Vibration Response Caused by Silt Layer in Underground Subway under Small Radius Curve Tunnel
摘要: 小曲线地铁盾构隧道位于粉细砂层中对于列车运营水平及竖向循环荷载的响应较为敏感,特别是离心水平荷载,而郑州大部分地层以此地质构成为主,因此地铁在长期运营状态下,由于粉细砂土层的动力响应导致的砂土层沉降,给列车运行会带较大隐患.进行了长期孔隙水监测,并利用MIDAS有限元计算平台建立地铁道床-衬砌-土体耦合动力模型进行相互验证,研究了单列列车运行与双向会车、不同隧道埋深时对隧道周围土层的振动响应规律.结果表明,孔隙水压力在列车运营初期较大,后期逐渐减小并稳定,其中受到上下班高峰期、季节性气候,以及地下水位的影响,孔压可能造成小幅度上升,但总体趋势是下降.由于荷载叠加效应,双向列车同时经过会使孔隙水压力增幅大于单向列车运行的情况,在隧道下方的最大沉降发生在隧道左端,离隧道越远沉降量越小;在地下水位一定时,隧道埋深与孔隙水压力大小成正比,与隧道周围土体沉降成反比.
- 小半径曲线段 /
- 粉细砂土层 /
- 循环荷载 /
- 孔隙水监测: 数值模拟 /
- 工程地质 /
Abstract: The response of the powdered sandy soil to the cyclic load in the operation of the metro in small curves is sensitive, especially the centrifugal force on the track when the train is moving particularly serious, and most areas in Zhengzhou belong to the Yellow River alluvial powdered sand layer, so the metro in long-term operation, due to the dynamic response of the powdered sandy soil layer caused by the settlement of the sandy soil layer, to train operation will bring greater potential problems.In this paper, long-term pore water monitoring was carried out, and the MIDAS finite element calculation platform was used to establish a coupled dynamic model of the metro bed-lining-soil for mutual verification, and the vibration response law of the soil around the tunnel was studied for single train operation and two-way meeting, and for different tunnel burial depths. The results show that the pore water pressure is large in the early stage of train operation, and gradually decreases in the later stage and becomes stable. Due to the influence of peak work hours, seasonal climate, and groundwater level, the pore pressure may cause a small increase, but the overall trend is to decline.the simultaneous passage of two-way trains will cause the pore water pressure to increase more than in the case of one-way train operation due to the load superposition effect, the maximum settlement below the tunnel occurs at the left end of the tunnel, the further away from the tunnel the smaller the settlement; at a certain water table, the tunnel burial depth is positively proportional to the pore water pressure magnitude, and inversely proportional to the settlement of the soil around the tunnel. -
表 1 监测点距隧道布置深度
Table 1. Depth between monitoring points and tunnel layout
监测点 监测点距区间隧道外轮廓平面净距(m) 孔底距隧道底板间距(m) 监测点孔深(m) 监测方式 K1 4.8 0.5 21.5 自动 K2 3.6 0.9 21.5 人工 K3-1 4.6 0.6 20.0 人工 K3-2 4.6 3.6 23.0 自动 K3-3 4.6 8.6 28.0 自动 K3-4 4.6 18.6 38.0 自动 K4 4.8 0.8 19.0 人工 K5 3.3 0.8 18.0 自动 K6 3.7 0.5 21.5 人工 K7 3.9 0.9 21.5 人工 K8 4.4 0.5 20.0 人工 K9 3.8 0.6 19.0 人工 K10 3.6 0.6 18.0 人工 K11-1 4.0 0.5 20.0 人工 K11-2 4.0 3.5 23.0 人工 K11-3 4.0 8.5 28.0 人工 K11-4 4.0 18.5 38.0 人工 表 2 土层物理力学参数
Table 2. Physical and mechanical parameters of soil layer
土层编号 土层名称 厚度(m) 压缩模量(MPa) 泊松比μ 重度(KN/m3) 内摩擦角(°) 黏聚力(kPa) 渗透系数(m/s) 1 粉质粘土 2.885 16.0 0.37 17.0 18 10 5.8×10-6 2 粉土 10.095 10.9 0.30 19.6 20 14 5.8×10-6 3 粉质粘土 4.040 7.0 0.30 19.2 10 19 5.8×10-7 4 粉砂 2.347 17.0 0.30 20.2 24 0 1.2×10-4 5 中砂 9.510 41.5 0.25 20.8 31 0 2.4×10-4 6 粉质粘土 4.028 13.9 0.25 0.2 13 22 5.8×10-6 7 中砂 6.775 40.0 0.25 20.8 30 0 2.4×10-4 8 粉质黏土 5.350 27.4 0.30 20.1 14 16 5.8×10-6 9 衬砌 0.300 36 000 0.20 2 500 / / / 10 道床 0.440 34 500 0.20 2 500 / / / -
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