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    张拴宏 胡国辉 李建锋 肖昌浩 刘向冲 张琪琪 姚晓峰 刘福兴 王伟 陈正乐 张青

    张拴宏, 胡国辉, 李建锋, 肖昌浩, 刘向冲, 张琪琪, 姚晓峰, 刘福兴, 王伟, 陈正乐, 张青, 2020. 辽东白云-小佟家堡子矿集区控矿构造及成矿有利区预测. 地球科学, 45(11): 3885-3899. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.246
    引用本文: 张拴宏, 胡国辉, 李建锋, 肖昌浩, 刘向冲, 张琪琪, 姚晓峰, 刘福兴, 王伟, 陈正乐, 张青, 2020. 辽东白云-小佟家堡子矿集区控矿构造及成矿有利区预测. 地球科学, 45(11): 3885-3899. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.246
    Zhang Shuanhong, Hu Guohui, Li Jianfeng, Xiao Changhao, Liu Xiangchong, Zhang Qiqi, Yao Xiaofeng, Liu Fuxing, Wang Wei, Chen Zhengle, Zhang Qing, 2020. Ore-Controlling Structures and Metallogenic Favorable Area Prediction in Baiyun-Xiaotongjiabuzi Ore Concentration Area, Eastern Liaoning Province. Earth Science, 45(11): 3885-3899. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.246
    Citation: Zhang Shuanhong, Hu Guohui, Li Jianfeng, Xiao Changhao, Liu Xiangchong, Zhang Qiqi, Yao Xiaofeng, Liu Fuxing, Wang Wei, Chen Zhengle, Zhang Qing, 2020. Ore-Controlling Structures and Metallogenic Favorable Area Prediction in Baiyun-Xiaotongjiabuzi Ore Concentration Area, Eastern Liaoning Province. Earth Science, 45(11): 3885-3899. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.246


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.246

    国家重点研发计划课题 2018YFC0603802


      张拴宏(1974-), 男, 研究员, 从事区域地质、大地构造及前寒武纪地质学研究.ORCID:0000-0002-2177-9039.E-mail:tozhangshuanhong@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P54

    Ore-Controlling Structures and Metallogenic Favorable Area Prediction in Baiyun-Xiaotongjiabuzi Ore Concentration Area, Eastern Liaoning Province

    • 摘要: 白云-小佟家堡子矿集区是辽东青城子矿集区的重要组成部分之一,包括位于北部的白云(二道沟、三道沟)、荒甸子等大中型金矿床及位于南部的林家三道沟、小佟家堡子、杨树、桃源等大型或中小型金矿床,高家堡子、凤银大地、姜家沟等大中型银矿床.前人对该区成岩成矿时代及金-多金属成矿作用开展了大量的研究工作,但控矿构造研究相对薄弱.研究结果表明,北部白云-荒甸子矿区容(含)矿构造为近东-西走向,向南倾,倾角30°左右逆冲断裂带,沿走向延伸近8 km.该逆冲断裂带由主逆冲断层及与其近于平行的若干条逆冲断层组成,宽度可达200 m.主断层面下部地层产状陡,上部缓,明显切层;而上部逆冲断层则以顺层为主.断层面一般呈舒缓波状,缓倾部位为矿体富集区域.南部林家三道沟-小佟家堡子矿区容矿构造为总体向北倾的缓倾逆冲断层,延伸稳定,在盖县组碎屑岩与大石桥组上部大理岩硅-钙面上部碎屑岩中形成金矿体,而硅-钙面下部大理岩中则形成铅锌银矿体,不同矿区赋矿层位近于一致.NW走向的尖山子断裂是本区规模最大的陡倾断裂,长度超过13 km,并具有多期活动特征.该断裂早期以右行走滑为主,晚期为正断层,在成矿后还有明显活动,可能将白云-荒甸子矿区近东-西向容矿逆冲断裂带向南错移至扈家堡子-马隈子北-毛甸子一带,最大错断距离达6 km.根据对白云-小佟家堡子矿集区控矿构造及赋矿层位的综合分析,结合成矿后断裂活动的改造,提出了白云-荒甸子矿区以南和小佟家堡子金矿-风银大地银矿2个深部成矿有利区及扈家堡子-马隈子北-毛甸子和桃源村以南2个外围成矿有利区.


    • 图  1  白云‒小佟家堡子矿集区地质图


      Fig.  1.  Geological map of the Baiyun-Xiaotongjiabuzi ore concentration area

      图  2  白云-冯家堡子废弃采坑内近E-W向容矿逆冲断层及其内含矿石英脉

      Fig.  2.  East-west striking ore-hosting thrust faults and gold-bearing quartz veins in the mining pits from Baiyun to Fengjiabuzi

      图  3  白云三道沟容矿逆冲断层分支现象

      Fig.  3.  Branch structures of the ore-hosting thrust fault in Sandaogou, Baiyun

      图  4  白云-荒甸子金矿区周边近E-W向主逆冲断层面下盘陡倾片岩及含砂质条带状大理岩

      Fig.  4.  Steep dipping schists and marbles at the footwall of the east-west striking ore-hosting thrust fault system (main surface) near Baiyun-Huangdianzi ore deposits

      图  5  横穿白云三道沟-桃源铅锌矿示意性剖面图

      Fig.  5.  Sketch cross section from Sandaogou, Baiyuan to Taoyuan Pb-Zn ore deposit

      图  6  白云三道沟含矿逆冲断层

      Fig.  6.  Wave-like surface of the ore-hosting thrust fault in Sandaogou, Baiyun

      图  7  白云-小佟家堡子矿集区含矿断裂带内炭质断层泥及炭质片岩(或石墨)

      Fig.  7.  Carbonaceous-rich gouge and schist (or graphite) within the ore-hosting faults in the Baiyun-Xiaotongjiabuzi ore concentration area

      图  8  白云金矿区废弃采坑近E-W走向容矿逆冲断层被近S-N向断层右行错断

      Fig.  8.  Right-lateral movement of the east-west stiking ore-hosting thrust fault by the south-north striking post-metallogenic fault

      图  9  白云二道沟坑道不同中段矿体平面图

      Fig.  9.  Planes of ore bodies in different mining levels from Erdaogou, Baiyuan ore deposit

      图  10  横穿小佟家堡子-桃源村示意性剖面图

      Fig.  10.  Sketch cross section from Taoyuan Village to Xiaotongjiabuzi

      图  11  尖山子断裂及其运动学标志

      Fig.  11.  Field photographs of Jianshanzi fault and its kinematic indicators

      图  12  荒甸子村北大石桥组近直立大理岩内NW向断裂面上指示早期右行走滑及晚期正断的擦痕和阶步

      Fig.  12.  Slickenside and steps showing early dextral strike-slip and late normal movements in NW-striking high angle fault surfaces in marbles of Dashiqiao Formation from north Huangdianzi Village

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