Dynamic Deformation of the Oversized Cross-Section Rectangular Pipe-Jacking Tunnel
摘要: 在城市地下工程建设中,新建大断面隧道近距离下穿施工对既有道路造成的扰动不可避免.分析地表变形特点及其变化规律对减小隧道施工造成的环境影响具有重大意义.结合郑州市沈庄北路-商鼎路下穿中州大道矩形顶管隧道工程的工程实践,采用现场地表变形实测统计分析并运用数值模拟方法对顶管顶进施工过程进行动态分析,揭示隧道开挖过程中的地表变化规律;数值模拟预测分析了顶管施工对既有道路的影响,从而优化施工方法和技术参数,提出相应的控制措施,并通过工程变形监测数据验证了预测分析的有效性.Abstract: This paper discusses the engineering of a rectangulan pipe jacking project for the construction of the Shenzhuang Road-Shangding Road underpass in Zhengzhou.Roads inevitably deform excavation of a new large tunnel nearby in an urban underground engineering project. It is of great significanceto analyze the characteristics of ground surface deformation and their laws change to reduce the environmental impact of tunnel construction. Combined with the engineering practice of Zhengzhou Shen Zhuang Road-Shangding Road Underpass in Zhongzhou road tunnel engineering of rectangular pipe jacking.In-situ measured statistical analysis of ground surface deformation and the numerical simulation method of dynamic process of jacking pipe jacking construction analysis, it is found in this study the laws of the surface variation in the process of tunnel excavation.Numerical simulation can be applied to predict the influence of pipe jacking construction of existing road, to optimize the construction method and technical parameters, on basis of which the corresponding control measures can be put forward.The effectiveness of the forecast analysis has been verifiedthrough the engineering deformation monitoring data in this study.
表 1 模型所含地层及材料物理参数
Table 1. Models included in the formation and the physical parameters of materials
序号 材料 属性 厚度(m) 天然容重
(°)泊松比 弹性模量
(MPa)1 杂填土 土层1 2.00 18.5 5.0 5.0 0.33 7.50 2 粉土 土层2 3.00 19.9 10.6 21.5 0.35 10.23 3 粉质粘土 土层3 10.00 19.6 22.0 15.9 0.35 12.03 4 粉砂 土层4 30.00 20.3 3.0 32.0 0.30 5.60 5 注浆 注浆材料 0.30 20.0 0.48 0.95 6 C50混凝土 管节 0.70 25.0 0.20 35 000.00 7 顶管机 钢壳 0.35 76.0 0.15 200 000.00 -
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