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    张永双 李金秋 任三绍 吴瑞安 毕俊擘

    张永双, 李金秋, 任三绍, 吴瑞安, 毕俊擘, 2022. 川藏交通廊道黏土化蚀变岩发育特征及其对大型滑坡的促滑作用. 地球科学, 47(6): 1945-1956. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.155
    引用本文: 张永双, 李金秋, 任三绍, 吴瑞安, 毕俊擘, 2022. 川藏交通廊道黏土化蚀变岩发育特征及其对大型滑坡的促滑作用. 地球科学, 47(6): 1945-1956. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.155
    Zhang Yongshuang, Li Jinqiu, Ren Sanshao, Wu Ruian, Bi Junbo, 2022. Development Characteristics of Clayey Altered Rocks in the Sichuan-Tibet Traffic Corridor and Their Promotion to Large-Scale Landslides. Earth Science, 47(6): 1945-1956. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.155
    Citation: Zhang Yongshuang, Li Jinqiu, Ren Sanshao, Wu Ruian, Bi Junbo, 2022. Development Characteristics of Clayey Altered Rocks in the Sichuan-Tibet Traffic Corridor and Their Promotion to Large-Scale Landslides. Earth Science, 47(6): 1945-1956. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.155


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.155

    国家自然科学基金项目 41941017

    国家自然科学基金项目 41731287

    中央院所基本科研业务费项目 SK202109



    • 中图分类号: P642

    Development Characteristics of Clayey Altered Rocks in the Sichuan-Tibet Traffic Corridor and Their Promotion to Large-Scale Landslides

    • 摘要: 黏土化蚀变岩是在岩浆期后热液作用或后期水热作用下形成的具有不良工程地质性质的特殊地质体.在野外调查、黏土矿物测试和物理力学试验分析的基础上,阐述了川藏交通廊道黏土化蚀变岩的形成条件、区域分布特征、地质特征及蚀变程度的判据,以白格滑坡为例揭示了黏土化蚀变岩对大型滑坡的促滑作用.结果表明,黏土化蚀变岩的区域分布受活动断裂、热液作用和地层岩性控制,常沿侵入岩脉、断裂带、岩浆岩节理密集带、侵入岩体与其他岩层的接触带等部位发育,其蚀变程度按蚀变系数可划分为微蚀变、弱蚀变、中等蚀变和强蚀变4个等级,在干湿交替和松弛条件下极易发生崩解、软化,中等-强蚀变的岩体抗剪强度低.黏土化蚀变岩对滑坡的促滑作用主要体现在强度弱化效应、岩体结构劣化效应及失稳滞后效应3个方面,是促进构造混杂岩带深切河谷斜坡失稳、形成大型滑坡不可忽视的重要因素.


    • 图  1  川藏交通廊道地质略图


      Fig.  1.  Geological map of Sichuan-Tibet traffic corridor

      图  2  川藏交通廊道黏土化蚀变岩的区域分布特征

      Fig.  2.  Regional distribution characteristics of clayey altered rocks in Sichuan⁃Tibet traffic corridor

      图  3  不同类型黏土化蚀变岩的宏观产出特征


      Fig.  3.  Macroscopic characteristics of different types of clayey altered rocks

      图  4  黏土化蚀变岩 < 5 μm粘粒的XRD定量测试结果

      ①天然样品;②乙二醇处理样品;③550 ℃加热处理样品

      Fig.  4.  Oriented X⁃ray diffractograms of < 5 μm clay fraction in clayey altered rocks

      图  5  黏土化蚀变岩吸水率与抗压强度的关系曲线(据魏伟等, 2012数据编绘)

      Fig.  5.  Relationship between water absorption and compressive strength of clayey altered rock (data from Wei et al., 2012)

      图  6  典型黏土化蚀变岩的蚀变程度判别图

      A.强蚀变; B.中等蚀变; C.弱蚀变; D.微蚀变;Ⅰ.非膨胀; Ⅱ.微膨胀; Ⅲ.弱膨胀; Ⅳ.强膨胀; Ⅴ.剧膨胀

      Fig.  6.  Discrimination diagram of alteration degree of typical clayey altered rock

      图  7  白格滑坡后壁及黏土化蚀变岩滑带土特征


      Fig.  7.  Characteristics of back wall of Baige landslide and sliding zone soil composed of clayey altered rock

      图  8  环剪试验后的试样剪切面形态和微观结构特征


      Fig.  8.  Morphology of the shear surface and microstructure of the specimen after the ring shear test

      图  9  含砾黏土与黏土化蚀变岩抗剪强度对比

      Fig.  9.  Comparison of the shearing strength between gravel⁃bearing clay and clayey altered rock

      图  10  不同类型结构面的强度包络线示意

      Fig.  10.  Schematic diagram of the strength envelopes

      图  11  黏土化蚀变岩崩解试验照片

      Fig.  11.  Photographs of disintegration test of clayey altered rock

      图  12  黏土化蚀变岩耐崩解指数-循环次数关系曲线

      Fig.  12.  Relationship curve between the disintegration resistance index and the number of cycles of clayey altered rock

      图  13  不同含水量黏土化蚀变岩滑带土的环剪试验曲线


      Fig.  13.  Ring shear test curves of sliding zone soil composed of clayey altered rock with different water contents

      表  1  黏土化蚀变岩的粘土矿物组成及蚀变系数实验结果

      Table  1.   Test results of clay composition and alteration coefficient of clayey altered rocks in Sichuan-Tibet traffic corridor

      编号 采样地点 蚀变岩颜色 粘土矿物相对含量(%) I/S混层比(%) 粘粒组成(mm·%) 蚀变系数(ζ)
      S I/S I K C < 0.005 < 0.002
      BGS-01 白格滑坡上游 灰色 - - 97 3 2 - 27.8 20.8 0.71
      BGS-02 白格滑坡后缘 灰色 - 4 22 - 74 90 10.0 5.9 0.65
      BG01-01 白格滑坡滑带土 灰色 - 36 55 4 5 53 22.0 13.6 0.85
      BG01-02 白格滑坡滑带土 灰色 - 4 22 - 74 90 8.7 5.4 0.64
      BS-01 八宿县城东侧 灰绿色 - - 96 2 2 8.4 6.4 0.68
      BS-02 八宿县城东侧 土黄色 56 - 23 4 17 11.4 8.9 0.72
      TMDA-01 巴塘金沙江右岸 褐黄色 9 26 46 5 14 81 20.3 15.4 0.75
      NJ-01 同卡镇怒江大桥 棕黄色 67* - - - - 6.4 5.4 0.44
      JSJ-01 绒盖乡金沙江左岸 灰色 - 12 76 12 - 40 - - -
      JSJ-02 绒盖乡金沙江左岸 灰色 24 34 - 36 6 67 28.6 18.7 0.76
      下载: 导出CSV
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