A Significant Paleoceanographic Event Taking Place in Northeastern Indian Ocean during Oxygen Isotope Stage 6
摘要: 北印度洋赤道海岭的远洋沉积记录在氧同位素第6期的早期, 即167~ 160ka期间, 揭示出一次重大的古海洋学事件.在多项代用指标中, 浮游有孔虫组合和通量的变化对该事件的反映最为强烈, 因此将其命名为“第6期海洋生态环境严重恶化事件”.该事件以广适性种Globigerinita glutinata的高度发育、凉水种Neogloboquadrina pachyderma和Globigerina bulloides的异常增多、其他有孔虫常见种的普遍减少及有孔虫总量的大幅度降低为特征.结合其他代用指标和邻区资料, 认为导致事件发生的主控因素在于超强的南亚冬季风及其所引发的表层水温降低和贫瘠的深层水团上涌.一般情况下, 南亚冬季风对研究区环境的影响力远较夏季风弱, 它的阶段性超常强化似乎总与青藏高原的强烈隆升有关.可推测, 发生在第6期的生境恶化事件很可能是最近一次高原大规模构造抬升的产物.Abstract: The pelagic sedimentary records conserved on the equatorial Ninetyeast Ridge have mirrored a significant event dating from the early oxygen isotope stage 6(167-160 ka). We call it the"great event of worsened ecologic environment" because the strongest indications of the event among all proxies are from an exceptional change of assemblage and flux of planktonic foraminifera. The event is characterized by a high development of the eurytropic species Globigerinita glutinata, an unusual promotion of the cool-water species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Globigerina bulloides, an evident reduction of the major common species and a large downfall of the foraminifera sedimentary quantity. Referring to the otherindications and the materials from the neighboring areas, we believe that the essential factor resulting in the eventis "ultraintense" south Asian winter monsoon that leads to the lower temperature of superficialwater and upwelling of infertile deeperwater. In general, the wintermonsoon ismuchweaker than summermonsoon for affecting the environmentof the study area in the system of the south Asian monsoon. Its periodic extraordinary intensification seems to relate constantly with the violent uplift of the Tibetan plateau. We guess thatthe"great event of worsened ecologic environment" revealed in this paperis very probably the resultof the last extensive tectonic elevation of the plateau.
图 3 氧同位素第6期赤道海岭δ18O曲线的振荡型式与SPECMAP的比较
1.Martinson标准化氧同位素曲线; 2.MD81349氧同位素曲线; 3.ODP758氧同位素曲线
Fig. 3. Comparison of oscillation pattern of δ18O curves from equatorial ridge with that of SPECMAP (Martinson et al., 1987) in stage 6
表 1 氧同位素第6期依据平均速率推知的年代数据与SPECMAP的比较(Martinson et al., 1987)
Table 1. Comparison of ages based on average sedimentation rate in stage 6 with those of SPECMAP
ka 表 2 MD81349心暗色钙质沉积物所在位置与CaCO3含量
Table 2. Levels of dark calcareous sediments and their ranges of CaCO3 content in core MD81349
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