Magmatic Activity Characteristics and Its Coupling Relationship with Regional Tectonics in the Eastern Depression of North Yellow Sea Basin, Eastern China
摘要: 如何深入了解中国东部北黄海盆地东部坳陷岩浆活动特征是目前研究的前沿之一.为探讨早白垩世异常剧烈岩浆活动的区域构造成因并揭示中国东部的构造动力学机制,利用井-震及岩浆岩测试资料,对北黄海盆地岩浆活动特征及其与区域构造的耦合关系进行研究.在空间上刻画了岩浆的侵入相、喷出相的地震反射特征及沿深大断裂展布的平面分布特征;在时间上划分出了包括早白垩世108~115 Ma、134~145 Ma在内的4期岩浆活动.结合区域地质分析认为早白垩世早期,伊泽奈琦板块沿北北西斜向俯冲于欧亚板块之下,太平洋板块向南西方向俯冲,板块剪切作用导致郯庐断裂带左旋走滑,使得盆地处于左旋伸展环境中,内部形成派生的北西向右旋、近南北向左旋的次级共轭断裂系并控制岩浆上侵底辟活动.经过综合分析,厘清了盆地岩浆活动及断裂演化过程与区域板块运动之间的耦合关系.Abstract: In order to deepen the understanding of magmatic activity characteristics in North Yellow Sea basin, discuss the tectonic origin of such intensified magmatic activity in Early Cretaceous, and reveal the structural dynamic mechanism in eastern China, the magmatic activity characteristics and its coupling relationship with regional tectonics were well depicted in North Yellow Sea basin based on well data, high-precision 3D seismic data and magmatic rocks test data. On the space scale, intrusive and extrusive characteristics of magmatic rocks on the seismic profiles and the lateral distribution along the major faults of magmatic rocks were described specifically. On the time scale, four stages of magmatic activity were recognized including 108-115 Ma and 134-145 Ma which occurred in Early Cretaceous. When combined the magmatic activity with regional geological analysis, we believed that magmatic activity exceptionally fierce in the early period of Early Cretaceous. At that time, Izanagi plate oblique dived beneath the Eurasian plate along the NNW with high-speed and low angle. At the same time, the Pacific plate dived in SW. Under the plate shearing action, the Tanlu fault zone started to sinistral strike-slip which generated the sinistral stretching environment around North Yellow Sea basin. Therefore, the derived NW dextral and SN sinistral secondary conjugate fault systems inside the basin controlled the intrusion of magmatic diapir activity. After a comprehensive analysis, the coupling relationship between magmatic activity, fault evolution characteristics, and regional plate movement had been confirmed.
Key words:
- eastern China /
- North Yellow Sea basin /
- magmatic activity /
- tectonics /
- coupling relationship.
图 1 北黄海盆地大地构造位置及构造分区
a.据王嘹亮等 (2013)修改;b.底图为T5界面构造
Fig. 1. Tectonic location and divisions in North Yellow Sea basin
图 7 研究区断裂演化应力椭球体左旋剪切模式受力分析
a.据王嘹亮等 (2013)修改;b.T5反射界面的断裂分布;①推测断裂;②朝鲜半岛西缘断裂;③郯庐断裂带;④南黄海北部断裂带
Fig. 7. The sinistral shear mode of fault evolution stress ellipsoid in study area
图 9 研究区断裂演化应力椭球体右旋剪切模式受力分析
a.据王嘹亮等 (2013)修改;b.T4反射界面的断裂分布;①.推测断裂;②.朝鲜半岛西缘断裂;③.郯庐断裂带;④.南黄海北部断裂带
Fig. 9. The dextral shear mode of fault evolution stress ellipsoid in study area
图 10 早白垩世以来太平洋板块俯冲方向的演变
Fig. 10. The evolution of the Pacific plate subduction direction from Early Cretaceous to now
图 11 燕山期中国东部周边依泽奈崎板块与太平洋板块位置复原
Fig. 11. The reconstructed location of Izanagi and Pacific plates during Yanshanian at eastern China
表 1 研究区岩浆岩测年结果
Table 1. Test results of magmatic rocks in study area
井名 层段 深度段 (m) 厚度 (m) 岩性 年代 (Ma) Well-1 J2 4 000.0~4 013.0 13.0 玄武岩 - Well-3 J3 2 496.0~2 513.0 17.0 花岗斑岩 111.4±2.0 Well-3 J3 2 598.5~2 675.0 76.5 英安岩 141.0±2.0* Well-3 J2 3 783.0~3 789.0 6.0 英安岩 145.0±2.0* Well-4 J3 3 033.0~3 082.0 49.0 花岗斑岩 115.7±2.5 Well-4 J3 3 082.0~3 150.0 68.0 花岗斑岩 110.0±1.0 Well-4 J3 3 150.0~3 184.0 34.0 花岗斑岩 108.5±1.4 Well-5 J2 4 068.0~4 071.0 3.0 辉绿岩 - Well-5 Pt 4 390.0~4 430.0 40.0 辉绿岩 221.7±4.9 Well-5 Pt 4 430.0~4 457.0 27.0 辉绿岩 238.1±3.5 Well-5 Pt 4 457.0~4 478.0 21.0 辉绿岩 207.3±5.0 Well-5 Pt 4 550.0~4 565.5 15.5 辉绿岩 - Well-6 Pt 3 566.0~3 576.0 10.0 辉绿岩 244.0 Well-8 J3 2 404.0~2 412.0 8.0 花岗斑岩 107.0±0.8 Well-8 J3 3 030.0~3 040.0 10.0 花岗斑岩 108.0±0.8 Well-9 J3 1 670.0~2 155.0 485.0 正长岩、闪长岩夹沉积岩 - Well-10 J3 2 447.0~2 993.0 546.0 粗面斑岩夹沉积岩 - Well-10 J3 3 162.0~3 330.0 168.0 安山岩、玄武质安山岩 - 注:*引用自王嘹亮等 (2015) -
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