郎村钨钼矿床位于浙西北安吉县境内,是钦杭成矿带东段新发现的中型斑岩型矿床.矿体主要产于花岗斑岩岩体中以及岩体与围岩的内外接触带中.为探讨成矿岩浆来源及动力学背景,在野外地质工作基础上对矿区与成矿相关的花岗斑岩进行了详细的岩相学、锆石年代学和岩石地球化学研究.结果表明,花岗斑岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为129.7±1.1 Ma.岩石地球化学结果显示高硅、富碱和弱过铝质特征,属于钾玄岩系列花岗岩类,其稀土配分曲线显示轻稀土富集型特征,并具有明显的Eu负异常(δEu=0.36~0.40).高硅、富碱、高的10 000 Ga/Al比值(2.57~2.90)和高Zr+Nb+Ce+Y值(379.5×10-6~462.0×10-6),显示了A型花岗岩的特征.花岗斑岩全岩的(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.707 17~0.709 08,εNd(t)为-6.1~-4.0,二阶段模式年龄(TDM2)为1.25~1.42 Ga;锆石的εHf(t)为-5.94~-0.87,二阶段模式年龄(TMD2)介于1.23~1.56 Ga,表明花岗斑岩来源于中元古代地壳部分熔融,并有少量地幔物质的参与.花岗斑岩可能形成于中国东部岩石圈伸展—减薄的构造背景下,是华南大规模岩浆-构造事件的产物.Abstract: The Langcun tungsten-molybdenum deposit is a medium porphyry-skarn type deposit in the Northwest Zhejiang Province, western Qinzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic belt (QHMB). In this paper, it analyzed the petrological, chronological and geochemical characteristics of the ore-forming related granite porphyry in this deposit to constrain its genesis and interpret its tectonic significance. Granite porphyry formed at 129.7±1.1 Ma (zircon U-Pb, LA-ICP-MS) and belongs to shoshonite series with high SiO2, alkali contents, and weakly peraluminous. The characteristics, i.e., right-dipping chondrite normalized REE pattern with negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.36-0.40) and the 10 000 Ga/Al and Zr+Nb+Ce+Y values range from 2.57 to 2.90 and 379.5×10-6 to 462.0×10-6, respectively, suggest that the granite porphyry belongs to A-type granite. Whole rock Sr-Nd compositions are characterized by ISr and εNd(t) range from 0.707 17 to 0.709 08 and -6.1 to -4.0, respectively, with Nd model ages of 1.25 to 1.42 Ga. Meanwhile, zircon Hf compositions are characterized by εHf(t)=-5.94 to -0.87 with two stage model ages of 1.23 to 1.56 Ga. All these evidences suggest that granite porphyry is formed by an ancient continental crust mixed with mantle material source under the tectonic of lithosphere extension and thinning in South China.
Key words:
- Langcun W-Mo deposit /
- granite porphyry /
- geochemistry /
- geochronology /
- petrology /
- mineralogy
图 1 钦杭成矿带及周围晚中生代W矿床分布
据参考文献:杨明桂和梅勇文(1997);Tang et al.(2017)
Fig. 1. Distribution of the W deposits in the Qinzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic belt (QHMB) and surrounding area
图 5 郎村花岗斑岩岩石判别图解
a. TAS图解(底图据Middlemost,1994);Ir-Irvine分界线,上方为碱性,下方为亚碱性;1.橄榄辉长岩;2a.碱性辉长岩;2b.亚碱性辉长岩;3.辉长闪长岩;4.闪长岩;5.花岗闪长岩;6.花岗岩;7.硅英岩;8.二长辉长岩;9.二长闪长岩;10.二长岩;11.石英二长岩;12.正长岩;13.副长石辉长岩;14.副长石二长岩;15.副长石二长正长岩;16.副长正长岩;17.副长深成岩;18.霓方钠岩/磷霞岩/白榴岩;b. SiO2-K2O岩石序列图解(底图据Rickwood,1989);c. A/CNK-A/NK图解(底图据Maniar and Piccoli,1989)
Fig. 5. The discriminative diagrams for granite porphyry from Langcun
图 6 郎村花岗斑岩稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线(a)和微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图(b)
a. 标准化值据McDonough and Sun(1995);b. 标准化值据Boynton(1984);数据来源:骑田岭花岗岩据柏道远等(2005);白菊花尖花岗岩据Wong et al.(2009)
Fig. 6. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of the granite porphyry from Langcun
图 9 郎村花岗斑岩岩石成因类别判别图解
