Difference of Hydrocarbon Charging Events and Their Contribution Percentages to Ordovician Reservoirs among Strike-Slip Fault Belts in Shunbei Area, Tarim Basin
摘要: 塔里木盆地顺北地区不同走滑断裂带和同一条走滑断裂带不同段奥陶系断溶体油藏原油物化特性存在显著差异性.揭示这种差异性的成因机理对该地区油气勘探开发具有重要意义.通过采集顺北地区17口井共100块岩心样品开展流体包裹体系统分析,在油气成藏期次划分和成藏时期厘定的基础上,以原油密度计算APIo与显微荧光光谱参数QF-535关系为“桥梁”,运用单个油包裹体统计分布模型对各期次成藏贡献度(contribution percentage, CP)进行了定量评价;通过比较油藏原油物化特性参数(密度、粘度、气/油比和Ro-MPI1)和各期次单个油包裹体显微荧光光谱参数(QF-535、λmax和CP),结果表明:(1)顺北地区断溶体油藏总体发育4期成藏,分别为加里东晚期(438.2~405.8 Ma)、海西晚期-印支早期(297.8~219.5 Ma)、燕山中-晚期(139.9~106.1 Ma)和喜山中-晚期(29.0~0.3 Ma);(2)顺北地区走滑断裂带断溶体油藏原油物化特性存在自西向东、自北而南原油密度和粘度下降、气/油比和原油成熟度(Ro-MPI1)增加趋势,造成其空间变化的主要原因是存在自西向东、自北而南晚期(第三期、第四期)油充注贡献度和气侵程度增加所致.Abstract: Significant physical and chemical differences of crude oil properties in strike-slip faulted karst Ordovician reservoirs occur both among the strike-slip faulted belts and the different segments of the same strike-slip faulted belt in Shunbei area, Tarim basin. It is, therefore, very important to reveal the processes of resulting in the physical and chemical heterogeneity of crude oils for hydrocarbon exploration and development in this area. In this study, 100 core samples from 17 wells have been taken to make systematic fluid inclusion measurement. On the basis of determinations of hydrocarbon charging events and chronologies of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, a bridging relationship between crude oil APIo calculated by crude oil densities and the microspectrofluorimetric QF-535 parameter of individual oil inclusions has been used to obtain the APIo statistical distribution models of single oil inclusions, which can be used for quantitative assessment of contribution percentages (CP) of each oil charging events. Comparing the physical and chemical properties of crude oils (density, viscosity, gas/oil ratio and Ro-MPI1) and the microspectrofluorimetric parameters (QF-535, λmax and CP) of each charging events, some research conclusions are archived as followings. (1) Total four oil charging events happened in the strike-slip faulted karst reservoirs in Shunbei area, which is consisted of the Late Caledonian (438.2-405.8 Ma), the Late Hercynian (297.8-219.5 Ma), the Middle and Late Yanshanian (139.9-106.1 Ma), and the Middle and Late Himalayan (29.0-0.3 Ma). (2) The changing tendency of crude oil properties, both from the west to the east, and the north to the south, shows declining of density and viscosity, and ascending of gas/oil ratio and oil maturity (Ro-MPI1), which may be the result of the contribution percentages increasing of the late oil charging events (e.g. the third and fourth charging events) and natural gas invasion modification both at the two same directions.
