摘要: 岫岩金矿床产于印支期花岗岩基与下元古界辽河群变质岩捕虏体的接触带中, 矿化类型以石英脉型为主, 兼有蚀变岩型.研究表明, 燕山期花岗岩系统与成矿有密切的时空和物质联系, 是金矿化的主控因素; 成矿流体气液比变化大, 均一温度高, 富含二氧化碳和有机质, 显示岩浆源和幔源特征; 矿化类型受构造应力场和断裂力学性质控制.Abstract: In the Xiuyan gold deposit located at the contact zone between the Indo Chinese granitic batholith and the Lower Proterozoic metamorphic xenolith in Liaohe Group, the mineralization types are composed mainly of the quartz vein type and minorly of the altered rock type. This study reveals that a granitic magma system closely associated with the mineralization in terms of space, time and materials, accounts for the gold mineralization. The analysis of the fluid inclusion indicates that there are several sorts of inclusions in vein quartz, that the ratios of gas to (liquid + gas) ranges very widely, that the homogenization temperature (th) is high with the highest temperature rising to 500 ℃, that the th distribution reflects the multi peak model, and that the inclusions rich in CO 2 and organism are easily discovered, typical magma source and mantle source. The mineralization types are controlled both by the tectonic stress field and by the fracture mechanic property.
图 1 辽东南地区地质略图(据倪培等[2]修改)
1.太古宙; 2.元古宙; 3.显生宙盖层+岩浆岩; 4.构造线
Fig. 1. Geological outline of southeastern Liaoning Province
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