Geological Features, Activity History and Tectonic Attribute of NW-Trending Changde-Anren Fault in Hunan
摘要: 常德-安仁断裂是湖南东部一条NW向大断裂,关于其地质特征、活动历史及构造性质等尚缺乏系统研究.基于区域地质调查和基础地质研究资料,总结了常德-安仁断裂的总体特征,重塑了断裂的活动历史,探讨了断裂的构造性质和变形机制.主要认识如下:常德-安仁断裂走向NW330°,为一基底隐伏断裂,地质上表现为一NW向岩浆隆起带.该断裂为贯穿中、下地壳并切入岩石圈地幔的深大断裂,断裂倾向NE,倾角约54°.断裂具有长期活动历史:新元古代冷家溪期作为转换断层具走滑活动;冷家溪末期武陵(晋宁)运动中在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑;板溪期早期和南华纪早期均具伸展活动并控制沉积相带的展布;加里东运动中在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑;中三叠世晚期印支运动中在区域NW-NWW向挤压下左行走滑兼逆冲;晚三叠世-早侏罗世在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑;中侏罗世晚期早燕山运动中在区域NWW向挤压下左行走滑;白垩纪-古近纪产生伸展活动.常德-安仁断裂在冷家溪期可能为一横切扬子陆块东南缘弧后盆地、岛弧和华南洋的转换断层.印支运动中断裂带因深部逆冲活动而构造隆升.该断裂具隐伏特征的原因可能与冷家溪期-南华纪同沉积活动、震旦系底部滑脱层发育、多条NE-NNE向大断裂的截切以及断裂沿线花岗岩体和断陷盆地的发育等有关.Abstract: Changde-Anren fault is a NW-trending deep fault in eastern Hunan, and its geological features, activity history and tectonic attributes have not been studied systematically. Based on regional geological survey and research data, the authors summarized the general features of the fault, analyzed the nature, genesis and forming ages of the secondary structures origined from the fault, and then reconstructed the activity history, probed in the tectonic attributes and deformation mechanisms of the fault. Main conclusions are as follows:Changde-Anren fault is a NW-trending (330°) basement hidden fault with outcropped fault only in part of north segment and appears as a NW-striking magma-uplift belt. It is a deep major fault breaking through the middle and lower crust and cutting into lithospheric mantle, and dipping northeast with dip angle of 54°. The fault experienced long-term activity as follows. It was a transform fault with strike-slip motion during Neoproterozoic Lengjiaxi Period, strike-slipped dextrally under regional S-N compression in Wuling Movement causing the clockwise rotation of the structural lineaments to the north of Taojiang, extended and controlled the sedimentary facies in Early Banxi Period and Early Nanhua, strike-slipped dextrally under regional S-N compression and fromed secondary NWW-trending thrust faults in Caledonian Movement, strike-slipped sinistrally with thrust and formed secondary NW-trending sinistral strike-slip fault and Anren "y"-type structure under regional NW to NWW compression in late Middle Triassic Indosinian Movement, strike-slipped dextrally under regional S-N compression and formed secondary NWW-trending thrust faults and uplifts during Late Trias-Early Jurassic, strike-slipped sinistrally under regional NWW compression and formed secondary NEE-trending dextral strike-slip fault in Middle Jurassic Early Yanshanian Movement, extended and formed small-scale NW-trending regulative faults controlling the boundary of the southwest end of NNE-trending faulted basins during Cretaceous-Paleogene. Changde-Anren fault was probably a transform fault crosscutting back-arc basin and island arc on the southeastern margin of Yangtze block and Huanan ocean. The uplift along Changde-Anren fault was formed in Indosinain Movement controlled by deep thrust, and rose further for large-scale granitic magmatism in Late Triassic. The hidden properties of the fault were provided by several facts such as follows:The fault developed in Lengjiaxi Group and Nanhua as synsedimentary fault but not in Sinian-Upper Paleozoic; there existed weak detachment layer of Jinjiadong Formation at the bottom of Sinian; NE to NNE-trending major faults cut Changde-Anren fault into several segments with relative independent motion; there occurred a large number of granitic bodies and Cretaceous-Paleogene basins.
