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    谭松林, 2002. 考虑土体强度的建筑基坑突涌问题分析. 地球科学, 27(2): 209-211.
    引用本文: 谭松林, 2002. 考虑土体强度的建筑基坑突涌问题分析. 地球科学, 27(2): 209-211.
    TAN Song-lin, 2002. Analyses of Abrupt Gush Problem of Soil and Water Based on Strength of Soil Body in Building Foundation Pit. Earth Science, 27(2): 209-211.
    Citation: TAN Song-lin, 2002. Analyses of Abrupt Gush Problem of Soil and Water Based on Strength of Soil Body in Building Foundation Pit. Earth Science, 27(2): 209-211.


    • 中图分类号: P642

    Analyses of Abrupt Gush Problem of Soil and Water Based on Strength of Soil Body in Building Foundation Pit

    • 摘要: 基于土体的强度特性, 并假设突涌破坏体为方柱体或圆柱体, 推导出了考虑土体强度的基坑突涌稳定性计算公式, 计算结果表明, 对于一般的粘性土, 考虑其强度后的抗力分项系数比不考虑强度的抗力分项系数增加二倍以上.汉口地区许多基坑开挖并没有出现突涌现象, 表明土体的抗剪强度对抗力起着不可忽视的作用, 因此考虑土体强度的突涌稳定性分析是比较接近工程实际的.


    • 图  1  计算剖面

      a.受力分析; b.内聚力分布; c.内摩擦力分布

      Fig.  1.  Calculating section

      表  1  抗力分项系数计算值

      Table  1.   Calculating values of coefficient of resisting force-component

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    • 收稿日期:  2001-09-23
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