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    周立宏 陈长伟 韩国猛 杨飞 马建英 周可佳 张伟 黄传炎

    周立宏, 陈长伟, 韩国猛, 杨飞, 马建英, 周可佳, 张伟, 黄传炎, 2019. 渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷沙一下亚段地质特征与页岩油勘探潜力. 地球科学, 44(8): 2736-2750. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.112
    引用本文: 周立宏, 陈长伟, 韩国猛, 杨飞, 马建英, 周可佳, 张伟, 黄传炎, 2019. 渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷沙一下亚段地质特征与页岩油勘探潜力. 地球科学, 44(8): 2736-2750. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.112
    Zhou Lihong, Chen Changwei, Han Guomeng, Yang Fei, Ma Jianyin, Zhou Kejia, Zhang Wei, Huang Chuanyan, 2019. Geological Characteristics and Shale Oil Exploration Potential of Lower First Member of Shahejie Formation in Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Earth Science, 44(8): 2736-2750. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.112
    Citation: Zhou Lihong, Chen Changwei, Han Guomeng, Yang Fei, Ma Jianyin, Zhou Kejia, Zhang Wei, Huang Chuanyan, 2019. Geological Characteristics and Shale Oil Exploration Potential of Lower First Member of Shahejie Formation in Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Earth Science, 44(8): 2736-2750. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.112


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.112

      周立宏(1968-), 男, 教授级高工, 主要从事油气勘探研究与生产管理工作

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Geological Characteristics and Shale Oil Exploration Potential of Lower First Member of Shahejie Formation in Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

    • 摘要: 利用系统取心、地震、测井、录井和系统取样分析资料,对歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段页岩层系沉积环境、岩性及组合特征、生烃条件、储集空间、岩石脆性等方面展开综合研究.研究认为:(1)沙一下亚段为歧口凹陷古近系最大湖泛沉积,西南缘宽缓的湖湾背景有利于细粒沉积稳定分布,具备页岩油发育的沉积背景;(2)优质烃源岩纵向上连续分布(60~80 m),平面上稳定分布(1 518 km2),埋藏适中(1 900~3 000 m),主体处于第1期大量生烃阶段,具备页岩油发育的有利生烃条件;(3)矿物成份多样,以碳酸盐岩和细粒混合沉积岩为主,薄互层白云岩、油页岩、泥岩纵向上交互发育,平面连续分布,具备页岩油发育的岩性及组合条件;(4)岩性组合及生烃条件等参数综合评价,纵向上识别出4个垂向甜点段(C1~C4),甜点段之间发育3个高GR、低RT泥岩隔板层;(5)优选有机质丰度、成熟度和甜点段厚度3个甜点评价参数,平面上识别出4个Ⅰ类甜点分布区共380 km2,为下一步勘探的重点.


    • 图  1  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段地层与沉积环境

      Fig.  1.  Stratigraphy and sedimentary environment of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  2  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段细粒沉积岩X衍射矿物三端元图

      Fig.  2.  Three-terminal element of fine-grained sedimentary rock X-ray diffraction mineral of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  3  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段细粒沉积岩岩性特征

      ①.泥晶白云岩,Bin22井,2 599.40 m,单偏光;②.微晶云岩,Bin22井,2 601.90 m,单偏光,铁白云石胶结;③.微晶颗粒云岩,W38井,1 987.40 m,单偏光;④.灰质云岩,ZC1-4井,2 954.30 m,单偏光;⑤.云质灰岩,F29井,2 585.90 m,单偏光;⑥.砂质云岩,C54x1井3 227.30 m,单偏光;⑦.泥质云岩,F29井,2 561.45 m,单偏光;⑧.泥晶白云质灰岩,Q123井,2 881.00 m,单偏光;⑨灰质泥页岩,Z64井,2 602.39 m,正交光;⑩.灰质泥页岩,Q106井,2 262.04 m,正交光;⑪.灰质泥岩,Z64井,2 602.39 m,正交光;⑫.中-细砂岩,Kou42井,2 300.45 m,单偏光,颗粒间被泥质和方解石近全充填

      Fig.  3.  Lithologic characteristics of fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  4  歧口西南缘C54x1井沙一下取心段岩性组合特征

