Seismic Physical Modeling of Fault and Its Analysis
摘要: 介绍了一个断层物理模型实验, 通过实验研究断层的地震响应特征, 主要包括: 断层对下伏地层地震响应的影响; 断层对侧向地层地震反射特征的影响; 断点散射特征.以前人们对断层的地震响应的认识过于简单或不全面, 一条断层的出现往往造成复杂的地震响应, 这种复杂性会给地震资料解释造成“陷阱”.通过对实验资料的分析, 确认了地震资料断层“解释陷阱”的存在、类型及产生的原因, 有利于避免断层解释过程中的失误.Abstract: Faults are common geological structures and fault interpretation is an important part in seismic interpretation. A seismic modeling experiment was done to study seismic reflection characteristics of faults, including how faults influence the reflections of deeper layers and layers beside faults and the characteristics of wave scattering of fault points. In our opinions, what we know about wave characteristics of faults is incomplete and so our experiment shows that the wave characteristics are complex and there maybe traps for seismic interpretation. Our analysis ascertained the existence of interpretation traps, their types and their causes, which will surely help enhance seismic interpretations.
Key words:
- physical modeling /
- seismic response /
- reflection /
- grey system
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