Blooming of Bacteria and Algae: Possible Killer of Devonian Frasnian-Famennian Mass Extinction
摘要: 广西桂林杨堤剖面的地球化学数据显示晚泥盆世弗拉期末—法门期海平面波折上升、水体从富氧变为贫氧, 同时无机、有机碳同位素(δ13Ccarb和δ13Ckerogen) 分别从+0.43 (‰V-PDB) →+3.54 (‰V-PDB) 和-29.38 (‰V-PDB) →-24.14 (‰V-PDB), 可以与北美、欧洲等地进行对比.通过对海平面变化、缺氧程度分析, 并结合岩石薄片, 我们认为这种快速正向波动是由以菌藻类生物为主要生产者的海洋生产力迅速增加引起的.镜下观察发现, F-F大灭绝中菌藻类不但未受影响反而更加繁盛.与之相对应, 对营养盐P及菌藻类生长刺激元素Fe、Zn的研究也发现在晚弗拉期出现几次含量突增.更值得注意的是其来源主要由陆地输入, 这就印证了晚泥盆世陆生植物大规模繁盛使得生物化学风化盛行, 导致地表径流向陆表海输送的营养物质增加改变了海洋化学环境, 富营养化的海水使菌藻类繁盛并造成其他生物灭绝的假说.Abstract: Geochemical data from the Yangdi Section of Guilin, Guangxi, showed an oxygen-rich to dysaerobic environment with the vibrating rise in sea-level in the Late Frasnian Stage, Devonian. At the same time, δ13Ccarb and δ13Ckerogen increased from +0.43 (‰V-PDB) to +3.54 (‰V-PDB), from -29.38 (‰V-PDB) to -24.14 (‰V-PDB), respectively, which could be related with the data from Europe, North America and Australia. These positive fluctuations were caused by the rapid increase in the so-called green algae and cyanobacteria (mostly < 0.1 mm). These bacteria and algae, as was observed through microscope, did not seem to have been influenced by the mass extinction event of Late Frasnian, but grew more rapidly. Correspondingly, the research into nutritious salt P and algae growth-stimulating elements such as Fe and Zn revealed several blooms of geomicrobes in the Frasnian. In particular, the land supply of these elements indicated that a large-scale growth of the terrigenous plants in the Late Devonian stimulated the prevalence of biochemical weathering, leading to the conclusion that the increase in nutritious elements imported from the surface runoff to the continental shelf changed the ocean chemical environment. Since these nutritious elements are closely associated with land supply, it may be true that the shallow sea eutrophication caused by land nutrient influx may have destroyed the surface-water ecosystem.
Key words:
- mass extinction /
- Devonian /
- δ13Ccarb /
- bacteria and algae /
- eutrophication /
- Guangxi.
图 1 华南中、晚泥盆世古地理图(吴诒等, 1997)
1.古陆; 2.浅海沉积区; 3.半深海沉积区; 4.深海沉积区; 5.断层构造; 6.钦防海槽; 7.剖面位置
Fig. 1. Paleogeography of the Middle-Late Devonian in South China
图 2 杨堤剖面上泥盆统F-F之交化学地层与菌藻类生物分布综合柱状图
1.扁豆灰岩; 2.泥灰岩; 3.钙质浊积岩; 4.钙质页岩; 5.灰岩; 6.含潜穴灰岩; 7.上triangularis带; 8.贫氧; 9.缺氧; 10、11、12.粗枝藻; 13、14.不明藻类; 15、16、17.不明蓝细菌; 18.葛万藻; 19.钙球; 20.直管藻; 21.疑似螺旋藻; 22.疑似念珠藻; 23.努亚藻; 24.疑似直管藻; 25.肾形藻
Fig. 2. Chemostratigraphic profiles and bacterium-alga distributions of the Late Devonian F-F transition from the Yangdi Section
图 4 杨堤剖面F-F之交的菌藻类微生物
a-b.葛万藻(3, 38, 39, 40层); c.肾形藻(38层); d-f.疑似念珠藻(36, 39层); g-h.菌团(3, 19, 34, 36, 39, 40层); i-j.管状蓝细菌(27, 34, 36, 39, 40-43层); k.粗枝藻(整个剖面); l.钙球(整个剖面); m.努亚藻(36, 38, 39, 40层); n-o.不明菌藻类(36, 38, 38, 40层)
Fig. 4. Bacteria and algae in the Late Devonian F-F transition in Yangdi Section, Guangxi, South China
表 1 杨堤剖面F-F之交地球化学数据
Table 1. Geochemical data from the Yangdi Section in the F-F transition
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