Application XRF to Study Environmental Geochemistry in Mining Area
摘要: 采用自行研制的高灵敏度能量色散X射线荧光分析仪分析了攀枝花矿区水系沉积物中微量元素的浓度, 并根据分析结果研究了矿区元素分布的地球化学特征, 本项研究的主要目的是探讨X射线荧光分析技术在矿区环境地球化学研究中的可行性, 探索矿区环境地球化学研究的方法技术.结果表明, XRF方法可以有效分析沉积物中元素的含量, 进而进行环境地球化学研究.Abstract: The study objective is to investigate the feasibility of using XRF technique to research mining environmental geochemistry and to reveal the pattern of trace elements in mining environment. A high sensitive EDXRF analyzer was adopted to study environmental geochemistry in Panzhihua region. An EDXRF analyzer is made up of a double exciting apparatus with low energy X ray tube and isotope source and electricity cooled Sin PIN detector. The analyzer is characterized of high energy resolution and low detection limit. Some trace metal concentration was analyzed by above EDXRF analyzer in stream sediments in study area. The result shows that XRF can analyze concentrations of chemical elements in stream sediments and study the characteristics of environmental geochemistry.
Key words:
- XRF /
- mining activities /
- stream sediment /
- environmental geochemistry
图 3 Ti、V、Cu、Pb地质累积指数分布(A, B, …同图 2)
Fig. 3. Igeo distribution of Ti, V, Cu, Pb in study area
表 1 仪器的能量分辨率和检出限
Table 1. Energy resolution and detection limit of analyzer
表 2 沉积物样品的XRF分析结果
Table 2. XRF analysis results of stream sediment samples
表 3 粒径为0.25 mm和0.125 mm粒级中同一元素含量的相关系数
Table 3. Correlation of same element between grain size 0.25 mm and 0.125 mm
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