图 5 武潭-桃江地区地质图
位置见图 1;据湖南省1:50万地质图、1:25万益阳市幅地质图(湖南省地质调查院,2017)修改.Q.第四系;KEb.白垩系-古近系百花亭组;C.石炭系;D3.上泥盆统;D2.中泥盆统;S.志留系;O.奥陶系;∈.寒武系;Z.震旦系;Nh.南华系;Qb2bh+n.青白口系板溪群百合垅组和牛牯坪组;Qb2w+dy.板溪群五强溪组和多益塘组;Qb2dy.板溪群多益塘组;Qb2t.板溪群通塔湾组;Qb2m.板溪群马底驿组;Qb2hl+m.板溪群横路冲组和马底驿组;Qb1x.青白口系冷家溪群小木坪组;Qb1h.冷家溪群黄浒洞组;Qb1l.冷家溪群雷神庙组;Qb1p.冷家溪群潘家冲组;Qb1y.冷家溪群易家桥组;γT.三叠纪花岗岩.1.青白口系板溪群;2.青白口系冷家溪群;3.花岗岩;4.断裂;5.平移断裂;6.逆断裂;7.地质界线/角度不整合地质界线;8.地层产状;9.断裂编号.F1.牛田断裂;F2.大福坪断裂;F3.长塘断裂;F4.安化-马迹塘断裂;F5.丰家铺-谢林港断裂
Fig. 5. Geological sketch of Wutan-Taojiang area
图 7 桃花江水库地区地质图
位置见图 1;Qh.全新统;C1zs.下石炭统樟树湾组;C1sb.下石炭统尚保冲组;D3w.上泥盆统吴家坊组;D3yl.上泥盆统岳麓山组;D2q.中泥盆统棋梓桥组;D2y.中泥盆统易家湾组;D2t.中泥盆统跳马涧组;S1lj.下志留统两江河组;O2-3y-OSl.奥陶系烟溪组-志留系龙马溪组;O1-2q.下-中奥陶统桥亭子组;O1bs.中奥陶统白水溪组;∈2-3w~∈3-4t.寒武系污泥塘组和探溪组;∈1-2n.下寒武统牛蹄塘组;Z.震旦系;Nh3.上南华统;Nh1-2.下-中南华统;Qb2n.青白口系板溪群牛牯坪组.1.断裂;2.平移断裂;3.逆断裂;4.整合地质界线;5.角度不整合地质界线;6.岩层产状;7.断裂编号.F1.油次冲-杨家坳断裂;F2.石鸭头断裂;F3.台山冲断裂;F4.杨家仑断裂;F5.王家山断裂
Fig. 7. Geological map of Taohuajiang reservoir area
图 8 川口地区地质图
位置见图 1;据湖南省1:50万地质图和1:5万铁丝塘幅和草市幅地质图(湖北地质调查院,2017)修改.E.古近系;K.白垩系;T1.下三叠统;P2-P3.中-上二叠统;CPH.上石炭统-下二叠统壶天群;D3.上泥盆统;D2.中泥盆统;Nh.南华系;Qb2y.青白口系高涧群岩门寨组;Qb1x.青白口系冷家溪群小木坪组;Qb1h.冷家溪群黄浒洞组;γT.三叠纪花岗岩;γS.志留纪花岗岩.1.断裂;2.逆平移断裂;3.正断裂;4.地质界线;5.角度不整合地质界线.F1.水垅冲断裂;F2.草市断裂
Fig. 8. Geological sketch of Chuankou area
图 11 韶山-湘乡地区地质图
位置见图 1;据湖南省1:50万地质图(湖南省地质调查院,2017)、1:25万邵阳市幅地质图和1:25万株洲市幅地质图修改.Q.第四系;E1.古近系;K2.上白垩统;K1.下白垩统;J1.下侏罗统;T3.上三叠统;T1.下三叠统;P2-P3.中-上二叠统;CPH.上石炭统-下二叠统壶天群;C1.下石炭统;D3.上泥盆统;D2.中泥盆统;∈1.下寒武统;Z.震旦系;Nh.南华系;Qb2.青白口系板溪群、高涧群;γJ.侏罗纪花岗岩;γT.三叠纪花岗岩.1.断裂;2.逆断裂;3.正断裂;4.地质界线;5.角度不整合地质界线;6.地层产状;7.断裂编号.F1.棋梓-乌石断裂;F2.杨林断裂;F3.中沙断裂;F4.月山断裂;F5.翻江断裂
