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    梁明剑 黄飞鹏 孙凯 张会平 吴微微 张佳伟 杜方 周文英

    梁明剑, 黄飞鹏, 孙凯, 张会平, 吴微微, 张佳伟, 杜方, 周文英, 2022. 巴颜喀拉块体内部五道梁-长沙贡玛断裂中段全新世活动及最新古地震证据. 地球科学, 47(3): 766-778. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.044
    引用本文: 梁明剑, 黄飞鹏, 孙凯, 张会平, 吴微微, 张佳伟, 杜方, 周文英, 2022. 巴颜喀拉块体内部五道梁-长沙贡玛断裂中段全新世活动及最新古地震证据. 地球科学, 47(3): 766-778. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.044
    Liang Mingjian, Huang Feipeng, Sun Kai, Zhang Huiping, Wu Weiwei, Zhang Jiawei, Du Fang, Zhou Wenying, 2022. The Holocene Activity and Its Evidence from Paleoearthquake of the Middle Segment of Wudaoliang-Changshagongma Fault Inside the Bayan Har Block. Earth Science, 47(3): 766-778. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.044
    Citation: Liang Mingjian, Huang Feipeng, Sun Kai, Zhang Huiping, Wu Weiwei, Zhang Jiawei, Du Fang, Zhou Wenying, 2022. The Holocene Activity and Its Evidence from Paleoearthquake of the Middle Segment of Wudaoliang-Changshagongma Fault Inside the Bayan Har Block. Earth Science, 47(3): 766-778. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.044


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.044

    地震动力学国家重点实验室开放基金课题 LED2020B02

    西藏拉萨地球物理国家野外科学观测站研究课题 NORSLS21-04

    四川省地震局地震科技专项项目 LY2216

    四川省地震局地震科技专项项目 LY2217




      张会平,ORCID:0000-0002-3042-4301.E-mail: huiping@ies.ac.cn

    • 中图分类号: P65

    The Holocene Activity and Its Evidence from Paleoearthquake of the Middle Segment of Wudaoliang-Changshagongma Fault Inside the Bayan Har Block

    • 摘要:

      为揭示巴颜喀拉块体内部构造变形特征,基于地震地质调查和新年代学方法研究了五道梁-长沙贡玛中段的最新活动性.地质地貌和探槽揭露的证据显示,五道梁-长沙贡玛断裂中段为全新世活动的左旋走滑断裂,也表明其作为巴颜喀拉块体内部的主干断裂之一,具有孕育和发生强震的构造条件.该断裂中段的最晚一次古地震事件发生在(4 409~4 225)a BP之后,距今可能超过千年;而且近两年来断裂中东段小震活动频繁,2020年4月1日发生了5.6级中强地震,其未来的地震危险性需引起关注.


    • 图  1  巴颜喀拉块体中东部主要活动断裂及地震活动分布

      断裂数据修改自徐锡伟等(2016);GPS数据引自Wang and Shen(2020);紫色实线框为研究断裂段范围

      Fig.  1.  Distribution of main active faults and seismic activity in the middle-eastern part of the Bayan Har block

      图  2  五道梁‒长沙贡玛断裂中段展布

      底图数据采用ALOS 12.5 m的DEM数据

      Fig.  2.  Distribution of the middle segment of the Wudaoliang-Changshagongma fault

      图  3  五道梁‒长沙贡玛断裂新活动行迹

      a.为哈曲巴玛沟以西,长沙贡玛盆地北缘的五道梁‒长沙断裂中段构造地貌;b.哈曲尕玛沟附近一带的断裂中段构造地貌;底图为Google Earth影像

      Fig.  3.  New active trails of the Wudaoliang-Changshagongma fault

      图  4  阿日扎镇约达村一带断裂剖面与Ⅱ级阶地的砂砾石层变形


      Fig.  4.  The fault profile of the Wudaoliang-Changshagongma fault and the deformation of the gravel layer of the Ⅱ-level terrace near Yueda Village, Arizha Town

      图  5  火然村北部的断层槽谷与断层陡坎地貌

      a.俄布绒河出山口西侧,断裂发育于古近系砂砾岩与三叠系板岩、变质砂岩之间;b. 俄布绒河出山口东,山前洪积扇上形成的断层陡坎及坎下发育沼泽带

      Fig.  5.  Fault landforms near the north of the Huoran Village

      图  6  掀日玛沟口一带的断层陡坎地貌

      a.掀日玛沟口附近洪积扇上形成高约0.3~0.6 m的反向陡坎;b.照片远处见断裂发育于砖红色古近系砂砾岩与三叠系变质砂岩之间,近处断裂在洪积扇上形成高约1.6 m的断层陡坎

      Fig.  6.  The fault scarp landforms near the mouth of Xianrimagou river

      图  7  哈曲巴玛沟口西山前洪积扇上的断层陡坎地貌

      a.断裂在哈曲巴玛沟口西的山前冲洪积扇分为多支次级断层;b.断裂在最新一期冲洪积扇上形成高约0.6 m的断层陡坎

      Fig.  7.  The fault scarp landforms on the alluvial fan in the east of the Haqubama river

      图  8  哈曲巴玛沟口西山前洪积扇的挤压脊与断塞塘

      Fig.  8.  The contrusion ridge and sag pond developed on the alluvial fan near the mouth of the Haqubama river

      图  9  哈曲巴玛沟东山前洪积扇上的断层陡坎

      a.哈曲巴玛沟东的宽断层槽谷中发育有高约0.2~0.4 m的反向小陡坎,可能为最新一次地震活动所形成;b.洪积扇上形成的断层线性陡坎

      Fig.  9.  The fault scarps developed on the alluvial fan near the mouth of the Haqubama river

      图  10  冲沟被断裂水平位错约10.5 m

      a. 哈曲巴玛沟口东山前洪积扇上见一冲沟被断裂左旋位错约10.5 m;b.洪积扇的取样照片和地层剖面

      Fig.  10.  A gully was dislated by the fault with a horizontal displacement of about 10.5 m

      图  11  火然村北山前洪积扇跨断层陡坎开挖2个探槽


      Fig.  11.  Two trenches were excavated across the fault scarp on the alluvial fan in the northern of the Huoran Village

      图  12  探槽TC1南东壁照片及解释剖面

      Fig.  12.  Photograph and interpretation section of the south-eastern wall of trench TC1

      图  13  探槽TC1南东壁断层F2的局部特征

      Fig.  13.  Photograph showing the characteristic of the F2 that revealed in the south-eastern wall of trench TC1

      图  14  探槽TC2北西壁照片及解释剖面

      Fig.  14.  Photograph and interpretation section of the north-western wall of trench TC2

      图  15  探槽TC2揭露的标志层被断错的局部照片

      Fig.  15.  The partial photo showing the mark layer U3-1 were dislocated by the F2 that reveal in the trench TC2

      表  1  年代样品测试结果

      Table  1.   The results of the chronological samples

      取样编号 实验室编号 样品描述 δ13C(‰) 测试年龄(a BP) 校正年龄(a BP)
      WC-C14-01 Beta-607296 炭屑 ‒24.4 3 840±30 4 405~4 220
      WCTC-C14-01 Beta-607291 炭屑 ‒20.4 12 430±40 15 052~14 782
      WCTC-C14-06 Beta-607292 炭屑 ‒23.4 3 830±30 4 409~4 225
      下载: 导出CSV
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