图 2 在UV(365 nm)激发下原油/油包裹体显微荧光光谱成熟度参数定义(据Munz,2001)
Fig. 2. The definitions of microspectrofluorimetric thermal maturity parameters of crude oil/individual oil inclusion under UV excitation (365 nm)(after Munz, 2001)
图 4 顺北地区走滑断裂带中下奥陶统油包裹体油荧光观察照片
a.SHB7井,O1-2y,7 728.80 m,硅质灰岩.裂缝充填方解石裂纹中检测到一期发蓝绿色荧光的孤立分布的油包裹体;b~b'.SHB2井,O1-2y,7 737.00 m,溶洞充填方解石中检测到团簇状分布的发亮蓝色荧光的油包裹体及盐水包裹体,为原生包裹体;c~c'.SHB52A井,O1-2y,7 782.05 m,泥晶灰岩,裂缝充填方解石中检测到随机分布流体包裹体;d~d'.SHB5-8井,O2yj,7 678.84 m,泥晶灰岩.溶洞充填方解石裂纹中检测到一期发亮蓝色荧光的次生油包裹体沿愈合裂纹分布;e~e'.SHB5-8井,O2yj,7 678.84 m,泥晶灰岩.裂缝充填方解石中观察到一期发亮蓝色荧光的次生油包裹体沿长愈纹分布;f~f'.SHB5井,O2yj,7 426.90 m,溶洞充填方解石中检测到一期发蓝绿色荧光油包裹体及盐水包裹体;g.SHB52A井,O1-2y,8 121.61 m,云质泥晶灰岩,沿生长带分布流体包裹体
Fig. 4. Microphotos under UV and transmission lights of oil inclusions in the Middle and Lower Ordovician in strike-slip faults of Shunbei area
表 1 塔里木盆地奥陶系原油密度和显微荧光光谱参数
Table 1. Data of the densities and microspectrofluorimetric parameters for crude oils of the Ordovician reservoirs in Tarim basin
序号 井号 层位 深度(m) QF-535 密度
(g/cm3)①APIo② 1 TK915-4 O2yj 5 758~5 832 0.872 0.863 32.52 2 TP46 O2yj 6 256.57~6 313.00 1.244 0.902 25.37 3 S9702 O2yj 5 545~5 570 1.066 0.910 23.94 4 YJ1-9X O2yj 7 152.17~7 290.00 0.601 0.800 45.40 5 YJ2-14 O2yj 7 083.18~7 166.00 1.106 0.840 36.99 6 TS301 O1-2y 6 274~6 478 3.060 1.027 6.25 7 S48 O1-2y 5 363~5 370 2.740 0.966 15.06 8 TK6100 O1-2y 5 476.24~5 595.19 2.409 0.957 16.30 9 YQX1 O1-2y 5 773.52~5 850.00 1.550 0.863 32.46 10 TS3 O1-2y 5 822.45~6 168.24 2.250 1.010 8.60 11 YB1-2X O1-2y 5 105~5 809 1.547 0.935 19.90 12 T314 O1-2y 5 611.00~5 632.50 1.486 0.855 33.94 13 TK469 O1-2y 5 413.13~5 559.82 1.939 0.969 14.54 14 TK210 O1-2y 5 448.33~5 680.00 2.361 0.945 18.27 15 AD25 O3 5 868~6 595 1.696 0.930 20.63 16 SHB1-2 O2yj 7 469.00~7 569.47 0.53 0.796 46.26 17 SHB1-3 O2yj 7 255.70~7 357.89 0.35 0.794 46.71 18 SHB1-3 O2yj 7 255.70~7 357.89 0.46 0.795 46.49 19 SHB1-4 O2yj 7 459.00~7 561.96 0.55 0.798 45.82 20 SHB1-5 O2yj 7 474.52~7 576.19 0.64 0.798 45.82 21 SHB1-6 O2yj 7 288.16~7 399.75 0.45 0.789 47.84 22 SHB1-7 O2yj 7 339.36~7 456.00 0.72 0.799 45.60 23 SHB1-14 O2yj 7 580.00~7 710.00 0.71 0.799 45.60 24 SHB1-15 O2yj +O1-2y 7 614.00~8 010.00 0.60 0.794 46.71 25 SHB1-8 O1-2y 7 415.50~7 571.64 0.83 0.798 45.82 26 SHB1-9 O1-2y 7 372.74~7 630.00 0.36 0.804 44.50 27 SHBP3H O1-2y 7 395.52~7 639.71 0.81 0.797 46.04 28 SHB2 O2yj +O1-2y 7 348.60~7 753.00 0.80 0.796 46.26 29 SHB2 O2yj +O1-2y 7 348.60~8 169.30 0.78 0.810 43.19 30 SHBP1H O1-2y 7 372.74~7 630.00 0.77 0.812 42.76 31 SHB3 O1-2y 7 518.82~7 891.26 0.49 0.814 42.33 32 SHB5-2 O2yj 7 460.33~7 527.16 0.79 0.826 39.81 33 SHB5 O2yj 7 315.00~7 950.06 0.84 0.829 39.19 34 SHB51X O2yj 7 753.64~7 876.00 0.63 0.804 44.50 35 SHB7 O1-2y 7 568.46~7 863.66 1.65 0.855 24.46 注:①在20 ℃下测定的原油密度;②运用公式(3)计算获得原油的APIo. 表 2 顺北地区奥陶系储层单个油包裹体显微荧光光谱成熟度参数
Table 2. Data of microspectrofluorimetric maturity parameters for individual oil inclusions of the Ordovician reservoirs in Shunbei area
井号 层位 深度(m) 测量数(个) 显微荧光光谱参数平均值 APIo③ 包裹体油/原油 λmax(nm) QF-535 SHB2 O2yj+O1-2y 7 525.30~7 734.64 56 包裹体油第一期 547 1.58 25.38 7 521.70 包裹体油第二期 493 0.82 38.68 7 522.56~7 737.68 包裹体油第四期 475 0.73 46.40 O2yj+O1-2y 7 348.60~7 753.00 1 油藏原油 494 0.80 46.26 SHB1-3 O2yj 7 268.60~7 279.40 44 包裹体油第一期 539 1.24 30.03 7 268.60~7 288.00 包裹体油第二期 518 1.04 33.47 7 265.50~7 288.00 包裹体油第三期 487 0.90 36.29 O2yj 7 255.70~7 357.89 1 油藏原油 470 0.46 49.39 SHB1-7 O2yj+O3q 7 255.90~7 356.80 31 包裹体油第一期 542 1.31 28.96 包裹体油第二期 516 1.09 32.55 包裹体油第三期 488 0.85 37.40 O2yj 7 339.36~7 456.00 1 油藏原油 480 0.72 45.60 SHBP3H O2yj 7 432.30~7 435.07 74 包裹体油第一期 549 1.65 24.63 包裹体油第二期 521 0.97 39.60 包裹体油第三期 485 0.72 48.53 O1-2y 7 395.52~7 639.71 1 油藏原油 454 0.81 46.04 SHB5 O2yj 7 331.27~7 427.00 80 包裹体油第一期 544 1.30 29.11 包裹体油第二期 521 1.01 34.81 包裹体油第三期 487 0.83 43.80 O2yj 7 315.00~7 950.06 1 油藏原油 494 0.80 39.19 SHB51X O2yj 7 558.30~7 571.25 13 包裹体油第一期 541 1.58 25.32 包裹体油第二期 517 1.24 30.06 包裹体油第三期 495 0.90 36.33 O2yj 7 753.64~7 876.00 1 油藏原油 492 0.63 44.50 SHB5-8 O2yj 7 678.55~7 687.95 52 包裹体油第一期 505 1.14 31.62 包裹体油第二期 496 0.93 35.68 包裹体油第三期 485 0.67 42.15 O2yj 7 678~8 024 1 油藏原油 492 0.63 38.88 SHB52A O2yj+ O1-2y 7 671.86~7 901.64 包裹体油第一期 564 1.73 23.49 包裹体油第二期 488 0.78 39.14 包裹体油第三期 454 0.47 48.83 O2yj+ O1-2y 7 644~8 137 1 油藏原油 492 0.63 45.82 SHB55X O2yj 7 736.00 11 包裹体油第一期 504 1.75 23.34 O2yj 7 708~8 725 1 油藏原油 459 0.82 42.10 SHB7 O1-2y 7 728.90~7 729.32 30 包裹体油第一期 540 1.57 23.53 包裹体油第二期 518 1.37 28.64 O1-2y 7 568.46~7 863.66 1 油藏原油 502 1.65 24.46 注:③包裹体油APIo是据公式(4)计算获得. 表 3 顺北地区走滑断裂带奥陶系流体包裹体显微测温数据
Table 3. Data of averaged homogenization temperatures for oil inclusions and aqueous inclusions of the Ordovician reservoirs in the strike-slip faults of Shunbei area
井号 深度
