摘要: 高速公路的噪声污染愈来愈受到社会的关注, 以宜黄高速公路为例, 对全线不同剖面进行了系统的噪声监测、评价、分析与预测, 研究了高速公路噪声污染规律, 并提出了噪声污染防治措施, 为高速公路的环境管理提供科学依据.Abstract: The highway noise pollution is a hot issue nowadays. The Yichang Huangshi highway is taken as an example to monitor, assess, analyze and predict the noise pollution in different profiles of the whole highway. In addition, the highway noise pollution principles are characterized, and the prevention measures of the noise pollution are proposed, serving as the scientific basis for the environmental management of the highways.
Key words:
- highway /
- noise pollution /
- assessment and prediction
表 1 宜黄高速公路武黄段噪声现状调查及结果
Table 1. Noise level investigation and results of section between Wuhan and Huangshi, Yichang-Huangshi highway
表 2 宜黄高速公路汉宜段声环境调查及监测
Table 2. Noise level investigation and monitored results of section between Wuhan and Yichang, Yichang-Huangshi highway
表 3 宜黄高速公路两侧噪声剖面监测
Table 3. Noise monitoring results of sections of both sides of Yichang-Huangshi highway
表 4 宜黄高速公路武黄段声环境现状监测达标情况
Table 4. Present noise level monitoring for meeting standards on section between Wuhan and Huangshi, Yichang-Huangshi highway
表 5 宜黄高速公路汉宜段声环境现状监测达标情况
Table 5. Present noise level monitoring for meeting standards on section between Wuhan and Yichang, Yichang-Huangshi highway
表 6 宜黄高速公路两侧敏感点噪声预测
Table 6. Noise prediction of sensitive points in both sides of Yichang-Huangshi highway
表 7 宜黄高速公路两侧噪声敏感点各预测年达标情况
Table 7. Noise prediction of sensitive points in both sides of Yichang-Huangshi highway for meeting standards in diffirent prediction years
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