A Consideration about the Development of Ocean Plate Geology
摘要: 为揭示造山带物质组成和结构构造,发展洋板块地质学,阐明大陆形成演化过程和动力来源,应用板块构造理论和地质学方法,对造山带俯冲增生杂岩带、蛇绿岩带等大洋岩石圈板块地质建造、结构构造进行系统研究,寻找俯冲带岛弧前弧火成岩组合;研究洋板块初始俯冲过程中,从前弧玄武岩到玻安岩、高镁安山岩,再到弧拉斑玄武岩和钙碱性熔岩的岩浆作用分阶段递进演变历史,以揭示洋盆向大陆转化的原始弧性质和前弧火成岩组合及洋陆转换过程,为建立和发展洋板块地质学奠定科学基础.Abstract: In order to reveal the material composition and the structure of the orogenic belt, we propose the ocean plate geology, which is used to explain the process of continental formation and evolution and the source of dynamics. Based on the theory of plate tectonics and geological research methods, the subduction-accretionary complex, the ophiolite belt, and other oceanic lithospheric plate geological formations and structure construction in the orogenic belt are systematically studied in order to find the igneous rock association of the front arc in the subduction zone. In the initial subduction process of the ocean plate, the magmatism from the forearc basalts (FAB) to the boninite, high-Mg andesite (HMA), to the arc tholeiite and calc-alkaline lava and its different stage evolution, are studied in order to identify the characteristics of the original arc and front arc igneous rock association, which reveals the ocean-continent transition in the evolution process from ocean basin to the continent, laying a scientific foundation for the establishment and development of ocean plate geology.
图 1 湖北大洪山地质图及其洋板块岩石组合
图a, b据孔令耀等(2017);图c~f据胡正祥等(2015);a, b.湖北省大洪山晋宁期造山带地质图;c.海山:大理岩-玄武岩组合;d.洋岛辉长岩组合;e.枕状玄武岩;f.深海硅质岩.图a中:F1.武山-宝鸡断裂;F2.洛南-栾川-方城断裂;F3.勉略-青峰-襄广断裂;SF1.商丹断裂;图b中:FO1.三里岗-三阳断裂;FO2.黄家湾-小阜-太阳寺断裂;FO3.柳树湾-梅关-破岩山断裂
Fig. 1. Geological map and oceanic plate rock assemblage of Dahongshan in Hubei Province
图 3 甘肃北山马鬃山俯冲增生杂岩
Fig. 3. Subduction-accretionary complex of Mazongshan, Beishan, Gansu Province
图 7 南阿拉斯加格雷维克OPS叠瓦和双重构造剖面
Fig. 7. Imbricate and duplex structural profiles of Gravik OPS in South Alaska
图 8 陈蔡群俯冲增生杂岩中呈叠瓦状的构造变形
Fig. 8. The imbricate structural deformation in the subduction accretion complex of Chencai Group
图 9 洋内弧不同构造单元、不同构造演化历程控制不同类型成矿作用示意
据Herrington and Brown(2011).a.洋内弧早期阶段以基性岩和超基性岩为容矿母岩的VMS型Cu-zn矿床和SSZ型蛇绿岩中基性岩和超基性岩为容矿母岩的铬矿床;b.洋内弧晚期阶段形成的以伸展构造控矿为主的VMS型Cu-Au矿床
Fig. 9. Schematic maps of different types of metallogenesis controlled by different tectonic units and evolutionary processes in intra-oceanic arcs
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