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    杨烁 王威 张莉 罗丁文 邹华耀

    杨烁, 王威, 张莉, 罗丁文, 邹华耀, 2020. 元坝-通南巴地区须家河组绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩发育控制因素与分布规律. 地球科学, 45(2): 479-488. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.011
    引用本文: 杨烁, 王威, 张莉, 罗丁文, 邹华耀, 2020. 元坝-通南巴地区须家河组绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩发育控制因素与分布规律. 地球科学, 45(2): 479-488. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.011
    Yang Shuo, Wang Wei, Zhang Li, Luo Dingwen, Zou Huayao, 2020. Control Factors and Distribution of Chlorite-Cemented Facies in the Xujiahe Sandstone, Yuanba and Tongnanba Area. Earth Science, 45(2): 479-488. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.011
    Citation: Yang Shuo, Wang Wei, Zhang Li, Luo Dingwen, Zou Huayao, 2020. Control Factors and Distribution of Chlorite-Cemented Facies in the Xujiahe Sandstone, Yuanba and Tongnanba Area. Earth Science, 45(2): 479-488. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.011


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.011

    国家自然科学基金资助项目 U1663210

    中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)资助 XDA14010306


      杨烁(1993-), 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事致密砂岩储层成岩作用研究



    • 中图分类号: P581

    Control Factors and Distribution of Chlorite-Cemented Facies in the Xujiahe Sandstone, Yuanba and Tongnanba Area

    • 摘要: 川东北元坝-通南巴地区须家河组砂岩普遍超致密,仅绿泥石环边胶结物含量大于1.5%的砂岩(即绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩)物性较好.综合运用岩石学和测井地质学的方法,基于薄片、扫描电镜及粒度分析等资料分析绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩的岩石组构特征和形成控制因素,运用薄片鉴定、测录井等资料,明确绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩的测井响应特征并明确其发育分布规律.结果表明,绿泥石膜的发育具有较强的相控性和岩石组构的选择性,即发育于水下分流河道原始结构较好的砂岩.该类砂岩结构成熟度和成分成熟度较高,通常具有较低的杂基和塑性岩屑含量,且含有适量的火山岩岩屑(2%~6%).较低的杂基和塑性岩屑含量为绿泥石沉淀提供所需的孔隙空间,火山岩岩屑为绿泥石膜沉淀提供物质来源.


    • 图  1  元坝-通南巴地区构造位置图

      Fig.  1.  Structural location map of the Yuanba and Tongnanba area in NE Sichuan Basin

      图  2  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组不同类型砂岩孔渗交汇图

      Fig.  2.  Cross plot of porosity and permeability for samples of various sandstones, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  3  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组砂岩碎屑组分含量与岩屑类型三角图(分类方案据Folk,1974


      Fig.  3.  Ternary diagram illustrating the detrital composition and the rock fragments composition of the Xujiahe sandstones, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  4  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组绿泥石膜镜下特征照片

      a.元陆6井,4 464.8 m,须二下亚段,中粒长石岩屑砂岩,单偏光,×100,颗粒接触部位不发育或发育极少量绿泥石膜(白色箭头),绿泥石膜呈叶片状围绕颗粒边缘生长,可见残余原生粒间孔;b.元陆175井,4 602.3 m,须四上亚段,中粒长石岩屑砂岩,单偏光,×100,可见火山岩岩屑;c.元陆175井,4 602.6 m,须四上亚段,中粒长石岩屑砂岩,扫描电镜,×2 400,绿泥石膜围绕石英颗粒生长;d.元陆6井,4 464.8 m,须二下亚段,中粒长石岩屑砂岩,单偏光,×100,绿泥石膜呈叶片状围绕颗粒边缘生长,可见两期绿泥石膜;e.元陆6井,4 464.8 m,须二下亚段,中粒长石岩屑砂岩,×6 000,两期绿泥石膜;f.马201井,3 374.92 m,须二上亚段,中粒长石岩屑砂岩,×6 000,两期绿泥石膜

      Fig.  4.  Thin section and SEM images showing the characteristics of chlorite rim in the Xujiahe sandstones, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  5  石英加大边中包裹体均一温度分布图

      Fig.  5.  Homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusion in quartz overgrowth cements

      图  6  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组典型井(a)绿泥石膜含量与(b)火山岩岩屑含量直方图

      Fig.  6.  Histogram of (a) average content of chlorite cements and (b) average content of volcanic rock fragments in the Xujiahe sandstones, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  7  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组砂岩绿泥石膜与平均粒径和颗粒分选交汇图

      a.绿泥石膜含量与平均粒径交汇图; b.绿泥石膜含量与颗粒分选交汇图

      Fig.  7.  Cross plots of grain size and grain sorting versus content of chlorite cements of the Xujiahe sandstones in typical wells, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  8  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组砂岩典型井组分纵向分布特征

      a. L6井;b. M201井;c. L173井

      Fig.  8.  The vertical distribution of rock constituents of the Xujiahe sandstones in typical wells, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  9  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩测井解释模板

      Fig.  9.  Well log interpretation template of chlorite-cemented facies in the Xujiahe sandstones, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

      图  10  元坝-通南巴地区须家河组绿泥石膜胶结相砂岩平面展布

      Fig.  10.  Plane distribution of chlorite-cemented facies in the Xujiahe sandstones, Yuanba and Tongnanba area

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