Conodont Biostratigraphy and a Negative Excursion in Carbonate Carbon Isotopes across the Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian Boundary at the Dawoling Section, Hunan Province
摘要: 吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线位于这两次生物大灭绝事件之间,科学界对该界线附近是否发生重大地质事件仍然知之甚少,有关该时期的环境变化、碳循环的研究也不深入.嘉禾大窝岭剖面牙形石生物地层以及碳同位素变化的研究,为进一步探讨吴家坪期-长兴期附近的生物及环境事件提供基础材料.晚二叠世时以深水盆地相沉积为主的大窝岭剖面位于湖南省嘉禾县袁家镇附近.该剖面大隆组出露较好,岩性主要为硅质岩、硅质灰岩、灰岩以及泥岩.在大隆组中共识别出牙形石1属3种(含一个未定种):Clarkina wangi,C. deflecta,C. sp.,并识别出牙形石C. wangi带和C. changxingensis-C. deflecta组合带.根据C. wangi的首现,将大窝岭剖面的吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线(Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary,简称WCB)置于第11层底部.该剖面全岩无机碳同位素数据显示在13~15层发生了一次快速的负偏,从2.18‰负偏到-1.39‰,负偏值近3.50‰,可与浙江煤山及四川上寺等剖面进行很好的对比,揭示这次碳同位素负偏在华南区域上可具对比性.
- 吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线 /
- 牙形石 /
- 碳同位素 /
- 大窝岭剖面 /
- 地层学
Abstract: The research of conodont biostratigraphy and carbon isotope change at the Dawoling section provides basic materials for the exploration of creatures and environment change in the Wuchiapingian-Changhsigian period. The Dawoling section at Yuanjia Town, Jiahe county, Hunan Province, recorded basinal deposition during the Late Permian. The Talung Formation is well-exposed and displays siliceous rock, siliceous limestone, limestone and claystone. Three conodont taxa (one is undetermined) of genus Clarkina: C. wangi, C. deflecta and C. sp. are identified, and these enable the tentative assignment of a C. wangi Zone overlain by a C. changxingensis-C. deflecta assemblage Zone. The Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary (Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary, WCB) is placed at the first occurrence (FO) of C. wangi at the base of bed 11 at this Dawoling section. A rapid negative shift from 2.18‰ to -1.39‰ in carbonate carbon isotope in beds 13-15 correlates well with the Changhsingian GSSP(Global Stratotype Section and Point) section at Meishan in Zhejiang and the Shangsi section of Sichuan. Therefore, this negative excursion could be a regionally correlation horizon in south China.-
Key words:
- Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary /
- conodont /
- carbon isotope /
- Dawoling section /
- stratigraphy
图 3 大窝岭剖面产出的牙形石
1~8, 10~11.Clarkina wangi(Zhang);1.HDC14_001,HDC-14;2.HDC14_002,HDC-14;3.HDC14_004,HDC-14;4.HDC14_009,HDC-14;5.HDC19_002,HDC-19;6.HDC22_003,HDC-22;7.HDC22_004,HDC-22;8.HDC22_006,HDC-22;9.Clarkina deflecta(Wang & Wang);HDC22_010,HDC-22.12~13.Clarkina sp.;10.HDC22_013,HDC-22;11.HDC22_024,HDC-22;12.HDC27_012,HDC-27;13.HDC28-9_010,HDC-28.牙形石均为P1分子,口视
Fig. 3. Conodonts from the Dawoling section
