摘要: 讨论四川盆地北缘(川东) 珍珠冲组植物群的组成、特征及时代.鉴定植物化石47属95种, 该植物群归于Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris系上部Ptilophyllum-Coniopteris组合, 相当于Pliesbachian-Aalenian阶, 与瑞典和格陵兰Thaumatopteris带关系密切.还讨论了四川盆地侏罗纪古气候、沉积环境与成煤关系Abstract: The present paper deals with the composition, features and ages of the flora in the Zhenzhuchong Formation, north borderof Sichuan basin. The plant fossilsobtained are identified to belong to 95 species of 47 genera. This flora should be classified as Ptilophyllum-Coniopteris assemblage in the upper part of the Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris series in age equivalent to the Pliensbachian-Aalenian stage. In this sense, it can be closely associated with the Thaumatopteris zones in Greenland and Sweden. This paper also discusses the Jurassic paleoclimate in the Sichuan basin with the emphasison the relationship between the Early Jurassic sedimentary environment and the coal-forming. It concludes that the increase of the humidity and the decrease of the temperature may have favored the formation of the coal.
Key words:
- Early Jurassic /
- flora /
- paleoclimate /
- coal forming feature /
- Sichuan basin
图 3 四川开县温泉早侏罗世珍珠冲组层序
1.双壳类; 2.有节类; 3.真蕨类; 4.苏铁类; 5.松柏类; 6.银杏类; 7.树干化石; 8.铁结核; 9.水平纹理; 10.小型交错层理; 11.块状层理; 12.楔状交错层理; 13.槽状交错层理; 14.煤层及古根系; 15.泥岩; 16.粉砂岩与泥岩; 17.粉砂岩; 18.极细砂岩; 19.细砂岩; 20.中砂岩; 21.粗砂岩; 22.砂砾岩; 23.砾岩
Fig. 3. Column section of Early Jurassic Zhenzhuchong Formation, Wenquan, Kaixian county, Sichuan
表 1 珍珠冲组下部、上部喜湿植物与耐旱植物, 喜热植物与广温植物的物种数量及含量
Table 1. Species numbers and percentage of hydrophilous and xerophilous plants and the thermophilous and eurythermic plants in the lower and upper parts of Zhenzhuchong Formation, Sichuan
表 2 珍珠冲早期、晚期由东向西湿度与温度类型及变化
Table 2. Humidity and temperature and their changes from east to west in early and late periods of Early Jurassic Zhenzhuchong Formation, Sichuan
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