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    曹涛涛 刘虎 肖娟宜 潘安阳 邓模

    曹涛涛, 刘虎, 肖娟宜, 潘安阳, 邓模, 2024. 茂名盆地油柑窝组油页岩古环境恢复与有机质聚集机制. 地球科学, 49(4): 1367-1384. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.260
    引用本文: 曹涛涛, 刘虎, 肖娟宜, 潘安阳, 邓模, 2024. 茂名盆地油柑窝组油页岩古环境恢复与有机质聚集机制. 地球科学, 49(4): 1367-1384. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.260
    Cao Taotao, Liu Hu, Xiao Juanyi, Pan Anyang, Deng Mo, 2024. Paleoenviromental Reconstruction and Organic Matter Accumulation Mechanism for Youganwo Formation Oil Shale in Maoming Basin. Earth Science, 49(4): 1367-1384. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.260
    Citation: Cao Taotao, Liu Hu, Xiao Juanyi, Pan Anyang, Deng Mo, 2024. Paleoenviromental Reconstruction and Organic Matter Accumulation Mechanism for Youganwo Formation Oil Shale in Maoming Basin. Earth Science, 49(4): 1367-1384. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.260


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.260

    国家自然科学基金项目 41802163

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      曹涛涛(1987-),男,副教授,博士,主要从事非常规油气地质与地球化学评价研究. ORCID:0000-0003-2900-8690. E-mail:515165359@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P595

    Paleoenviromental Reconstruction and Organic Matter Accumulation Mechanism for Youganwo Formation Oil Shale in Maoming Basin

    • 摘要: 查明油页岩的形成背景和高品质油页岩形成机制是开展油页岩原位改造的基础工作.利用有机碳、主微量元素、稀土元素、生物标志物等地球化学方法,对茂名盆地油柑窝组油页岩的沉积环境进行恢复并探讨了有机质聚集机制.结果表明,茂名盆地油柑窝组全段油页岩均富有机质,底部为薄层碳质页岩、砂岩和褐煤层段.Mo含量、Ba/Al、Babio和生物标志物特征表明油柑窝组具有很高的初级生产力,油柑窝组存在间断性的“藻类勃发”现象;V/(V+Ni)、Ceanom、Th/U、草莓体黄铁矿颗粒大小和Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18交汇图表明了沉积水体处于缺氧还原环境;Sr/Cu、Rb/Sr和气候指数C指示油柑窝组为温暖湿润的古气候条件;Sr/Ba、Ba/Ga、Ca/(Fe+Ca)、Al2O3/MgO以及伽马蜡烷等特征反映了古湖泊水体为淡水;Zr/Al、Rb/K和MnO含量指示为半深湖-深湖沉积环境.通过各指标与TOC含量之间的相关性分析,认为温暖湿润气候和淡水环境为藻类的繁盛提供了良好的环境,具备很高的初级生产力,直接影响了油页岩的品质和发育特征,具有丰富有机质来源的表层生产力是油页岩形成的首要条件,缺氧还原的半深湖-深湖环境有利于沉积有机质堆积和保存,是有机质聚集的促进因素.综合各因素,提出了茂名盆地油柑窝组优质油页岩有机质的聚集模式.


    • 图  1  茂名盆地构造地质简图


      Fig.  1.  Simplified structural geological map of the Maoming basin

      图  2  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩有机质垂向变化特征

      Fig.  2.  Vertical variations of organic matter characterisitcs of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  3  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩TOC-S2交汇图

      Fig.  3.  Crossplot of TOC and S2 of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  4  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩有机质类型判识

      Fig.  4.  Organic matter type identification of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  5  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩矿物组成及形态特征

      Fig.  5.  Mineral compositions and morphological characteristics of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  6  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩主量及微量元素的平均富集系数

      Fig.  6.  Average enrichment coefficient of major and trace elements of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  7  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩稀土元素北美页岩(a)和球粒陨石(b)配分模式图

      Fig.  7.  Normal distributed pattern of REE normalized to NASC (a) and chondrite (b) of Youganwo Formation in MY1 well

      图  8  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩古生产力和古氧化还原指标垂向变化

      Fig.  8.  Vertical variations of paleoproductivity and paleo-redox indexes of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  9  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩饱和烃气相色谱图

      Fig.  9.  Gas chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbon of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  10  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩草莓体黄铁矿分布特征

      Fig.  10.  Distribution characteristics of pyrite framboids of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  11  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18交汇图

      Fig.  11.  Crossplot of Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 of Youganwo Formation oil shale in MY1 well

      图  12  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩古气候和古盐度指标垂向变化

      Fig.  12.  Vertical variations of paleoclimate and paleosalinity indexes of Youganwo Foramtion oil shale in MY1 well

      图  13  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩古盐度与古气候相关性

      Fig.  13.  Correlations of paleosalinity with paleoclimate parameters for Youganwo oil shale in MY1 well

      图  14  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩古盐度(a~c) 和古气候(d~f) 指标与TOC相关性

      Fig.  14.  Correlations of paleosalinity (a-c) and paleoclimate (d-f) parameters with TOC for Youganwo oil shale in MY1 well

      图  15  茂页1井油柑窝组油页岩古生产力(a~c) 和古氧化还原(d~f) 指标与TOC相关性

      Fig.  15.  Correlations of paleoproducitivity (a-c) and paleo-redox (d-f) parameters with TOC for Youganwo oil shale in MY1 well

      图  16  茂名盆地油柑窝组有机质富集模式


      Fig.  16.  Organic matter enrichment pattern of Youganwo Formation in Maoming basin

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