底图据Whalen et al.(1987);数据来源:白菊花尖花岗岩据Wong et al.(2009);大茅山和桐山花岗岩据Jiang et al.(2011);大桥坞花岗斑岩和杨梅湾花岗岩据Yang et al.(2012);密坑山花岗岩据邱检生等(2005);FG.分异型的长英质花岗岩;OGT.未分异的I、S和M型花岗岩
Fig. 9. Petrogenesis diagrams of granite porphyry from Langcun
图 10 郎村花岗斑岩ISr-εNd(t)图解(a)和εHf(t)-t图解(b)
a. 底图据Li et al.(2013),数据来源:相山花岗斑岩据Yang et al.(2011);其他数据来源同图 9
Fig. 10. Initial Sr isotope ratio ISr vs. εNd(t) diagram and εHf(t)-t diagram of granite porphyry from Langcun
图 11 郎村花岗斑岩构造环境判别图
a. 底图据Batchelor and Bowden(1985);①地幔斜长花岗岩;②破坏性活动板块边缘(板块碰撞前)花岗岩;③板块碰撞后隆起期花岗岩;④晚造山期花岗岩;⑤非造山期A型花岗岩;⑥同碰撞(S型)花岗岩;⑦造山期后A型花岗岩;b. 底图据Pearce et al.(1984)
Fig. 11. Tectonic environment diagrams of granite porphyry from Langcun
表 1 郎村花岗斑岩主量元素(%)和微量、稀土元素(10-6)分析结果
Table 1. Major element compositions (%) and rare earth and trace element compositions (10-6) of granite porphyry from Langcun
样品号 LC1089-1 LC1089-2 LC1089-3 LC1089-4 LC1089-5 样品号 LC1089-1 LC1089-2 LC1089-3 LC1089-4 LC1089-5 SiO2 71.53 71.46 71.58 70.58 70.77 Sb 0.74 0.83 0.72 0.64 0.56 Al2O3 14.25 14.07 14.19 14.46 14.40 Cs 3.95 4.24 4.23 5.33 5.00 Fe2O3 2.92 3.25 2.79 3.57 3.29 Ba 674.00 666.00 751.00 736.00 701.00 FeO 2.61 2.34 1.39 1.43 1.92 La 58.70 62.40 61.50 56.00 60.90 MgO 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.40 Ce 99.50 93.00 108.00 87.00 99.20 CaO 0.53 0.55 0.57 0.52 0.61 Pr 11.70 12.10 11.60 11.60 12.60 Na2O 4.09 4.10 4.07 3.71 3.81 Nd 45.30 46.70 50.20 45.60 50.80 K2O 5.44 5.33 5.39 5.44 5.34 Sm 8.81 8.42 8.84 8.96 9.71 MnO 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 Eu 1.00 0.97 1.04 1.09 1.14 TiO2 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.33 0.33 Gd 7.88 7.83 8.06 7.13 8.57 P2O5 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 Tb 1.36 1.33 1.41 1.34 1.38 LOI 0.41 0.43 0.53 0.80 0.87 Dy 7.01 6.85 6.83 6.84 7.22 Total 99.67 99.75 99.78 99.79 99.75 Ho 1.42 1.22 1.40 1.39 1.34 A/CNK 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.12 1.09 Er 4.11 3.87 3.99 4.05 3.92 A/NK 1.13 1.12 1.13 1.20 1.19 Tm 0.67 0.67 0.69 0.61 0.61 DI 89.15 89.03 90.48 88.86 88.42 Yb 4.79 4.23 4.54 4.18 4.27 Li 11.50 7.84 10.70 14.60 15.20 Lu 0.60 0.64 0.63 0.59 0.61 Be 3.71 3.58 3.78 3.72 3.60 Ta 1.69 1.84 1.99 1.90 2.01 Sc 6.09 5.83 6.12 6.58 7.06 W 3.40 3.77 2.98 4.44 4.94 V 11.80 11.70 12.10 15.40 14.60 Re 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cr 11.70 10.30 10.70 10.30 7.27 Tl 0.95 1.01 0.98 1.03 0.94 Co 2.59 2.75 2.66 2.68 2.56 Pb 17.70 19.10 20.90 17.90 16.80 Ni 6.07 5.70 5.10 5.18 3.82 Bi 0.14 0.13 0.17 0.25 0.15 Cu 7.69 6.95 7.28 7.79 9.38 Th 21.20 22.30 21.90 21.70 21.30 Zn 52.70 53.40 53.70 54.00 54.30 U 8.55 4.88 5.45 4.88 4.96 Ga 18.40 19.30 20.40 20.30 20.90 Zr 215.00 269.00 270.00 291.00 298.00 Rb 183.00 193.00 195.00 214.00 216.00 Hf 6.77 8.55 8.54 8.12 8.47 Sr 87.30 89.40 102.00 133.00 136.00 ∑REE 252.84 250.22 268.73 236.38 262.27 Y 38.20 38.40 41.90 34.20 39.90 LREE/HREE 2.99 3.14 3.12 3.02 3.19 Nb 26.80 29.10 27.60 27.60 24.90 (La/Yb)N 8.26 9.95 9.13 9.03 9.62 Mo 4.74 5.38 4.53 5.06 3.15 (La/Sm)N 4.19 4.66 4.38 3.93 3.95 Cd 0.35 0.29 0.27 0.37 0.40 (Gd/Yb)N 1.33 1.49 1.43 1.38 1.62 In 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 δEu 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.40 0.37 注:A/CNK代表Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)摩尔比;A/NK代表Al2O3/(Na2O+K2O)摩尔比;分异指数DI=Qz+Or+Ab+Ne+Le+Kp.主量元素质量分数单位为%;微量和稀土元素质量分数单位为10-6. 表 2 郎村花岗斑岩锆石U-Pb定年结果
