The Adjustment and Re-Accumulation Rules of Oil/Gas Reservoirs in the Hinterland of Junggar Basin
摘要: 我国叠合盆地具多期构造叠加、油气多期充注、晚期定位的石油地质特征.为了客观认识准噶尔盆地中部原生油气藏在喜山期构造运动控制下的调整改造样式与再聚集规律,通过有机包裹体颗粒指数分析、测井/试油成果对比、储层物性相关性研究及数值模拟实验分析,认识到现今油气藏储层物性与含油性关系复杂,古今油水界面不一致,识别出调整保存、调整残留/余、调整散失3种油气藏调整类型,模拟了油气优势调整路径,总结出准噶尔盆地中部调整型油气藏的再聚集机理与分布规律.Abstract: Superimposed basins in China are characterized by multiple-stage superposition of tectonic,multiple-stage charging and late-stage orientation.The formerly accumulated native reservoirs usually have undergone adjustment to a certain extent due to the neotectonics movements at Xishan epoch in the hinterland of Junggar basin.For being impersonally cognizant of the adjustment models and re-accumulation rules of oil/gas reservoirs,data analyzing,logging/testing outcome contrasting,reservoir physical property relationship studying and numerical experiment simulating are applied.Resultsshow the adjustment of formerly accumulated subtle reservoirs would lead to the occurrence of a series of genetically-related oil layers with complicated oil/water or gas/water contacts and physical property relationship.Three models of adjusted preservation,adjusted residue/remnant and adjusted dissipation subtle oil/gas reservoirs have been identified.The main adjusting track are simulated.The re-accumulation mechanism and distribution rules of adjusted reservoirs in the hinterland of Junggar basin are discussed.
图 1 车-莫古隆起演化与油气藏调整模型(据郝芳等, 2005, 略有修改)
Fig. 1. Evolving of Che-Mo ancient uplift and adjusting models of ancient reservoirs
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