Research Progress of Natural Fractures in Organic Rich Shale
摘要: 天然裂缝是富有机质页岩油气储层的重要储集空间和主要渗流通道,影响页岩油气的富集、保存、单井产能及开发效果,天然裂缝发育规律研究对富有机质页岩油气勘探开发具有重要意义.本文在调研近年来海相和陆相富有机质页岩裂缝研究成果的基础上,综述了富有机质页岩天然裂缝的成因类型、发育特征、主控因素以及评价与预测方法等方面取得的最新进展,讨论了富有机质页岩天然裂缝今后重点研究方向.富有机质页岩天然裂缝分为构造裂缝、成岩裂缝和异常高压裂缝3大类6小类,其中层内张开裂缝、穿层剪切裂缝、顺层剪切裂缝和水平层理缝是其主要的裂缝类型.页岩构造裂缝的发育程度主要受脆性矿物含量、有机质含量、高脆性页岩层厚度、构造、地层倾角和流体压力等因素的控制,页岩水平层理缝的形成与发育程度主要受有机质含量、纹层类型、纹层数量、纹层厚度及后期构造抬升等因素的影响.由于陆相页岩与海相页岩的沉积环境不同导致的矿物组分、岩相变化及有机质热演化程度等方面的差异,使得陆相页岩与海相页岩裂缝的发育特征明显不同.与海相页岩裂缝相比,通常陆相页岩裂缝的分布型式更复杂,构造裂缝规模更小,穿层剪切裂缝和顺层剪切裂缝的发育程度低.页岩裂缝的评价与预测目前主要借助于已有的常规低渗透致密储层构造裂缝研究方法开展,如何针对页岩裂缝规模小和水平层理缝发育的特点,将地质、地球物理和机器学习相结合,形成适合不同尺度和不同类型页岩裂缝的分类评价与预测方法,对提高页岩裂缝的评价预测精度和更好地指导油气开发至关重要.深层富有机质页岩裂缝的发育规律、天然裂缝对水力压裂缝的影响以及综合多尺度、多产状和多成因页岩裂缝的复杂缝网系统三维地质建模,也将是今后页岩裂缝研究需要解决的重要问题.Abstract: Natural fracture is an important reservoir space and main seepage channel of organic rich shale oil and gas reservoir, which affects the enrichment, preservation, single well productivity and development effect of shale oil and gas. The research on the development law of natural fracture is of great significance to the exploration and development of organic rich shale oil and gas. Based on the research results of marine and continental organic rich shale fractures in recent years, this paper summarizes the latest progress in the genetic types, development characteristics, main control factors, evaluation and prediction methods of organic rich shale natural fractures, and finally discusses the key research directions of organic rich shale natural fractures in the future. The natural fractures of organic rich shale can be divided into three categories and six sub categories: tectonic fractures, diagenetic fractures and abnormally high-pressure-related fractures. The main fracture types are intraformational open fractures, transformational shear fractures, bed-parallel shear fractures and bed-parallel lamellated fractures. The development degree of shale tectonic fractures is mainly controlled by brittle mineral content, organic matter content, high brittle shale layer thickness, structure, formation dip angle and fluid pressure. The formation and development of bed-parallel lamellated fractures are mainly affected by organic matter content, lamina type, lamina number, lamina thickness and later tectonic uplift. Due to the differences in mineral composition, lithofacies changes and thermal evolution of organic matter caused by different sedimentary environments between continental shale and marine shale, the development characteristics of fractures between continental shale and marine shale are obviously different. Compared with marine shale fractures, the distribution pattern of continental shale fractures is more complex, the scale of tectonic fractures is smaller, and the development degree of cross layer shear fractures and bedding shear fractures is low. At present, the evaluation and prediction of shale fractures are mainly carried out with the help of the existing conventional research methods of tectonic fractures in low-permeability tight reservoirs. How to combine geology, geophysics and machine learning to form a classification evaluation and prediction method suitable for different scales and types of shale fractures according to the characteristics of small scale of shale fractures and development of bed-parallel lamellated fractures, It is very important to improve the evaluation and prediction accuracy of shale fractures and better guide oil and gas development. The development law of deep organic rich shale fractures, the influence of natural fractures on hydraulic fracturing fractures, and the three-dimensional geological modeling of complex fracture network system integrating multi-scale, multi occurrence and multi Genesis shale fractures will also be important problems to be solved in the research of shale fractures in the future.