Table 2. Zircon U-Pb dating data of the granite porphyry from Langcun
分析点 Th232 U238 Th/U 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) (10-6) 207Pb/206Pb 206Pb/238Th 207Pb/206Pb(Ma) 206Pb/238U(Ma) LC1089-1 237 191 1.242 1 0.083 4±0.050 6 0.020 1±0.022 0 1 278±99 123±3 LC1089-2 114 173 0.658 6 0.066 3±0.058 3 0.020 3±0.018 0 816±122 127±2 LC1089-3 100 148 0.677 3 0.074 8±0.061 8 0.020 6±0.016 5 1 062±124 127±2 LC1089-4 177 237 0.747 9 0.061 6±0.037 0 0.020 3±0.017 0 659±79 128±2 LC1089-5 152 203 0.751 0 0.050 9±0.033 2 0.020 1±0.016 8 239±77 128±2 LC1089-6 129 161 0.804 1 0.048 5±0.033 5 0.020 2±0.015 2 124±79 129±2 LC1089-7 121 158 0.768 4 0.046 6±0.038 5 0.020 2±0.015 9 27±92 129±2 LC1089-8 80 113 0.706 5 0.057 8±0.039 2 0.020 5±0.018 5 521±86 129±2 LC1089-9 79 122 0.646 4 0.046 8±0.045 1 0.020 4±0.016 4 38±108 130±2 LC1089-10 179 206 0.866 0 0.045 9±0.049 4 0.020 5±0.017 7 -9±119 131±2 LC1089-11 78 106 0.735 9 0.049 0±0.057 2 0.020 6±0.022 9 148±134 131±3 LC1089-12 108 165 0.653 5 0.078 8±0.027 2 0.021 4±0.013 3 1 168±54 131±2 LC1089-13 149 215 0.694 0 0.053 1±0.038 6 0.020 8±0.014 3 332±88 132±2 LC1089-14 1 731 2 275 0.760 8 0.052 1±0.020 2 0.020 8±0.011 6 291±46 132±2 LC1089-15 180 176 1.020 3 0.053 2±0.046 2 0.022 4±0.026 1 338±105 142±4 表 3 郎村花岗斑岩Sr-Nd同位素组成
Table 3. Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the granite porphyry from Langcun
样品号 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr Isr 147Sm/144Nd 143Nd/144Nd INd εNd(t) TDM(Ma) TDM2(Ma) LC1089-1 6.835 5 0.719 853 0.707 21 0.120 9 0.512 289 0.512 186 -5.6 1 415 1 376 LC1089-2 6.818 6 0.719 735 0.707 13 0.120 7 0.512 280 0.512 177 -5.7 1 427 1 390 LC1089-3 6.545 9 0.719 489 0.707 38 0.121 6 0.512 264 0.512 161 -6.0 1 467 1 417 LC1089-4 4.487 0 0.717 349 0.709 05 0.122 3 0.512 368 0.512 264 -4.0 1 306 1 253 表 4 郎村花岗斑岩Hf同位素组成
Table 4. Hf isotopic compositions of zircon from granite porphyry from Langcun
测点号 t(Ma) 176Yb/177Hf 2σ 176Lu/177Hf 2σ 176Hf/177Hf 2σ IHf εHf(t) TDM2(Ma) fLu/Hf 1 142 0.064 848 0.001 100 0.001 571 0.001 100 0.282 534 0.000 030 0.282 530 -5.71 1 548 -0.95 2 127 0.033 649 0.000 140 0.000 843 0.000 140 0.282 637 0.000 026 0.282 635 -2.00 1 313 -0.97 3 131 0.057 155 0.000 310 0.001 427 0.000 310 0.282 587 0.000 026 0.282 583 -3.84 1 429 -0.96 4 129 0.053 719 0.000 160 0.001 306 0.000 160 0.282 528 0.000 026 0.282 524 -5.93 1 562 -0.96 5 130 0.029 816 0.000 084 0.000 749 0.000 084 0.282 558 0.000 028 0.282 556 -4.79 1 490 -0.98 6 129 0.052 278 0.000 240 0.001 292 0.000 240 0.282 555 0.000 025 0.282 552 -4.94 1 500 -0.96 7 123 0.068 835 0.002 400 0.001 681 0.002 400 0.282 675 0.000 041 0.282 670 -0.76 1 233 -0.95 8 128 0.078 133 0.000 270 0.002 026 0.000 270 0.282 550 0.000 026 0.282 545 -5.18 1 517 -0.94 9 131 0.041 398 0.000 034 0.001 057 0.000 034 0.282 594 0.000 022 0.282 591 -3.56 1 412 -0.97 -
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