The Inversion Structures and Their Genetic Mechanisms of Bayindulan Sag, Erlian Basin
摘要: 二连盆地的构造反转事件一直有争议.为了查明二连盆地巴音都兰凹陷早白垩世期间反转构造的发育期次以及不同时期发生反转构造的动力机制,利用新处理的覆盖全凹陷的3D地震数据和钻井资料,识别并分析了研究区在裂陷期发育的4期正反转构造,分别对应阿三段沉积末期、阿四段沉积末期、腾一下段沉积末期以及腾二段沉积期.研究表明:研究区早白垩世岩浆底辟较为活跃,在阿三段、阿四段和腾一下段以及腾二段沉积末期均发育过岩浆底辟活动,并导致盆地局部发生构造正反转,而腾二段沉积期间除了发育岩浆底辟作用导致构造反转外,还发育左旋压扭活动,并导致构造正反转.因此,研究区在早白垩世发育了两种不同成因类型的正反转构造,这主要与二连盆地在早白垩世期间伊泽纳琦板块对欧亚大陆的俯冲和异常地幔隆升引起的岩浆底辟作用以及腾二段沉积期伊泽纳琦板块俯冲方向发生改变而导致的区域走滑作用密切相关.Abstract: The Geologic structure of Erlian basin has been controversial. To make clear the developmental periods of inversion structure and their genetic dynamic mechanism of Bayindulan sag, Erlian basin in Early Cretaceous, we make use of the new processing of 3D seismic data covering the all sag to identify the important tectonic unconformity interfaces and to make sure the contact relationship between the strata developed in Early Cretaceous. Combined the igneous rock revealing in drilling data, we think that the late 3rd Member of K1ba Formation, and the late 4th member of K1ba Formation, the late K1bt1, and the late K1bt2 mainly all developed normal inversion structures. The further studies indicate that the four positive inversion structures in the Early Cretaceous were caused by the developing magmatic diapiric structure under the setting of the regional extensional stress field; while inversion structure in early K1bt2 was typically caused by the regional strike-slip movement. Therefore, the genetic mechanisms of various inversion structures developed in different periods are dissimilar, which was closely coordinated with the subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate to Eurasia, the effects of the magmatic diapiric caused by the metasomatic mantle and regional strike-slip action resulted by the change of subduction direction of Paleo-Pacific plate during the Early Cretaceous period.
Key words:
- Bayindulan sag /
- Early Cretaceous /
- inversion structure /
- genetic mechanism /
- petroleum geology
图 4 阿三段和阿四段沉积末期的岩浆底辟构造特征
平面位置见图 1
Fig. 4. The magmatic diapiric structure feature in the late K1ba3 and the late K1ba4
图 6 腾一下段沉积末期的反转构造特征
平面位置见图 1
Fig. 6. The inversion structure feature in the lower 1st segment of Tenggeer Formation
图 7 腾二段沉积期的反转构造特征
平面位置见图 1
Fig. 7. The inversion structure feature in the 2nd segment of Tenggeer Formation
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