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    孙洋 马昌前 刘彬

    孙洋, 马昌前, 刘彬, 2017. 长江中下游地区燕山晚期基性岩浆活动的记录. 地球科学, 42(6): 891-908. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.077
    引用本文: 孙洋, 马昌前, 刘彬, 2017. 长江中下游地区燕山晚期基性岩浆活动的记录. 地球科学, 42(6): 891-908. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.077
    Sun Yang, Ma Changqian, Liu Bin, 2017. Record of Late Yanshanian Mafic Magmatic Activity in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt. Earth Science, 42(6): 891-908. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.077
    Citation: Sun Yang, Ma Changqian, Liu Bin, 2017. Record of Late Yanshanian Mafic Magmatic Activity in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt. Earth Science, 42(6): 891-908. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.077


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.077

    国家自然科学基金项目 41272079

    国家重点基础研究发展计划 2012CB416800

    国家自然科学基金项目 41502050





    • 中图分类号: P581

    Record of Late Yanshanian Mafic Magmatic Activity in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt

    • 摘要: 江苏省宁镇地区位于长江中下游沿江成矿带的最东端,是长江中下游成矿带的重要组成部分,蒋庙岩体是宁镇地区唯一的基性岩体.对此岩体进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、矿物化学、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素研究,讨论了其成因及地幔源区性质.岩体主要由橄榄辉长岩、角闪辉长岩和辉石闪长岩组成,其中辉石闪长岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS(laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) U-Pb年龄为121±1 Ma.锆石εHf(t)值介于-2.9~-6.4.全岩地球化学研究显示岩石样品富钠低钾,富集轻稀土元素,重稀土元素亏损不明显,富集大离子亲石元素(如K、Ba、Sr等),亏损高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、Ti、Zr、Hf等).蒋庙基性侵入岩在长江中下游地区中生代岩浆岩中具有最高的εNd(t)值以及最低的(87Sr/86Sr)i值,其Sr-Nd同位素组成介于软流圈地幔(depleted MORB mantle,DMM)-富集岩石圈地幔(enriched mantle Ⅱ,EMⅡ)之间.研究认为,蒋庙岩体应来源于软流圈地幔和富集岩石圈地幔的混合组分,可能有少量的俯冲板片物质加入源区,并在成岩过程中经历了一定程度的结晶分异.结合区域地质、年代学、矿物学和地球化学资料,表明蒋庙岩体的形成可能与古太平洋板块俯冲事件密切相关.


    • 图  1  长江中下游成矿带主要矿集区分布示意


      Fig.  1.  Schematic illustration of the seven magmatic and metallogenic districts of the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt

      图  2  宁镇地区燕山期侵入岩分布


      Fig.  2.  The distribution of Mesozoic intrusive rocks in the Ningzhen region

      图  3  蒋庙岩体地质简图


      Fig.  3.  Sketch geological map of the Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  4  蒋庙岩体野外及镜下照片


      Fig.  4.  Field photographs and photomicrographs of the Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  5  蒋庙辉石闪长岩(09NJ09) 中代表性锆石的CL图像及分析点位

      Fig.  5.  Cathodoluminescence (CL) images and analysis position for the representative zircons from Jiangmiao pyroxene diorite

      图  6  蒋庙辉石闪长岩(09NJ09)(a)锆石U-Pb谐和图和(b)年龄误差分析

      Fig.  6.  Zircon U-Pb concordia diagram and (b) weighted mean 206Pb/238U age for the Jiangmiao pyroxene diorite

      图  7  蒋庙岩体Harker图


      Fig.  7.  Harker diagram for Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  8  蒋庙岩体的(a)稀土配分图解和(b)微量元素蛛网图

      球粒陨石标准值和原始地幔标准值均引自Sun and McDonough(1989)

      Fig.  8.  (a)Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and (b) primitive mantle normalized element spider diagram for the Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  9  蒋庙岩体的(87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)图

      DMM.亏损地幔单元;EM(Ⅰ,Ⅱ).富集地幔单元引自Zindler and Hart(1986);角闪岩相元古代崆岭群引自Ma et al.(2000)Ames et al.(1996);长江中下游地区早白垩世基性岩引自Yan et al.(2008);新生代玄武岩数据引自Zou et al.(2000);上地壳引自Taylor and McLennan(1985);扬子下地壳引自Jahn et al.(1999);文献洪文涛等(2010)

      Fig.  9.  Initial 87Sr/86Sr vs. εNd(t) diagram of the Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  10  蒋庙岩体(a)SiO2-εNd(t)和(b)(87Sr/86Sr)i-1 000/Sr关系


      Fig.  10.  (a)SiO2 vs. εNd(t) and (b) (87Sr/86Sr)i vs. 1 000/Sr diagram of the Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  11  蒋庙岩体(a)Y-Zr图解和(b)10×Ba/Zr-100×Nb/Zr图解


      Fig.  11.  (a) Y versus Zr and (b) 10×Ba/Zr vs. 100×Nb/Zr diagram of the Jiangmiao intrusion

      图  12  (a)单斜辉石F1-F2图解和(b)单斜辉石AlZ-TiO2图解

      图a中WPT.板内拉斑玄武岩;WPA.板内碱性玄武岩;VAB.岛弧玄武岩;OFB.洋底玄武岩;图b中AlZ是指单斜辉石中进入四面体位置的Al占全铝的百分比;图a据Nisbet and Pearce(1977);图b据Loucks(1990)F1=-0.012 0SiO2-0.080 7TiO2+0.002 6Al2O3-0.001 2FeO-0.062 6MnO+0.008 7MgO-0.012 8CaO-0.041 9Na2O;F2=-0.046 9SiO2-0.081 8TiO2-0.021 2Al2O3-0.004 1FeO-0.143 5MnO-0.002 9MgO+0.008 5CaO+0.016 0Na2O

