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    彭光荣 郑金云 蔡嵩 陈兆明 韩晋阳 王梓颐

    彭光荣, 郑金云, 蔡嵩, 陈兆明, 韩晋阳, 王梓颐, 2024. 珠江口盆地珠二坳陷中部“对向拆离型复合洼陷”结构特征及其成因探讨. 地球科学, 49(4): 1385-1399. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2023.068
    引用本文: 彭光荣, 郑金云, 蔡嵩, 陈兆明, 韩晋阳, 王梓颐, 2024. 珠江口盆地珠二坳陷中部“对向拆离型复合洼陷”结构特征及其成因探讨. 地球科学, 49(4): 1385-1399. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2023.068
    Peng Guangrong, Zheng Jinyun, Cai Song, Chen Zhaoming, Han Jinyang, Wang Ziyi, 2024. Structural Characteristics and Genesis of Opposite Detachment Type Composite Sag in Middle of Zhu Ⅱ Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 49(4): 1385-1399. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2023.068
    Citation: Peng Guangrong, Zheng Jinyun, Cai Song, Chen Zhaoming, Han Jinyang, Wang Ziyi, 2024. Structural Characteristics and Genesis of Opposite Detachment Type Composite Sag in Middle of Zhu Ⅱ Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 49(4): 1385-1399. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2023.068


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2023.068

    中国海洋石油有限公司“十四五”重大科技项目 KJGG2022-0102


      彭光荣(1978-),男,高级工程师,主要从事油气地质与油气勘探综合研究工作.ORCID:0000-0003-2014-4653. E-mail:penggr@cnooc.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P595

    Structural Characteristics and Genesis of Opposite Detachment Type Composite Sag in Middle of Zhu Ⅱ Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin

    • 摘要: 南海北部陆缘深水区始新世多发育单向拆离断层,而珠二坳陷中部处于珠江口盆地珠二与珠一、珠三坳陷衔接带的南倾单一拆离断裂与北倾多级拆离断裂系交汇区,形成特有的“对向拆离型复合洼陷”,然而其结构特征及成因机制有待深入研究.基于最新高精度全覆盖三维地震数据和始新世全序列钻井数据,恢复始新世关键地质时期(T80/T83)洼陷构造地貌为窄深分隔型至宽浅汇聚型转换格局,沉积中心从两侧近源陡坡带向中央带拆离迁移,对向断裂交汇区隆升断块沿东西向长轴展布;构造演化序列揭示出对向拆离断裂系启动于始新世关键构造变革期(T83~43 Ma),响应远程太平洋板块俯冲方向的变化,区内地壳在伸展应力的作用下拆离减薄,拆离断面之上广泛发生断块翘倾与差异隆升现象,从而接受剥蚀成为动态源区,同时伴生强烈岩浆活动,重塑了对向分布的箕状断陷结构,形成对向拆离区内长轴动态供给模型.厘定对向拆离型复合洼陷长轴动态源区与沉积中心时空配置,可为深水区始新世裂陷期优质烃-储组合预测提供有力支撑.


    • 图  1  珠二坳陷中部构造位置图(a)、构造纲要图(b)及珠江口盆地层序地层综合柱状图(c)

      Fig.  1.  Structural location map (a) and structural outline map (b) of the middle of the Zhu Ⅱ depression and sequence stratigraphy comprehensive bar chart of the Pearl River Mouth basin(c)

      图  2  珠二坳陷中部“对向拆离型复合洼陷”三维地震剖面构造解释图

      a.开平凹陷南倾拆离体系;b.番禺25洼南倾-北倾复合拆离体系;c.白云3洼北倾拆离体系(剖面位置见图 1b

      Fig.  2.  Structural interpretation diagram of 3D seismic profile of "opposite detachment type composite sag" in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression

      图  3  云开低凸起中生代基底NEE向先存断裂(a)、番禺低隆起中生代基底EW-NWW向先存断裂(b)以及珠二坳陷中部基底高程图(c)

      Fig.  3.  NEE and EW-NWW preexisting faults of Mesozoic basement in Yunkai low uplift (a) and Panyu low uplift (b) and basement elevation map in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression (c)

      图  4  珠二坳陷中部始新世先存断裂体系差异活化示意图(据叶青,2019修改)

      Fig.  4.  The differential activation diagram of Eocene preexisting fault system in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression (modified from Ye, 2019)

      图  5  珠二坳陷中部基底韧性地壳顶界面T0图

      Fig.  5.  T0 diagram of the top interface of the basement ductile crust in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression

      图  6  珠二坳陷中部中下地壳隆升剖面


      Fig.  6.  Middle and lower crust uplift profile in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression

      图  7  珠二坳陷中部典型火成岩地震相剖面与钻井标定(a)以及始新世火山机构平面展布图(b)

      Fig.  7.  Typical igneous seismic facies profile and drilling calibration(a) and planar layout of volcanic structures in in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression in Eocene(b)

      图  8  珠二坳陷中部始新世对向拆离作用演化模型


      Fig.  8.  Evolution model of antidirectional detachment during Wenchang period in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression in Eocene

      图  9  珠二坳陷中部对向拆离型复合洼陷“三元”结构模型

      Fig.  9.  "Ternary" structural model of opposite compound detachment sag in the middle of Zhu Ⅱ depression

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