Analogue Modeling of Structural Deformation of Tongnanba Anticline in Mesozoic and Cenozoic, NE Sichuan Basin
摘要: 通南巴背斜位于四川盆地东北部,紧邻北部米仓山和东北部大巴山两大造山带,开展通南巴背斜与不同造山带、川东北先存古隆起的时空耦合关系物理模拟研究,对于约束周缘造山带的构造变形时间和区域构造变形时序具有重要的科学意义,同时对川东北油气勘探也有指导作用.初始模型中,设计了北部推板和东北部推板分别代表米仓山和大巴山造山带的活动;下部硅胶层和上部石英砂层分别代表三叠系底部膏盐岩和上覆砂岩为主的碎屑岩;随着油气勘探的深入,川东北古生代隆起被逐渐接受,在模型底部用橡皮泥预制条带状构造代表古隆起.实验结果表明,北部推板挤压过程形成的速度场快速传递到橡皮泥(代表先存古隆起)之上的石英砂中,形成北东向的褶皱和断裂;东北部推板挤压过程形成的弧形构造带呈北西向展布,叠加在早期北东向构造上.通过梳理周缘造山带的隆升历史,并结合本次模拟实验结果,认为燕山期米仓山构造活动与古生代北东向隆起共同控制通南巴早期北东向构造的形成,燕山晚期和喜山期大巴山活动形成一系列北西向构造叠加在通南巴早期北东向构造之上,控制通南巴背斜须家河组北东向和北西向两组断裂-裂缝系统的形成.Abstract: Tongnanba anticline is located in the Northeast Sichuan basin, which is adjacent to the Micangshan Mountain to the north and Dabashan Mountain to the northeast. Conducting analogue modeling on tectonic relationships between Tongnanba anticline with surrounding mountains and paleo-uplift has important significance for constraining orogenic tectonic deformation time and sequences in the region, and also has importance significance for oil and gas exploration. In the model, shortening from north and northeast represents Micangshan Mountain and Dabashan Mountain, respectively. Lower silicone and upper sand are used to represent salts of Leikoupo Formation in Triassic and upper clastic rocks, respectively. The plasticene in the model acts as uplift developed in Paleozoic in NE Sichuan basin, which is widely accepted.Experiment results show that during compression from north moving wall, velocity vectors rapidly transferred to plasticene, which representing paleo-uplift, to form NE fold and thrust. During compression from northeast moving wall, NW trend arc-shape structures were formed imposing on the earlier formed NE trend structure. Combining with earlier reports on evolution histories, it makes conclusions that the evolution of Tongnanba anticline was controlled by surrounding Micang and Daba orogenic belts to form tectonic superposition of earlier NE trend structures and later NW trend structures. While, the Paleozoic NE trend uplift in NE Sichuan basin also controlled the orientation of Tongnanba anticline.
Key words:
- NE Sichuan basin /
- Tongnanba anticline /
- uplift /
- analogue modeling /
- tectonic evolution /
- structural geology
图 1 川东北及周缘地质简图(据李智武,2006;文竹等,2013修改)
Fig. 1. Geological map of NE Sichuan basin and surrounding areas (modified after Li et al., 2006; Wen et al., 2013)
图 2 川东北地层综合柱状图(据李岩峰,2005;陈龙博,2015修改)
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column of NE Sichuan basin (modified after Li, 2005; Chen, 2015)
图 3 川东北地区北西向构造大剖面(a)和通南巴背斜北东向地质结构大剖面(b)(据陈龙博,2015修改)
剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 3. Section A-A' (a) and B-B' (b) in NE Sichuan basin (modified after Chen, 2015)
图 10 通南巴背斜及周缘三叠系断裂分布(据刘昭茜等,2019修改)
Fig. 10. The distribution of faults in the Triassic, NE Sichuan basin (modified afterLiu et al., 2019)
图 12 M3须家河组井成像测井及岩心(a);M2井须家河组裂缝玫瑰花图及柱状图(b);M3井须家河组裂缝玫瑰花图及柱状图(c)
Fig. 12. The imaging log and rock samples of Triassic Xujiahe Formation in well M3 (a); the trend-rose diagram and histogram of fractures of Triassic Xujiahe Formation in well M2 (b); the trend-rose diagram and histogram of fractures of Triassic Xujiahe Formation in well M2 (c)
表 1 实验材料物理参数及模型相似比
Table 1. Analogue material properties and scaling ratios of the model
类别 l(m) g(m·s-2) ρ1 (kg·m-3) ρ2 (kg·m-3) μ(Pa·s) α(Pa) ε(s-1) 模型 1.0×10-2 9.8 1 300 987 1.2×104 α*=ρ* g* l* ε*=α*/μ* 自然界 5.0×103 9.8 2 400 2 200 1.0×1019 模型/自然界 2.0×10-6 1.0 0.54 0.45 1.2×10-15 1.08×10-6 8.3×108 注:l.长度;g.重力加速度;ρ1.脆性材料的密度;ρ2.塑性材料的密度;μ.黏度;α.应力;ε.应变速率;*.该参数实验模型与自然界的比值 -
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