Particle Size Fractal Characteristics of Soils in Desert-Steppe Transition Zone along the Northern Bank of Yellow River Basin in Lanzhou
摘要: 研究土壤粒径分形特征,可为地区土壤质量评价提供科学依据.利用分形理论分析了黄河北岸兰州段荒漠‒草原过渡带土壤粒径分形特征.(1)区域土壤颗粒主要为粉粒和极细砂粒,随荒漠化加重和土壤深度增加,土壤粗粒化,质地均匀性降低,粒径分布(PSD)频率曲线异质程度增大;(2)荒漠化加重和土壤深度增加降低了单重分形维数Dv和多重分形谱参数D1、D1/D0、D2、△α、△f;(3)Dv、D1、D2、D1/D0、△α和△f同黏粒、粉粒呈正相关,同砂粒呈负相关;黏粒、粉粒、Dv、D1、D2、D1/D0、△α和△f与荒漠化减弱程度呈正相关,砂粒与其呈负相关.土壤分形维数能反映区域土壤结构和变化,可为地区生态治理与巩固提升提供技术指导.Abstract: The study of soil grain fractal characteristics in the desert-steppe transition zone can provide a scientific basis for regional soil quality evaluation, ecological management, and restoration. In this study, we use fractal theory to analyze the soil particle composition and fractal characteristics of three vegetation types in the desert-steppe transition zone along the northern bank of the Yellow River basin in Lanzhou. (1) The soil in the study area is mainly composed of silt and very fine sand, and as desertification degree and soil depth increase, the contents of clay and silt decrease and sand contents show the opposite trend. In addition, the frequency curve of soil particle size distribution (PSD) becomes more heterogeneous, and the homogeneity of soil texture decreases. (2) The single fractal dimension (Dv), multifractal generalized dimension spectrum parameters (D1, D1/D0, and D2), and the singular spectral function parameters (△α and △f) decrease significantly with the increase of desertification degree and soil depth. (3) Dv, D1, D2, D1/D0, △α, and △f are significantly positively correlated with clay and silt contents, and significantly negatively correlated with sand contents. The clay contents, silt contents, Dv, D1, D2, D1/D0, △α, and △f are positively correlated with the decrease of desertification degree, while the sand content is negatively correlated with it. The single weight and multiple fractal dimensions of soil can well reflect the structural properties and changes of soil in different vegetation types of the desert-steppe transition zone, which can provide theoretical basis and technical guidance for regional ecological management and consolidation.
表 1 不同植被类型区土壤PSD多重分形参数
Table 1. Multifractal parameters of soil PSD in different vegetation types
指标 土壤深度(cm) 荒漠 草原化荒漠 荒漠草原 D0 0~20 1.000±0.000a 1.000±0.000a 1.000±0.000a 20~40 1.000±0.000a 1.000±0.000a 1.000±0.000a D1 0~20 0.991±0.006ab 0.997±0.003a 0.997±0.002a 20~40 0.983±0.006b 0.995±0.003a 0.996±0.006a D2 0~20 0.982±0.012ab 0.993±0.006a 0.994±0.005a 20~40 0.967±0.011b 0.991±0.006a 0.992±0.012a D1/D0 0~20 0.991±0.006ab 0.997±0.003a 0.997±0.002a 20~40 0.983±0.006b 0.995±0.003a 0.996±0.006a 注:不同小写字母代表两组数据间存在显著差异性,其中P < 0.05. -
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