Fig. 11. Geological sketch of Shaoshan-Xiangxiang area
图 12 溪江地区地质图
位置见图 1;据湖南省1:50万地质图(湖南省地质调查院,2017)、1:25万邵阳市幅地质图修改.K2.上白垩统;K1.下白垩统;CPH.上石炭统-下二叠统壶天群;C1.下石炭统;D3.上泥盆统;D2.中泥盆统;O.奥陶系;∈.寒武系;Z.震旦系;Nh.南华系;Qb2j+y.青白口系高涧群架枧田组和岩门寨组;Qb2z.高涧群砖墙湾组组;Qb2s+hs.高涧群石桥铺组和黄狮洞组;Qb1x.青白口系冷家溪群小木坪组;γT.三叠纪花岗岩;γS.志留纪花岗岩;1.断裂;2.平移断裂;3.正断裂;4.地质界线;5.角度不整合地质界线.F1.界牌断裂;F2.枣子坪断裂
Fig. 12. Geological sketch of Xijiang area
图 14 板溪期早期岩相古地理格局
Fig. 14. Paleogeography in Early Banxi Period
图 15 南华纪早期岩相古地理
Fig. 15. Paleogeography in Early Nanhuan Period
表 1 常德-安仁断裂派生次级构造
Table 1. Secondary structures origined from Changde-Anren fault
序号 次级构造类型 形成时代 次级构造及其形成时代依据 常德-安仁断裂活动性质 1 NWW向褶皱 Qb中期 桃江北面NWW向褶皱,卷入地层为冷家溪群. 武陵运动中在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑 2 NWW向逆断裂 S晚期 牛田断裂,切割下古生界并被上古生界所覆;石鸭头断裂,切割下古生界并被上古生界所覆. 加里东运动中在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑 3 NW向左行平移断裂 T2晚期 水垅冲断裂,切割最新地层为上古生界且南东段被白垩系所掩,叠加了晚三叠世-早侏罗世逆冲活动. 印支运动中在区域NW(W)向挤压下左行走滑 4 NWW向逆断裂 T3-J1 油次冲-杨家坳断裂,切割上古生界并被印支期NE向断裂所限;杨林断裂,西端切入晚三叠世花岗岩,东端被侏罗系所掩覆;棋梓-乌石断裂,切割上古生界并被白垩系所掩覆、被印支期NE向断裂所限. 在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑 5 NWW向隆起 T3-J1 龙山-桥亭子串珠状隆起,卷入了上古生界并被中侏罗世早燕山运动褶皱叠加;沩山隆起,卷入了上古生界并有三叠纪花岗岩侵位. 在区域S-N向挤压下右行走滑 6 NEE向右行平移断裂 J2晚期 枣子坪断裂,切割了晚三叠世花岗岩,东端被白垩系所掩覆. 早燕山运动中在区域NWW向挤压下左行走滑 7 断陷盆地端部或边部断裂 K-E 湘阴凹陷、湘潭盆地、株洲盆地、醴攸盆地等NNE向盆地南西端端部NW向断裂、衡阳盆地北东边界,控制断陷盆地的延伸. 区域伸展构造体制下产生拉张活动 -
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