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    吕立群 周冠宇 马超 黄锋 皋子琪

    吕立群, 周冠宇, 马超, 黄锋, 皋子琪, 2023. 古沉积盆地下切引发的泥石流侵蚀和波状流动耦合过程. 地球科学, 48(9): 3389-3401. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.329
    引用本文: 吕立群, 周冠宇, 马超, 黄锋, 皋子琪, 2023. 古沉积盆地下切引发的泥石流侵蚀和波状流动耦合过程. 地球科学, 48(9): 3389-3401. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.329
    Lü Liqun, Zhou Guanyu, Ma Chao, Huang Feng, Gao Ziqi, 2023. Coupling Process of Debris Flow Erosion and Wavy Flow Caused by Incision on Paleosedimentary Basin. Earth Science, 48(9): 3389-3401. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.329
    Citation: Lü Liqun, Zhou Guanyu, Ma Chao, Huang Feng, Gao Ziqi, 2023. Coupling Process of Debris Flow Erosion and Wavy Flow Caused by Incision on Paleosedimentary Basin. Earth Science, 48(9): 3389-3401. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.329


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.329

    国家自然科学基金项目 41907229

    第二次青藏高原综合科学考察项目 2019QZKK0903


      吕立群(1986-),男,讲师,硕士生导师,主要从事山地灾害研究. ORCID: 0000-0002-4430-3594. E-mail: lvliqunqinghua@126.com

    • 中图分类号: P532

    Coupling Process of Debris Flow Erosion and Wavy Flow Caused by Incision on Paleosedimentary Basin

    • 摘要: 青藏高原的持续抬升导致黄河干流下切,带动支流大河坝河溯源下切,使得同德盆地由沉积区变为侵蚀区,泥石流开始群发,研究群发机理对古沉积盆地泥石流的防灾减灾意义重大.通过野外监测结合室内水槽试验,系统分析了同德盆地卵石夹砂沉积层的土力学性质,切沟发育阶段和泥石流的侵蚀、运动过程.卵石夹砂沉积层分选好,磨圆度高,无胶结,利于水流下切和物源能量的累积.大河坝河溯源下切,卵石夹砂物源能量往大河坝河上游传递,导致大河坝河不同河段的切沟发育阶段和泥石流发育趋势不同.卵石夹砂沉积层的厚度和下切深度决定了泥石流的侵蚀强度和发育趋势.水流下切、泥石流侵蚀、卵石夹砂分选和崩滑堵溃过程造成了泥石流龙头能量来源的间歇性和周期性,助推了龙头运动的波动性.


    • 图  1  同德盆地,黄河和大河坝河之间的位置关系(a);最大和最小高程(b;改自Craddock et al., 2010); 大河坝河分段:沉积段,过渡段,山区段(c)

      Fig.  1.  Tongde sedimentary basin, Yellow River and its tributary Daheba River (a); maximum and minimum elevation (b; modified by Craddock et al., 2010); three reaches: the sedimentary basin reach, the transition reach, and the mountain reach (c)

      图  2  泥石流沟的地貌特征

      a. 大河坝河河谷;b. 泥石流沟流域形状;c. 监测沟道;d. 监测断面;e. 泥石流扇;f. 洪积扇

      Fig.  2.  Geomorphic characteristics of debris flow gully

      图  3  试验模型


      Fig.  3.  Experimental model

      图  4  大河坝河泥石流分布

      Fig.  4.  Debris flow distribution

      图  5  泥石流分布密度和沉积层厚度与河流下切深度之间的关系

      Fig.  5.  Debris flow density, sediment thickness and incision depth

      图  6  泥石流和山洪集水面积和沟道坡降

      Fig.  6.  Gully gradient vs. gully drainage area for debris-flow and non-debris-flow gullies

      图  7  野外监测泥石流龙头速度(拉格朗日法)

      Fig.  7.  Velocity of the head of the debris flow based on a Lagrangian analysis

      图  8  野外监测泥石流经过某断面(见图 2d)的速度和侵蚀率(欧拉法)

      Fig.  8.  Velocity of the body of the debris flow while passing through section (indicated in Fig.2d) based on an Eulerian analysis

      图  9  泥石流龙头和龙身洪峰高度

      Fig.  9.  Height of debris flow head and flood on the body

      图  10  泥石流龙头体积和密度

      Fig.  10.  Volume and density of debris flow head

      图  11  泥石流沟内崩滑体

      a. 暴发前崩滑体;b. 暴发后崩滑体;c. 暴发前堰塞体;d. 暴发后残留堰塞体

      Fig.  11.  Gully morphology and sediment availability in the gully

      图  12  泥石流侵蚀厚度

      Fig.  12.  Erosion thickness by debris flow

      图  13  大河坝河泥石流分布与坡降指数之间的关系

      Fig.  13.  Debris flow distribution and SL/K

      图  14  大河坝河泥石流剩余地形高度

      Fig.  14.  Excess topography vs. gully drainage area for debris-flow and flood gullies

      图  15  泥石流龙头高度、孔压和正压力

      Fig.  15.  The debris head height, pore pressure and total normal pressure

      图  16  泥石流龙头阻力、洪峰推力和龙头加速度

      Fig.  16.  Head resistance, push press by the body and acceleration of the head

      图  17  泥石流侵蚀下切和波状运动耦合示意

      Fig.  17.  Schematic diagram of coupling of debris flow incision and motion

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