Reservoir Properties and Effect Factors on Volcanic Rocks of Basement beneath Wucaiwan Depression, Junggar Basin
摘要: 含油气火山岩储层的研究为石油勘探开拓了更广阔的前景.利用岩心、薄片及成像测井(FMI)等手段对准噶尔盆地五彩湾凹陷基底火山岩储层的岩性特征、岩相分布、岩石物性(包括孔隙度和渗透率)进行了研究.该区含油气的火山岩主要为中石炭世巴山组(C2b), 包括熔岩(安山岩和玄武岩)和火山碎屑岩.熔岩的平均孔隙度和渗透率分别为7.4 2 %和0.82× 10-3 μm2; 火山角砾岩类的平均孔隙度和渗透率分别为9.84 %和0.33× 10-3 μm2.这些火山岩储集空间类型以次生孔、缝为主.与盆地内基底火山岩储集性能最好的腹部石西油田相比, 东部五彩湾凹陷的储集性能略差.火山喷发时的环境、火山岩的岩性岩相。Abstract: The researches on oil- and gas-bearing volcanic rocks have largely developed the foreground of oil exploration. Types, facies distribution and physical properties (mainly porosity and permeability) of volcanic rock of the basement beneath the Wucaiwan depression, the eastern part of Junggar basin, are studied, based on the data of petrography and FMI. Oil- and gas-bearing volcanic rocks in this area belong to the Bashan group (C2b). The rocks are mainly lava (including andesites and basalts) and pyroclastic ones. The average porosity and permeability are 7.42% and 0.82×10-3 μm2 in lavas, and are 9.84% and 0.33×10-3 μm2 in volcanic breccias respectively. The reservoir-spaces of the rocks are mainly composed of secondary pores and fissures. The reservoir property in the Wucaiwan area is slightly poorer than that of the basement beneath the Shixi oilfield, the center part of the basin, where there is the best reservoir property in volcanic rocks. The environment during the volcanic eruption, types and facies of the rocks, and subsequent modification play important roles on the reservoir properties of the basement rocks.
Key words:
- volcanic rock /
- paleo-buried hill in basement /
- reservoir space /
- Junggar basin
表 1 五彩湾与腹部陆梁区原生孔、缝统计对比
Table 1. Percent comparison on original pore and fracture between Wucaiwan and Luliang area
表 2 五彩湾火山岩储集空间类型、形成机理及主要分布
Table 2. Reservoir space types, genesis and distribution of volcanic rocks in Wucaiwan depression
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