Late Triassic Collision of Jinshajiang Suture Belt: Geochronological, Geochemical and Hf Isotope Evidences from Quartz Monzonite in Gonjo Area
摘要: 金沙江结合带是三江特提斯构造域重要的结合带之一,是研究金沙江古特提斯洋陆俯冲-碰撞演化过程的重要窗口.然而,关于金沙江古特提斯碰撞闭合的准确时限争议颇多.选择位于藏东地区金沙江结合带西侧的贡觉花岗岩体为研究对象,对其中大规模出露的石英二长岩进行了年代学、地球化学和Hf同位素分析.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示石英二长岩形成于231±1 Ma,代表了金沙江结合带晚三叠世岩浆活动事件.锆石Hf同位素分析获得石英二长岩锆石εHf(t)为-8.3~-5.5,二阶段模式年龄TDMC为1 611~1 788 Ma.岩石地球化学特征表明,石英二长岩为钾玄岩-高钾钙碱性系列的I型花岗岩,富集K、Th、Rb等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素.此外,地球化学特征显示石英二长岩形成于碰撞环境,贡觉地区在晚三叠世早期(~231 Ma)处于碰撞挤压向后碰撞伸展环境的转换阶段,石英二长岩为下地壳中基性变质火成岩部分熔融的产物.结合前人研究,认为金沙江古特提斯洋是由南向北逐渐闭合的,区域地质背景的差异性和古特提斯洋斜向碰撞的复杂性是导致金沙江结合带不同地区碰撞闭合时限不一致的主要原因.Abstract: As one of the important suture belts in the Sanjiang Tethyan tectonic domain, the Jinshajiang suture belt has long been the focus of study on the process of Paleo-Tethys ocean-continent subduction and collision. However, controversies remain about the exact time for the collision and closure of the Jinshajiang Paleo-Tethys. In this paper, the Gonjo granite body was selected as the research object, which is located on the west side of the Jinshajiang suture belt in the eastern Tibet. Based on the chronological, geochemical and Hf isotope analyses of the large-scale exposed quartz monzonite, the geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of the Gonjo granite body are revealed. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 231±1 Ma for the sample, indicating that quartz monzonite was emplaced in Late Triassic. Zircon from the quartz monzonite exhibits a narrow range of initial Hf isotope ratios (εHf(t)=-8.3 to -5.5), with corresponding TDMC of 1 611-1 788 Ma.Geochemical studies show that the quartz monzonite is typical I-type granite, belonging to shoshonite and high K calc-alkali series, enriched in Rb, Th, K, and LILEs, but depleted in Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and HFSEs. In addition, geochemical features show that the quartz monzonite was formed in the geological background of continent collision, suggesting that the Gonjo area was in a transition phase of syn-collision compressional to post-collisional extension stage in the Early Triassic (~231 Ma) and the quartz monzonite was a product of partial melting of lower crustal intermediate-basic igneous rocks. Combined with previous studies, it can be proposed that the Paleo-Tethys ocean of Jinshajiang suture was gradually closed from south to north, and the differences of regional geological background and the complexity of the Paleo-Tethys ocean oblique collision are the main reasons for the different collision-closure time of different regions of the Jinshajiang suture belt.
Key words:
- Jinshajiang suture belt /
- quartz monzonite /
- zircon U-Pb dating /
- Hf isotope /
- Late Triassic /
- Paleo-Tethys
图 1 三江地区大地构造单元划分简图(a)和贡觉地区金沙江结合带地质简图(b)
图a据Zi et al. (2012)修改;图b据Tang et al. (2020)修改
Fig. 1. Tectonic unit division of the Sanjiang areas (a) and sketch map of the Jinshajiang suture belt in the Gonjo area (b)
图 2 金沙江结合带西侧石英二长岩地质剖面图
剖面位置见图 1b
Fig. 2. Geologic profile of quartz monzonite on the west side of Jinshajiang suture belt
图 7 贡觉石英二长岩SiO2-K2O图解(a)和A/CNK-A/NK图解(b)
图a据Peccerillo and Taylor(1976);图b据Rickwood(1989)
Fig. 7. Diagrams of SiO2-K2O (a) and A/CNK-A/NK (b) for quartz monzonite
图 8 石英二长岩稀土元素配分模式(a)和微量元素蛛网图(b)
球粒陨石、原始地幔数据引自Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalized REE pattern (a) and primitive mantle-normalized trace element spider diagram (b) for quartz monzonite
图 9 石英二长岩ACF图解
据Nakada and Takahashi (1979). A=molar Al2O3+Fe2O3-(Na2O+K2O), C=molar CaO, F=molar FeO+MgO+MnO;A+C+F=100
Fig. 9. ACF classification diagram for the quartz monzonite
图 10 贡觉花岗岩体的成因判别图解
图a据Stern and Kilian(1996);图b~d据Kaygusuz et al.(2008)和Altherr and Siebel(2002)
Fig. 10. Discrimination diagrams of petrogenesis for the Gonjo granites
图 12 石英二长岩构造环境判别图解
据Pearce et al. (1984). Syn-CLOG.同碰撞花岗岩;Post-CLOG.后碰撞花岗岩;VAG.火山弧花岗岩;WPG.板内花岗岩;ORG.洋中脊花岗岩
Fig. 12. Discrimination diagrams of tectonic setting for the quartz monzonite
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