Tracer Significance of Normal Alkane for Gold Mineralization of Gaolong Carlin Type Gold Deposit
摘要: 高龙金矿位于西林-百色断褶带西段南西侧的高龙穹隆核部附近, 矿体赋存于石炭—二叠系碳酸盐岩与三叠系细碎屑岩的接触带上.区域性百色-高龙-古障深大断裂及其次级构造构成了矿液流动的通道和矿质沉淀的场所.矿区见有4种正构烷烃: 非含矿地层中的正常成熟型、矿体内部的异常成熟型、热水溶解型和微生物降解型.这些不同类型的正构烷烃提供了丰富的成矿信息, 具有成矿作用的示踪意义.Abstract: Gaolong Carlin type gold deposit is situated in the nucleus of the Gaolong arch in the western section of the Xilin-Baise fault-fold zone. The ore bodies are placed in the contact of the Carboniferous-Permian carbonites and the Triassic turbidites. The Baise-Gaolong Guzhang regional large-scale faults and their secondary structures form the passages for the flow of the mineralizing fluid and the spaces for the precipitation of the mineralized materials. There are four types of normal alkanes in the Gaolong ore district: the normal maturation type in the non-mineralized strata, and the abnormal maturation type, the hydrothermal solution type and the microbial degradation type in the ore bodies. These normal alkanes offer the favourable mineralization information and have the tracer significance for the gold mineralization.
表 1 高龙矿区各类标本有机质质量分数及有机萃取物
Table 1. Abundance of organic matters and extracts in samples of Gaolong gold deposit
表 2 田林高龙金矿床标本中正构烷烃质量分数
Table 2. Mass fraction of normal alkanes in samples of the Gaolong gold deposit %
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