Sedimentary Response to Interaction between Alongslope and Downslope Currents in Daihai Lake, North China
摘要: 为了探讨陆相湖盆中沿坡流的作用强度及其对三角洲前缘沉积的影响,对内蒙古岱海断陷湖盆的现代沉积进行了调查.通过卫星图像分析、现场湖浪观察与浮球实测、探槽挖掘与详细沉积特征描述、取样与样品分析、以及骨架剖面砂体对比,证明岱海湖盆陡坡带以顺坡流作用为主,分流河道和河口坝发育,砂体垂向连通性好,常形成大套块状砂体;缓坡带的三角洲前缘存在强烈的沿坡流与顺坡流相互作用,浪成成因的岩相最为发育,沙质沉积物席状化严重,垂向序列呈不明显的反韵律,河口砂体不对称分布,沿坡漂流的上游方向砂体连片、多层叠置、侧向连通性好;下游方向泥质夹层发育、砂体孤立、储层非均质性强.Abstract: In order to confirm the intensity of alongslope current in lacustrine basin and its effect on the sedimentation of delta front, the modern sedimentation of fault-depression lacustrine basin (Daihai Lake) in Inner Mongolia, North China has been explored in this study. Based on analysis of satellite images, on-site wave observation and floating ball measurement, trench excavation, sedimentary characteristics description, sample analysis, and sandbodies comparison at the framework section, it can be concluded that the steep side of Daihai lacustrine basin was dominated by the process of downslope current, where distributary channels and river mouth bar were developed with good connectivity of sandbodies in vertical, forming large set of massive sandbodies; the interaction between downslope and alongslope currents can be found in the delta front of the gentle side, where the wave-genetic lithofacies was well-developed with sandy sediments sheeted seriously, coarsening upward rhythm was not obvious in vertical sequence, sandbodies in the river mouth were distributed asymmetrically. Sandbodies in the upstream direction of alongslope drifting were distributed continuously and superposed of multi-layers, with good connectivity in lateral; in the downstream direction, muddy intercalations were well-developed, sandbodies were distributed isolatedly with strong heterogeneity.
Key words:
- alongslope current /
- downslope current /
- delta /
- sedimentary response /
- sediments /
- petroleum reservoirs /
- Daihai lacustrine basin
图 1 岱海湖盆区域地质与地理图
a.区域地质图(据李华章(1979)修改);b.水深与水系图(据Yu et al.(2012)修改)
Fig. 1. Regional geological and geographical maps of Daihai Lake
图 2 岱海湖盆沿坡流作用的证据
a.岱海湖盆南岸(缓坡)冲浪分析图;b.岱海湖盆南岸沙嘴现象(底图据google地图);c.岱海湖盆东岸沙嘴现象(底图据google地图).照片位置分别为图 1b中的P-A、P-B、P-C
Fig. 2. Evidences of alongslope flow process in Daihai Lake
图 4 岱海湖盆缓坡与陡坡的典型岩相组合垂向序列(图释同图 5)
Fig. 4. The typical vertical sequence of lithofacies associations for gentle slope and steep slope in Daihai Lake
图 5 天成河三角洲砂体对比骨架剖面
a.顺坡方向砂体对比剖面;b.沿坡方向砂体对比剖面;c.天成河三角洲平面形态及探槽分布.底图据google地图,位置见图 1b中的C框
Fig. 5. Skeleton profile of sandbody correlation in Tianchenghe delta
图 7 沿坡流与顺坡流作用强弱对河口砂体分布的影响
a.河口砂体对称分布(以顺坡流作用为主,半滩子三角洲);b.河口砂体不对称分布(沿坡流与顺坡流相互作用强,天成河三角洲);c.河口砂体不对称分布立体模式(据Bhattacharya and Giosan, 2003修改)
Fig. 7. The effects of interaction strength between alongslope- and downslope-flow on the estuarine sandbody distribution
图 8 三角洲前缘主控水动力状态分析方法(图释同图 5)
a.基于水动力条件的陆相湖盆三角洲分类;b.准噶尔盆地西山窑组露头实测岩心柱状图;W.浪控;Wf.河流影响型浪控;Fw.波浪影响型河控;F.河控;CH.水下分流河道;BS.席状砂/滩砂与湖相泥互层;MB.河口坝.河控岩相分布频率为45 m/69 m=0.71
Fig. 8. Analytical procedure for the main hydrodynamic condition of delta front
表 1 岱海湖盆南北两岸沿坡流与顺坡流相互作用强弱的控制因素对比
Table 1. Controlling factors for the interaction strength between alongslope- and downslope-flow in Daihai Lake
岸线 地形坡度(°) 河流坡降面 河流流量(m3/a) 风向 平均粒径(Φ) 主控水动力状态 南岸 2.5(相对缓) 小 4.6×106 迎风侧 2.5(相对细) 沿坡流 北岸 8(相对陡) 大 7.8×106 背风侧 1.5(相对粗) 顺坡流 表 2 岱海湖盆天成河三角洲和半滩子三角洲的岩相类型划分及成因解释
Table 2. Division of lithofacies types and its genetic interpretation for Tianchenghe delta and Bantanzi delta in Daihai Lake
岩相代码 岩相描述 岩相名称 厚度范围(cm) 成因解释 Gm 块状层理砂砾岩相 5~10 冲刷面之上的滞留沉积 St 槽状交错层理中砂岩相 5~20 分流河道下切、迁移并充填 Sp 板状交错层理中砂岩相 12~30 垂向加积或侧向加积 Sh 平行层理中细砂岩相 5~15 高流态床砂底形迁移、水浅流急 Sw 浪成波纹层理细砂岩 10~30 沿坡流(波浪)淘洗、改造而形成的席状砂或滨浅湖滩沙 Sr 流水沙纹细砂岩相 3~10 小型沙纹迁移,漫溢沉积 Fl 水平层理粉砂岩相 5~25 湖湾相对静水环境沉积 M 块状泥岩相 8~45 湖相泥质沉积 表 3 天成河三角洲与半滩子三角洲的沉积特征统计
Table 3. Statistics of sedimentary features in Tianchenghe delta and Bantanzi delta
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