Sedimentary Patterns and Structural Control across Toe Thrust Belts, Niger Delta
摘要: 研究尼日尔三角洲深水坡脚逆冲带沉积样式、构造对沉积的控制可以揭示深水沉积分布与演化特征.运用生长地层翼旋转机理和地震相分析技术对研究区的沉积类型、构造与沉积关系进行了分析.认为在深水陆坡重力滑动作用所形成的微盆地内, 层序边界表现为微盆地边缘上超不整合面或重力流对下伏地层的侵蚀不整合; 逆冲构造隆升速率与沉积速率共同控制了重力流可容空间和沉积充填样式; 沉积垂向演化以块状搬运复合体-浊积扇-深海披覆泥或浊积扇-深海披覆泥为特征.在充分考虑构造隆升和沉积速率影响因素的基础上, 建立了单一微盆地和多个微盆地的沉积演化模式.Abstract: Researches on sedimentary patterns and structural control across toe thrust belts can demonstrate the distribution and evolution of deep-water sediments. In this paper, mechanism of limb rotation in growth strata and technique of seismic facies analysis are used. There are three features in the minibasins induced by gravitational sliding on the slope: the firstly, feature is surface of unconformity developed by onlap on minibasin margins or surface of unconformity truncated by mass-transport-complex are sequence boundary in the study area; the secondly, accommodation of gravity flow is controlled by uplift rate and sedimentation rate, and styles of filling in the minibasins are dominated by the interrelationship between the two factors; and the third, there are two stacking patterns that consists of upward of turbidite fan-hemipelagic drape mud or mass-transport complexes-turbidite fan-hemipelagic drape mud. Models showing evolution of sediment in Single minibasin and in multiple minibasins are built based on the study of uplift and rate of deposition.
Key words:
- Niger Delta /
- toe thrust belts /
- growth strata /
- structural control /
- seismic facies
图 1 尼日尔三角洲主要构造特征示意图(据Corredor et al., 2005,修改)
Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Niger Delta region showing the main tectonic features (modified after Corredor et al., 2005)
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