Petrogenesis and Geological Significance of Newly Discovered Alkaline Rhyolite in Baerzhe Rare Metal Deposit, Inner Mongolia
摘要: 为查明在内蒙古巴尔哲超大型稀有稀土金属矿区新发现的碱性流纹岩岩石成因,及其与碱性花岗岩成矿岩体、以及邻区阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩的成因联系,开展了锆石U-Pb定年、矿物学和全岩地球化学研究.结果表明,巴尔哲碱性流纹岩喷发年龄为124.4±1.6 Ma,明显年轻于阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩(141 Ma),代表了大兴安岭中南段早白垩世新一期碱性火山岩活动.巴尔哲和阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩具有较高的SiO2、碱金属、TFe2O3、F和较低的Al2O3含量,均归属于钠闪碱流岩.两者均富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素(HFSE),含有较高的Rb、Th、U和极低的Ba、Sr含量.另外,两者具有相同的全岩Nd同位素组成,εNd(t)值分别为1.6和1.7~1.8.因此,巴尔哲和阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩均为新生地壳部分熔融的产物.巴尔哲碱性流纹岩与碱性花岗岩成矿岩体形成时代和同位素组成均一致,应属同一岩浆体系不同演化阶段的产物.鉴于火山岩出露范围更广,碱性火山岩可以作为深部稀有稀土金属矿床的重要地质找矿标志,并指出阿里乌拉地区具有该类金属矿产较好的找矿潜力.Abstract: To decipher the petrogenesis of the newly discovered alkaline rhyolite in the Baerzhe giant rare metal deposit in Inner Mongolia, and its genetic relationship with the ore⁃related peralkaline granite and Aliwula alkaline rhyolite from the adjacent area, in this research it carried out high spatial resolution LA-SF-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating, mineralogical and whole⁃rock geochemical studies. The results show that the eruption age of the Baerzhe alkaline rhyolite is 124.4±1.6 Ma, which is obviously younger than that of the Aliwula alkaline rhyolite(141 Ma), which represents a new stage of alkaline volcanic activity in the middle-southern section of the Great Xing'an Range during the Early Cretaceous. The Baerzhe and Aliwula alkaline rhyolites have high SiO2, alkali metals, TFe2O3, F and low Al2O3 contents, and belong to comendites. Both are rich in light rare earth elements (LREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf, and contain high Rb, Th, U and extremely low Ba and Sr contents. In addition, both have the same whole-rock Nd isotopic composition, with εNd(t) values of 1.6 and 1.7-1.8, respectively. Therefore, both Baerzhe and Aliwula alkaline rhyolites are the products of partial melting of the juvenile lower crust. The Baerzhe alkaline rhyolite and ore⁃related peralkaline granite have the same formation age and isotope composition, and are different products of same, evolving magmatic system. Given the wider exposure range of volcanic rocks, alkaline volcanic rocks can be used as an important geological prospecting indicator for the underlying rare metal deposits, and it is pointed out that Aliwula area has a good prospecting potential for such deposits.
Key words:
- Baerzhe /
- Aliwula /
- rare metal deposit /
- alkaline volcanic rock /
- Great Xing'an Range /
- ore deposit geology
图 1 中国东北地区构造纲要图(a);大兴安岭中南段晚中生代火山岩分布图(b); 巴尔哲矿区地质简图(c);阿里乌拉地质简图(d)
图a据Wu et al.(2011)修改;图b据Zhang et al.(2010)修改;图c据Yang et al.(2020)修改;图d据王建国等(2013)修改. F0.蒙古-鄂霍茨克缝合带;F1.塔源-喜桂图断裂;F2.贺根山-黑河断裂;F3.索伦-西拉穆伦-长春断裂;F4.赤峰-开源断裂;F5.伊通-伊兰断裂;F6.敦化-米山断裂;F7.牡丹江断裂;NCC.华北克拉通
Fig. 1. Tectonic subdivisions of Northeast China (a); distribution of Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the central and southern sections of the Great Xing'an Range (b); simplified geological map of the Baerzhe deposit (c); simplified geological map of the Aliwula area (d)
图 2 碱性流纹岩手标本及镜下照片
a.巴尔哲碱性流纹岩手标本;b.巴尔哲碱性流纹岩镜下聚晶结构(透射光);c.巴尔哲尔碱性流纹岩中碱性角闪石斑晶背散射(BSE)图像;d.巴尔哲碱性流纹岩基质针状碱性角闪石流纹结构;e.巴尔哲碱性流纹岩石英斑晶中的氟化物包裹体(透射光);f.阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩与安山岩互层;g.阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩镜下聚晶结构(透射光);h.阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩针状碱性角闪石(反射光). 缩写:M-Amp.基质碱性角闪石;Pth.条纹长石;Amp.碱性角闪石斑晶/聚晶;Qtz.石英;Fl.氟化物
Fig. 2. Photos of hand specimens of alkaline rhyolite and related microphotographs
图 5 巴尔哲与阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩球粒陨石标准化稀土模式配分图(a)和原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图(b)
图a据Le Bas et al.(1986)修改;图b据Macdonald(1974)修改.阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩已发表数据王建国等(2013)
Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element pattern (a), and primitive mantle-normalized trace element spidergram (b) of Baerzhe and Aliwula alkaline rhyolites
图 9 巴尔哲801岩体、碱性流纹岩与阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩锆石年龄对比
巴尔哲801碱性花岗岩年龄引自Yang et al.(2013,2020)和丘志力等(2014);阿里乌拉碱性流纹岩年龄王建国等(2013)
Fig. 9. Comparison of zircon ages of Baerzhe 801 pluton and alkaline rhyolite, and of Aliwula alkaline rhyolite
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