      Fig.  4.  Well C54x1 lithologic combination characteristics of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  5  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段各油组岩相古地理特征

      Fig.  5.  Lithofacies paleogeographic characteristics of each oil group of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  6  歧口凹陷西南缘C54x1井沙一下亚段有机质丰度

      Fig.  6.  Well C54x1 organic abundance of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  7  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段成熟度与深度关系曲线

      Fig.  7.  Maturity and depth relationshipof the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  8  歧口凹陷沙一下亚段细粒沉积岩储集空间特征

      ①.鲕粒灰岩,C46井,1 922.00 m,单偏光;②.鲕粒白云岩,Q100井,2 896.05 m,单偏光;③.灰质白云岩,T6井,2 504.00 m,单偏光;④.微晶白云岩,Kou42井,2 293.60 m,单偏光;⑤.灰质泥晶白云岩,ZC1-4井,2 974.43 m;⑥.鲕粒灰岩,Kou42井,2 306.89 m,单偏光;⑦.粒屑白云岩,F14井,2 718.51 m,单偏光;⑧.鲕粒灰岩,Q100井,2 906.90 m,单偏光;⑨.生物灰岩,Q100井,2 905.63 m,单偏光;⑩.生物灰岩,K16井,2 101.25 m; ⑪.泥晶白云岩,Kou42井,2 281.09 m;⑫.泥晶灰岩,Q123井,2 869.91 m;⑬.泥质泥晶灰岩,ZH501井,2 762.00 m,单偏光;⑭.泥晶白云岩,ZH501井,2 734.00 m,单偏光;⑮.颗粒石灰岩,F10井,单偏光;⑯.泥质泥晶白云岩,ZH501井,2 757.50 m

      Fig.  8.  Spatial characteristics of fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  9  歧口凹陷沙一下亚段Bin22井储集物性特征

      Fig.  9.  Well Bin22 reservoir physical characteristics of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      图  10  页岩油甜点综合预测

      Fig.  10.  Shale oil dessert comprehensive forecast

      图  11  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下亚段页岩油C2段甜点段平面分布

      Fig.  11.  Shale oil plane distribution of C2 segment dessert segment of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      表  1  歧口凹陷西南缘Bin22井沙一下亚段干酪根组分表

      Table  1.   Well Bin22 kerogen component of the lower first member of Shahejie formation in the southwestern of Qikou depression

      岩心深度(m) 干酪根质量g/100g) 腐泥组(%) 壳质组(%) 镜质组(%) 惰质组(%)
      浮游藻类体 腐泥无定形体 合计 树脂体 角质体 孢粉体 菌孢体 腐质无定形体 合计 富氢镜质体 镜质体 合计 丝质体
      2 563.85 1.762 3.13 70.09 73.21 3.13 6.25 0.89 11.16 21.43 2.68 2.68 5.36
      2 564.29 1.334 4.21 70.53 74.74 4.74 6.84 0.53 4.74 16.84 3.16 4.74 7.89 0.53
      2 567.35 1.582 1.38 68.66 70.05 12.90 6.45 0.46 4.15 23.96 1.84 4.15 5.99
      2 569.80 1.419 1.98 78.71 80.69 3.96 7.43 0.50 11.88 4.46 2.97 7.43
      2 578.91 2.096 3.29 73.71 77.00 12.21 3.29 0.47 2.82 18.78 3.76 0.47 4.23
      2 588.32 1.978 8.73 56.00 64.73 1.09 12.00 4.00 0.36 10.55 28.00 3.27 4.00 7.27
      2 597.67 1.340 6.45 73.79 80.24 0.40 8.47 2.02 0.40 2.82 14.11 2.42 3.23 5.65
      2 603.87 1.459 10.19 63.02 73.21 1.13 9.06 2.26 9.06 21.51 4.91 0.38 5.28
      2 610.31 1.358 8.70 69.57 78.26 0.97 9.18 3.38 0.48 14.01 6.28 1.45 7.73
      2 619.62 1.319 10.50 74.89 85.39 5.02 1.37 4.11 10.50 0.91 3.20 4.11
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