(m)宿主矿物 流体包裹体产状 油包裹体均一温度(℃) 盐水包裹体均一温度(℃) 换算盐度平均值%NaCl Th1 Th2 Th3 Th4 SHB1-3 7 268.30 裂缝充填方解石 原生 Th2=80.0 溶洞充填方解石 原生 Th2=83.5 126.2 SHB1-7 7 352.13 裂缝充填方解石 原生 105.8 次生 104.4 122.9 156.5 175.0 SHB1-7 7 356.80 裂缝充填方解石 原生 94.6 108.4 次生 Th1=54.7 95.7 SHB5-8 7 678.84 裂缝充填方解石 次生 Th1=62.4;Th2=105.5;Th3=136.8 86.1 溶洞充填方解石 原生 Th1=49.0;Th2=70.0;Th3=115.7 96.3 110.5 SHB5-8 7680.10 裂缝充填方解石 次生 102.4 溶洞充填方解石 原生 89.8 111.9 SHB5-8 7 681.50 溶洞充填方解石 原生 90.2 次生 Th1=56.5;Th2=91.7;Th3=103.5 90.0 113.1 SHB5-8 7 683.60 裂缝充填方解石 原生 90.1 109.3 溶洞充填方解石 原生 92.2 102.2 SHB7 7728.80 裂缝充填方解石 原生 103.6 122.9 156.1 次生 Th2=72.2 102.0 127.3 SHB7 7 728.90 溶孔充填方解石 原生 108.0 125.2 次生 Th2=80.9 114.0 SHB51X 7 567.29 溶洞充填方解石 原生 82.0 117.4 224.1 表 4 顺北地区走滑断裂带奥陶系油气成藏期次和成藏时期
Table 4. Data of hydrocarbon charging events and ages in the strike-slip faults of the Ordovician in Shunbei area
井号 走滑断裂分段性 层位 成藏期次及年龄(Ma) 第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 SHB2 平行SB1拉分段 O2yj 423.2~405.8 263.1~252.5 3.9~2.1 O1-2y 425.1~408.7 267.6~250.8 9.7~0.3 SHB1-3 SB1拉分段 O2yj 422.1~407.2 297.8~264.1 18.7~3.2 SHB1-7 SB1平移段 O3q 249.8 13.1~3.2 O2yj 434.1~429.4 298.7~242.3 14.6~2.2 SHBP3H SB1分支拉分段 O2yj 258.0~256.8 139.9~106.1 29.0~12.5 SHB5 SB5北段压隆段 O2yj 435.8~425.6 251.0~219.5 SHB51X SB5中段拉分段 O2yj 250.5~229.8 SHB5-8 SB5中段拉分段 O2yj 427.2~413.2 291.6~231.5 128.6 SHB52A SB5分支挤压段 O2yj 285.0~276.5 21.2~19.8 O1-2y 424.8 268.2 SHB55X SB5南段复式拉分 O2yj 438.2 290.5 SHB7 挤压段 O1-2y 437.2~424.1 260.0~236.8 成藏时期 加里东晚期
(438.2~405.8 Ma)海西晚期-印支早期
(298.7~242.3 Ma)燕山期
(139.9~106.1 Ma)喜山中-晚期
(29.0~0.3 Ma)表 5 顺北地区走滑断裂带奥陶系各成藏期次贡献度
Table 5. The contribution percentages of each hydrocarbon charging events in the strike-slip faults Ordovician in Shunbei area
井号 走滑断裂分段性 层位 成藏贡献度(%) 第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 SHB2 平行SB1拉分段 O2yj+O1-2y 油充注 1.67 未充注 98.33 SHB1-3 SB1拉分段 O2yj 油充注 油充注 未充注 油充注+气侵改造 SHB1-7 SB1平移段 O2yj+O3q 油充注 油充注 未充注 油充注+气侵改造 SHBP3H SB1分支拉分段 O2yj 未充注 贡献度很小 27.75 72.25 SHB5 SB5北段压隆段 O2yj 52.07 47.93 未充注 未充注 SHB51X SB5中段拉分段 O2yj 未充注 油充注 未充注 气侵改造(?) SHB5-8 SB5中段拉分段 O2yj 贡献度很小 77.42 22.58 未充注 SHB52A SB5分支挤压段 O2yj+O1-2y 贡献度很小 42.48 未充注 57.52 SHB55X SB5南段复式拉分 O2yj 油充注 油充注 未充注 气侵改造(?) SHB7 挤压段 O1-2y 81.68 18.32 未充注 未充注 成藏时期 加里东晚期
(438.2~405.8 Ma)海西晚期-印支早期
(298.7~242.3 Ma)燕山期
(139.9~106.1 Ma)喜山中-晚期
(29.0~0.3 Ma) -
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