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    吴冲龙 张善文 毛小平 柳忠泉 宋立军 佟彦明

    吴冲龙, 张善文, 毛小平, 柳忠泉, 宋立军, 佟彦明, 2006. 苏鲁造山带北侧构造演化的几何学运动学特征. 地球科学, 31(6): 817-822.
    引用本文: 吴冲龙, 张善文, 毛小平, 柳忠泉, 宋立军, 佟彦明, 2006. 苏鲁造山带北侧构造演化的几何学运动学特征. 地球科学, 31(6): 817-822.
    WU Chong-long, ZHANG Shan-wen, MAO Xiao-ping, LIU Zhong-quan, SONG Li-jun, TONG Yan-ming, 2006. Geometry and Kinematics of Tectonic Evolution in Northern Part of Sulu Orogenic Belt. Earth Science, 31(6): 817-822.
    Citation: WU Chong-long, ZHANG Shan-wen, MAO Xiao-ping, LIU Zhong-quan, SONG Li-jun, TONG Yan-ming, 2006. Geometry and Kinematics of Tectonic Evolution in Northern Part of Sulu Orogenic Belt. Earth Science, 31(6): 817-822.



    国家攻关项目 2004B616A-06-01



    • 中图分类号: P542

    Geometry and Kinematics of Tectonic Evolution in Northern Part of Sulu Orogenic Belt

    • 摘要: 横穿诸城凹陷的南北向反射地震剖面揭示, 苏鲁造山带北侧边界的中上地壳中存在着三层结构, 即上部的胶莱盆地沉积盖层、中部的苏鲁楔状地体和下部代表华北板块的胶北地体; 诸城凹陷边缘和内部断裂均显示同沉积正断层性质, 苏鲁楔状地体中发育一组向北仰起的叠瓦状逆冲断层, 而胶北地体显示了向南俯冲的态势.由此而论, 可能存在着华北板块与扬子板块相向俯冲于苏鲁地体之下的陆陆碰撞机制, 苏鲁地体可能具有与大别地体相似的花状造山带结构.


    • 图  1  地震测线位置与诸城凹陷地质简图(据胜利石油管理局地质研究院, 2003)

      1.第四系; 2.王氏群上部; 3.王氏群下部; 4.中白垩统大盛群; 5.中下白垩统青山群; 6.下白垩统莱阳群

      Fig.  1.  Location of seismic lines and the geology map of Zhucheng sag

      图  2  胶莱盆地西南部南北向692.9地震测线(A-A′) 构造解释剖面

      Fig.  2.  Structure interpretation profile of S-N-strike seismic line 692.9 (A-A′) in the southwest part of Jiaolai basin

      图  3  胶莱盆地西南部南北向696.1地震测线(B-B′) 反射地震叠加偏移剖面与层速度结构(图中等值线单位为m/s)

      Fig.  3.  Reflecting seismic migration profile and its velocity structure of S-N-strike seismic line 696.1 (B-B′) in the southwest part of Jiaolai basin

      图  4  胶莱盆地西南部南北向696.1地震测线(B-B′) 构造解释剖面(图例同图 2)

      Fig.  4.  Structure interpretation profile of S-N-strike seismic line 696.1 (B-B′) in the southwest part of Jiaolai basin

      图  5  苏鲁花状造山带结构和南北两侧的双俯冲模式

      Fig.  5.  Structure of Sulu orogenic belt and both dive pattern in its south and north

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