      Fig.  12.  (a)F1 versus F2 diagram of clinoproxenes and (b) AlZ versus TiO2 diagram of clinoproxenes

      表  1  蒋庙辉石闪长岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分析结果

      Table  1.   LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb data for the Jiangmiao pyroxene diorite

      点号 元素(10-6) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma)
      Th U PbTotal Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 208Pb/232Th 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ
      1 601 542 14.69 1.11 0.048 53 0.001 69 0.127 14 0.004 53 0.018 96 0.000 17 0.006 04 0.000 11 122 4 121 1
      26181 02724.150.600.047 170.001 210.121 710.003 150.018 690.000 140.005 740.000 1011731191
      32 1981 41742.321.550.048 550.001 060.127 670.002 880.019 040.000 150.005 860.000 0812231221
      42 2671 88652.941.200.049 590.001 110.132 670.003 160.019 330.000 160.006 140.000 1012631231
      52 2981 41843.451.620.047 620.001 160.127 660.003 210.019 390.000 170.005 910.000 1012231241
      691973820.231.250.048 050.001 490.123 920.003 920.018 660.000 160.005 740.000 1011941191
      763890422.040.710.049 900.001 310.128 200.003 360.018 640.000 150.005 910.000 1012231191
      861762516.570.990.050 350.001 560.131 960.004 230.019 040.000 200.006 050.000 1112641221
      92 0011 59544.211.250.050 630.001 140.131 340.003 070.018 790.000 140.005 920.000 0812531201
      107861 32431.330.590.048 980.001 210.126 120.003 170.018 660.000 140.005 730.000 1012131191
      111 5991 43639.741.110.050 330.001 150.133 930.003 070.019 340.000 170.006 200.000 1112831231
      1263585121.550.750.049 690.001 380.131 710.003 590.019 310.000 180.006 330.000 1112631231
      131 9311 05932.591.820.050 430.001 340.129 930.003 390.018 690.000 140.005 770.000 0912431191
      1445160714.790.740.047 690.001 570.124 500.003 960.018 960.000 160.005 910.000 1111941211
      1553853213.781.010.050 140.001 790.131 280.004 480.019 060.000 180.005 990.000 1312541221
      163623859.900.940.052 060.002 110.138 190.005 500.019 270.000 190.005 950.000 1413151231
      1770885421.590.830.050 290.001 280.134 350.003 670.019 270.000 160.006 010.000 1012831231
      1856166416.830.850.048 870.001 680.129 860.004 540.019 250.000 170.005 930.000 1212441231
      19 365 502 12.46 0.73 0.045 98 0.002 06 0.121 69 0.005 39 0.019 27 0.000 22 0.006 18 0.000 14 117 5 123 1
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      表  2  蒋庙辉石闪长岩的锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成

      Table  2.   Zircon Lu-Hf isotopes for the Jiangmiao pyroxene diorite

      10.027 5910.001 0630.282 6150.000 0130.282 276-3.00.5904361 36557-0.97
      20.038 3670.001 4530.282 5240.000 0130.282 298-6.20.51 043371 57158-0.96
      30.023 6480.000 9460.282 6050.000 0120.282 281-3.30.4916341 38855-0.97
      60.045 5740.001 7010.282 5280.000 0130.282 297-6.10.51 044381 56360-0.95
      70.041 3930.001 6120.282 5210.000 0150.282 283-6.40.51 052421 57966-0.95
      80.033 2990.001 2950.282 5720.000 0110.282 241-4.50.4971311 46248-0.96
      90.048 9410.001 9000.282 5290.000 0110.282 257-6.10.41 048321 56249-0.94
      100.050 3100.001 9820.282 5290.000 0130.282 274-6.10.51 051391 56360-0.94
      110.036 3020.001 4390.282 5740.000 0110.282 192-4.50.4972311 46049-0.96
      120.033 5460.001 2740.282 5320.000 0120.282 292-5.90.41 027351 55355-0.96
      140.024 2610.000 9450.282 6160.000 0140.282 279-2.90.5900391 36363-0.97
      150.017 8860.000 7240.282 5930.000 0130.282 221-3.70.5927361 41457-0.98
      160.034 8400.001 3240.282 5440.000 0140.282 285-5.50.51 011411 52565-0.96
      170.032 4420.001 2600.282 5700.000 0120.282 313-4.60.4973331 46752-0.96
      180.033 4500.001 2810.282 5690.000 0110.282 198-4.60.4975311 47149-0.96
      190.031 9320.001 2540.282 5510.000 0160.282 297-5.30.6999461 50973-0.96
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      表  3  蒋庙橄榄辉长岩中辉石的电子探针分析结果(%)

      Table  3.   Chemical compositions of the clinopyroxenes from the Jiangmiao olivine gabbros

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      表  4  蒋庙岩体主量元素(%)、微量元素(10-6)及Sr-Nd同位素组成

      Table  4.   Major (%), trace element (10-6) and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Jiangmiao intrusion

      87Rb/86Sr-0.005 50.263 7--
      87Sr/86Sr(2σ)-0.704 591(6)0.705 065(4)--
      147Sm/144Nd-0.118 90.122 3--
      143Nd/144Nd(2σ)-0.512 581(9)0.512 487(5)--
      87Sr/86Sr(t)-0.704 5820.704 612--
      注:FeOt表示全铁;“-”处表示未测试或计算;Mg#=100×Mg2+/(Mg2++Fet2+),t=121 Ma.
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