图 7 华南大窝岭剖面和煤山剖面吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线牙形石分布以及无机碳同位素变化对比
a.湖南大窝岭剖面;b.浙江煤山剖面,引自Shen et al.(2013),阴影部分表示两剖面C. wangi首现面之上碳同位素负偏的对比,虚线表示吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线
Fig. 7. Conodont distribution and carbonate carbon isotope values across the Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary at the Dawoling and Meishan sections, South China
表 1 剖面描述
Table 1. Description of profiles
层号 描述 上部覆盖 28 灰褐色-灰黑色灰岩与泥岩互层,可识别出15个旋回,每个旋回底部为灰岩,顶部为泥岩,产牙形石C. sp.,厚435 cm 27 灰褐色硅质泥岩(距顶部40cm处有8cm厚的灰岩),产牙形石C. sp.,厚220 cm 26 灰黑色薄层灰岩夹泥岩(顶底为灰岩,中间夹两层泥岩),厚80 cm 25 黄褐色薄层泥岩,厚30 cm 24 灰褐色-灰黑色硅质泥岩与灰黑色薄层灰岩互层,厚320 cm 23 灰黑色硅质岩(顶部有硅质灰岩),厚40 cm 22 灰黑色灰岩,产牙形石C. sp.,C. wangi,C. deflecta(图 3),厚9 cm 21 灰黑色硅质岩,厚11 cm 20 灰白色粘土岩,厚6 cm 19 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,产牙形石C. sp.,C. wangi,厚21 cm 18 黄褐色泥岩,厚5 cm 17 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,厚14 cm 16 黄褐色泥岩,厚6 cm 15 灰黑色硅质岩,厚8 cm 14 灰黑色灰岩,产牙形石C. sp., C. wangi,厚8 cm 13 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,产牙形石C. wangi,双壳Hunanopeten sp.和菊石Xenaspis carbonaricus,Xenaspis sp.,Pseudotirolites sp.(图 4),厚20 cm 12 灰白色粘土岩,厚7 cm 11 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,含牙形石C. sp.,C. wangi,厚60 cm 10 灰黑色灰岩,厚15 cm 9 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,厚19 cm 8 灰白色粘土岩,厚5 cm 7 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,厚24 cm 6 灰黄色-黄色泥岩,厚3 cm 5 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,厚44 cm 4 黄褐色泥岩,厚33 cm 3 灰黑色硅质岩夹硅质灰岩,产菊石Sinoceltites sp.(图 4),厚34 cm 2 灰褐色泥岩,厚10 cm 1 灰黑色硅质岩,厚11 cm 下部覆盖 表 2 湖南嘉禾大窝岭剖面无机碳同位素(δ13Ccarb)以及氧同位素(δ18O)分析结果
Table 2. The δ13Ccarb and δ18O value of samples from the Daowoling section, Jiahe county, Hunan Province
样品编号 δ13Ccarb(‰) δ18O(‰) DWL-01 1.92 -7.97 DWL-02 1.46 -8.11 DWL-03 1.55 -7.86 DWL-04 1.29 -7.88 DWL-05 0.24 -8.94 DWL-06 1.75 -8.06 DWL-07 1.48 -7.99 DWL-08 1.45 -7.96 DWL-09 0.23 -7.04 DWL-10 1.26 -7.57 DWL-11 0.71 -7.03 DWL-12 0.55 -6.03 DWL-13 0.71 -5.24 DWL-14 2.30 -7.62 DWL-15 1.66 -6.34 DWL-16 2.18 -7.86 DWL-17 0.40 -4.35 DWL-18 0.32 -5.26 DWL-19 0.47 -6.31 DWL-20 -1.39 -5.73 DWL-21 1.02 -6.77 DWL-22 -0.38 -6.86 DWL-23 2.02 -6.26 DWL-24 2.30 -8.01 DWL-25 1.28 -7.04 DWL-26 0.93 -8.03 DWL-27 2.35 -7.98 DWL-28 2.04 -7.07 DWL-29 2.11 -7.37 DWL-30 2.14 -7.74 DWL-31 2.50 -7.90 DWL-32 2.08 -6.99 DWL-33 2.42 -6.74 DWL-34 1.93 -7.20 DWL-35 2.01 -7.57 DWL-36 2.67 -6.16 DWL-37 2.49 -6.56 DWL-38 2.26 -5.75 DWL-39 1.59 -6.09 DWL-40 2.26 -6.76 DWL-41 2.59 -5.72 DWL-42 2.20 -6.15 DWL-43 2.62 -5.99 DWL-44 2.41 -5.15 DWL-45 2.73 -5.63 DWL-46 2.79 -5.92 DWL-47 2.31 -5.97 DWL-48 2.85 -5.35 DWL-49 2.53 -5.66 -
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