图 1 富有机质页岩地表露头天然裂缝特征
a. 穿层剪切裂缝,四川盆地郁山剖面龙马溪组(Zeng et al.,2016);b. 层内张开裂缝,被限制在单一岩石力学层内,四川盆地兴文剖面龙马溪组(Zeng et al.,2016);c. 顺层剪切裂缝,可见擦痕和阶步,四川盆地巴渝剖面龙马溪组(Zeng et al.,2016);d. 穿层剪切裂缝,鄂尔多斯盆地宜君福地湖剖面延长组;e. 层内张裂缝呈等间距垂直于层面分布,水平层理缝被石膏或方解石充填,玛湖凹陷水渠剖面平地泉组;f. 顺层剪切裂缝,方解石充填,玛湖凹陷水渠剖面平地泉组
Fig. 1. Characteristics of natural fractures in organic rich shale on outcrop scale
图 2 富有机质页岩岩心上天然裂缝特征
a. 穿层剪切裂缝,Y202井,3 517.70 m,四川盆地龙马溪组;b. 穿层剪切裂缝,MY2井,4 154.18 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;c. 顺层剪切裂缝,L207井,3 408.50 m,四川盆地龙马溪组;d. 顺层剪切裂缝,MY1井,4 700.12 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;e. 层内张开裂缝,G347井,2 423.80 m,鄂尔多斯盆地延长组;f. 层理缝,JY190-2井,4 030.73 m,四川盆地龙马溪组;g. 层理缝,MY1井,4 719.79 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;h. 收缩裂缝,J10025,3 688.22 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;i. 顺层脉状裂缝,Z216井,3 980.88 m,四川盆地龙马溪组;j. 顺层脉状裂缝,B32井,1 960.10 m,鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7段
Fig. 2. Characteristics of natural fractures in organic rich shale on core scale
图 3 富有机质页岩天然裂缝微观特征
a. 构造裂缝,MY1井,4 598.16 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;b.层内张开裂缝,MY1井,4 852.59 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;c. 层理缝,发生弯曲和尖灭,J174井,3 354.09 m,玛湖凹陷风城组;d. 构造裂缝被顺层裂缝错断,NX202井,3 924.50 m,四川盆地龙马溪组;e. 层理缝,H202井,4 079.44 m,四川盆地龙马溪组;f. 顺层脉状裂缝,纤维状方解石和有机质充填,NX202井,3 924.50 m,四川盆地龙马溪组
Fig. 3. Microscopic characteristics of natural fractures in organic rich shale
图 4 四川盆地东南部五峰组‒龙马溪组页岩矿物含量与层理缝密度关系(据Xu et al., 2021修改)
Fig. 4. The relationship between the mineral content of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation and densities of bed-parallel lamellated fractures in southeastern Sichuan Basin (modified from Xu et al., 2021)
图 5 四川盆地东南部五峰组‒龙马溪组页岩纹层与层理缝密度关系
据Xu et al.(2021)修改. a. 各类纹层页岩层理缝密度直方图;b. 纹层密度与层理缝密度关系直方图
Fig. 5. The relationship between the shale laminae and the densities of bed-parallel lamellated fractures in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in southeastern Sichuan Basin
图 6 潜江凹陷层理缝密度与纹层厚度关系(据Zeng et al., 2021修改)
Fig. 6. Relationship between densities of bed-parallel lamellated fractures and lamina thickness in Qianjiang Depression (modified from Zeng et al., 2021)
图 7 四川盆地东南部五峰组‒龙马溪组页岩层理缝密度与TOC含量关系(据Xu et al., 2021修改)
Fig. 7. Relationship between TOC content and densities of bed-parallel lamellated fractures in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in southeastern Sichuan Basin (modified from Xu et al., 2021)
图 8 页岩裂缝密度与力学层厚度关系(据Zeng et al., 2016修改)
Fig. 8. Relationship between the densities of fractures and rock mechanics layer thickness (modified from Zeng et al., 2016)
图 11 页岩裂缝评价方法及其测量精度示意图(据刘敬寿等, 2019修改)
Fig. 11. Evaluation methods and measurement accuracy of shale fractures (modified from Liu et al., 2019)
图 13 基于OVT域数据的裂缝预测剖面(郭旭升等,2020)
Fig. 13. Fracture prediction profile based on OVT domain data (Guo et al., 2020)
表 1 富有机质页岩天然裂缝类型与主要特征(Zeng et al., 2016)
Table 1. Types and main characteristics of natural fractures in organic rich shale (Zeng et al., 2016)
地质成因 力学成因 与层面关系 复合名称 主要特征 对页岩油气的作用 构造裂缝 张裂缝 层内裂缝 层内张开裂缝 在高脆性页岩层内发育,与层面垂直,并终止于层面上,裂缝规模小 有利于页岩油气富集 剪切裂缝 穿层裂缝 穿层剪切裂缝 与页岩层呈高角度相交,切穿页岩层,裂缝规模大 影响页岩油气保存条件 顺层裂缝 顺层剪切裂缝 顺层面分布,裂缝面具有擦痕甚至阶步,顺层滑动特征明显,裂缝规模大 影响页岩油气保存条件 成岩裂缝 压溶裂缝 顺层裂缝 层理缝 顺页岩纹层发育,密度大,规模小,横向连通性差 有利于页岩油气富集 拉张裂缝 层内裂缝 收缩裂缝 延伸短,规模小,规律性差,通常被泥质等充填 对页岩油气的影响较小 异常高压裂缝 拉张裂缝 顺层裂缝、层内裂缝 异常高压裂缝 产状变化大,宽度大,通常被有机质或垂直于裂缝面的纤维状矿物充填 对页岩油气的影响较小 表 2 海相与陆相页岩天然裂缝发育特征对比
Table 2. Comparison of natural fracture development characteristics between marine and continental shales
裂缝特征 海相页岩 陆相页岩 裂缝类型 层内张开裂缝、穿层剪切裂缝、顺层剪切裂缝、层理缝、异常高压裂缝、成岩收缩裂缝 层内张开裂缝、穿层剪切裂缝、顺层剪切裂缝、层理缝、异常高压裂缝、成岩收缩裂缝 裂缝组系与产状 裂缝组系更多,裂缝方位分布更复杂,水平裂缝和低角度裂缝所占比例更多,高角度裂缝所占比例降低 裂缝组系更少,裂缝方位分布更简单,水平裂缝和低角度裂缝所占比例要少,高角度裂缝所占比例更高 裂缝发育程度 构造裂缝整体发育程度更高,层理缝发育程度相对要低;穿层剪切裂缝和顺层剪切裂缝更发育,而层内张开裂缝所占比例减少 构造裂缝整体发育程度相对要低,层理缝发育程度相对更高;穿层剪切裂缝和顺层剪切裂缝发育程度降低,而层内张开裂缝所占比例变大 裂缝规模 由于穿层剪切裂缝和顺层剪切裂缝更发育,裂缝规模更大 由于层内张开裂缝和层理缝更发育,裂缝规模相对要小 -
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